# ********************************************************************* # HOW TO SET IT UP -- sample-milia-app # ********************************************************************* # # NOTE: this is now an archivial copy of instructions for creating an # app with rails/milia/devise. After v1.0.0-beta-3, all of this is now # implemented using generators. But this is a reference for how to # do everything manually, as of v1.1.0 # # ********************************************************************* # This is a capture of everything I did to create a sample app for milia. # There's enough brief comments for anyone to follow step-by-step. # It is based on my dev environment which is Ubuntu 14.04 on a PC. YMMV. # # The "app" itself is merely a simple barebones structure to display # an index page, require sign-in to do anything else, has a sign-up # page for starting a new organization (ie tenant), a way to send # invitations to other members, and a single tenanted model to prove # that tenanting is working. # # you can see an exact copy of the sample on github: # https://github.com/dsaronin/sample-milia-app # # ********************************************************************* # RESOURCES # ********************************************************************* # doc/sample.sh -- this document will ALWAYS be the most recent # (for example in the edge branch: "newdev") # github.com/milia/wiki/sample-milia-app-tutorial # this should be the same as the sample.sh doc for the current # stable release (or last beta version); but markdown formatted # https://github.com/dsaronin/milia/wiki/sample-milia-app-tutorial # milia README: # this will be the knowledgable programmer's digest of the essentials # and thus it won't cover some of the intricacies of actually # implementing milia: either the tutorial or sample.sh will do that # # ********************************************************************* # FEEDBACK # ********************************************************************* # If you run into difficulties while following the steps here, # please be sure to reference the LINE NUMBER of the point at which # had a problem, as well as any output from that step. # BUT (caveat) # if you've gone commando and been making changes & enhancements OR # have been trying to roll out a full app, you're more or less on your # own. I strongly recommend experimenting with milia first in this # simple format, get it working, then ADD in increasing layers of # complexity and difficulty. Trying to make too many changes at once # is a recipe for difficulty in troubleshooting. # ********************************************************************* # NOTES # ********************************************************************* # Although this file has a ".sh" extension, it isn't fully executable # as a shell script. There are just too many things you'll have to # to do to help things along. # 1. Instructions for you to do things are in comments; # things you should type or cut&paste, are not. # commands preceded by a "$" prompt indicate shell level command. # commands preceded by a ">" prompt indicate some other program command. # in either case, don't type the prompt as part of the command! # 2. I've bracketed groups of text to be edited/added to a file # with the following style: # # EDIT: >>>>>>>>>>>> # things to do &/or edit or add # # ADD: stuff to add follows # things to add # #<<< ADD <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< up to here # maybe some more edit stuff # #<<< EDIT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< up to here # 3. follow everything exactly in the order given # 4. there's non-milia related stuff if you'll be using heroku to host # treat this as optional, if you'd like. but at least I know it # works as a completed app. # ********************************************************************* # ********************************************************************* # STEP 0 - PREREQUISITES & EXPECTED BACKGROUND PREPARATION # ********************************************************************* # this background is what I've done on my Ubuntu dev workstation # so if you want to follow exactly, you'll need similar. # none of this is required for milia; only to exactly bring up # this sample-milia-app. # make sure you have your ssh keys gen'd $ ssh-keygen # make sure you have some basic packages on your system $ sudo apt-get install curl git vim vim-gnome # make sure you've set up a github account, and git globals # Install RVM on your system; see rvm.io for more information $ \curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable # do any adjustments to your .bashrc, etc files as needed # make sure to install ruby 2.1.3 $ rvm install 2.1.3 # I have all my projects in a directory called "projectspace' $ mkdir projectspace $ rvm gemset create projectspace $ echo "projectspace" > projectspace/.ruby-gemset $ echo "2.1.3" > projectspace/.ruby-version $ cd projectspace # install rails (latest version) $ gem install rails # OPTIONAL -- get ready for heroku # set up a heroku account at: heroku.com # install heroku toolbelt: heroku, foreman $ wget -qO- https://toolbelt.heroku.com/install-ubuntu.sh | sh $ heroku login # set environment variable for later Procfile and later recaptcha # I put them in .bashrc export PORT=3000 export RACK_ENV=development export SMTP_ENTRY= # OPTIONAL: recaptcha keys export RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY=6LeYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKpT export RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY=6LeBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBgQBv # ********************************************************************* # STEP 