require "thor"
require "vim_printer"
require "html2pdf"
require "pdfs2pdf"
require "agile_utils"
require_relative "source2pdf"
module Source2Pdf
class CLI < Thor
desc "export", "Export a given Git's project or a local project to a single pdf file"
method_option "url",
aliases: "-u",
desc: "The full url of the git project to be cloned or local project directory (mandatory)",
required: true
method_option "exts",
type: :array,
aliases: "-e",
desc: "The list of file extension to be exported (mandatory)",
required: true
method_option "non_exts",
type: :array,
aliases: "-f",
desc: "The list of file without extension to be exported (optional)",
default: []
method_option "theme",
type: :string,
aliases: "-t",
desc: "The theme to be used with vim_printer (optional)",
default: "default"
method_option "output_name",
type: :string,
aliases: "-o",
desc: "The output filename (optional)"
def export
#opts = options.symbolize_keys(options)
opts = options
exporter = opts[:url],
exts: opts[:exts],
non_exts: opts[:non_exts],
theme: opts[:theme],
output_name: opts[:output_name]
desc "usage", "Display help screen"
def usage
puts <<-EOS
$source2pdf -u, --url=URL -e, --exts=EXT1 EXT2 EXT3 -t, --theme=theme_name -o, --output-name=output_file.pdf
# Export the *.rb from the given repository
$source2pdf -u -e rb
# Export the *.rb and also 'Gemfile' from a 'source2pdf' directory
# Note: this directory must be directly below the current directory
$source2pdf -u source2pdf -e rb -f Gemfile
# Same as previous command with the 'solarized' instead of 'default' colorscheme
$source2pdf -u source2pdf -e rb -f Gemfile -t solarized
-u, --url=URL # The full url of the git repository to be cloned OR local directory name
-e, --exts=EXT1 EXT2 EXT3 .. # The list of extension names to be exported
# e.g. -e md rb java
-f, [--non-exts=one two three] # The list of file without extension to be exported
# e.g. -f Gemfile LICENSE
-t, [--theme=theme_name] # The theme/colorscheme to be used with vim_printer see :help :colorscheme from inside Vim
# default: 'default'
# e.g. -t solarized
-o, [--output-name=output.pdf] # The output pdf filename (will default to 'repository_name'.pdf)
# e.g. -o repository_name.pdf
Export a given Git's repository or a local project directory to a single pdf file
default_task :usage