1 - CREATION OF SKELETON APP & REPOSITORY # ********************************************************************* # GITHUB: create a new repository for (you) # anywhere below where you see "sample-milia-app", change it to $ cd projectspace # if not there already $ rails new sample-milia-app --skip-bundle $ echo "sample-milia-app" > sample-milia-app/.ruby-gemset $ echo "2.1.3" > sample-milia-app/.ruby-version $ echo "web: bundle exec thin start -R config.ru -p $PORT -e $RACK_ENV" > sample-milia-app/Procfile $ rvm gemset create sample-milia-app $ cd sample-milia-app $ git init $ git add --all . $ git commit -am 'initial commit' $ git remote add origin git@github.com:/sample-milia-app.git $ git push -u origin master # ********************************************************************* # STEP 2 - SET UP GEMFILE, BUNDLE INSTALL GEMS # ********************************************************************* # change .gitignore to match your development environment # I just copy my standard .gitignore from another project # but you can copy mine from sample-milia-app on github. $ cp ../swalapala/.gitignore . # EDIT Gemfile >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $ vim Gemfile # First, comment OUT the turbolinks gem # gem 'turbolinks' # then, enable rubyracer in Gemfile by de-commenting gem 'therubyracer', platforms: :ruby # finally, ADD the following lines to Gemfile >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ruby "2.1.3" # heroku likes this at the head, as line 2 # ========================================================= # sample-milia-app specific stuff # ========================================================= # Bundle the extra gems: gem 'haml-rails' gem 'html2haml', :git => 'git://github.com/haml/html2haml.git' # "2.0.0.beta.2", # stuff that heroku likes to have gem 'thin' gem "SystemTimer", :require => "system_timer", :platforms => :ruby_18 gem "rack-timeout" gem 'rails_12factor' # airbrake is optional and configured by config.use_airbrake in milia initializer # default is false; if you change it to true, uncomment out the line below # gem 'airbrake' # uncomment this if you will use airbrake for exception notifications gem 'web-app-theme', :git => 'git://github.com/dsaronin/web-app-theme.git' gem 'devise', '~>3.4.0' gem 'milia', :git => 'git://github.com/dsaronin/milia.git', :branch => 'v1.1.0' # recaptcha is optional and configured by config.use_recaptcha in milia initializer # default is true; if you change it to false, comment out the line below gem 'recaptcha', :require => "recaptcha/rails" #<<<< ADD <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< #<<<< EDIT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< # EDIT: app/assets/javascripts/application.js >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # comment out turbolinks in your Javascript manifest file # we won't need turbolinks for this simple sample. // require turbolinks #<<<< EDIT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< # BUNDLE install all the gems $ bundle install # ********************************************************************* # STEP 3 - PREP APP UI TEMPLATES & CHECK OUT DISPLAYS # ********************************************************************* # Source for web-app-theme notes and revisions: # http://blog.bryanbibat.net/2011/09/24/starting-a-professional-rails-3-1-app-with-web-app-theme-devise-and-kaminari/ # ********************************************************************* # Generate home page $ rails g controller home index # EDIT the config/routes.rb >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # ADD the root :to => "home#index" within the do..end block SampleMiliaApp::Application.routes.draw do root :to => "home#index" end #<<<< EDIT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< # create the database $ rake db:create # test by starting server: $ foreman start # CHECK-OUT: at your browser: http://localhost:3000/ # you should see an empty template page for home/index # ******* NOW WE'LL GENERATE A THEME with web-app-theme ******** $ rails g web_app_theme:theme --engine=haml --theme="red" --app-name="Simple Milia App" # Delete the default layout originally generated $ rm app/views/layouts/application.html.erb # generate some sample text for the page to flesh it out $ rails g web_app_theme:themed home --themed-type=text --theme="red" --engine=haml $ mv app/views/home/show.html.haml app/views/home/index.html.haml # STEP 4 - SIMPLE devise SET UP (pre-installing milia) $ rails g devise:install $ rails g devise user # EDIT: config/environments/development.rb >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # ADD: following AFTER the final config.action_xxxxx stuff >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # of course, you will want to change your domain, email user_name and password # to match your actual values! # devise says to define default url config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host => 'localhost:3000' } # set up for email sending even in dev mode # Don't care if the mailer can't send config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = false config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = { :address => "smtp.gmail.com", :port => "587", :authentication => :plain, :user_name => "my-email@simple-milia-app.com", :password => "my-password", :enable_starttls_auto => true } #<<<<<< EDIT <<<<<<<<<<<< # EDIT: config/environments/production.rb >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # this sample is showing as how it would be if your production server # is hosted via heroku.com using the SENDGRID plugin for emailing # ADD: following AFTER the final config.action_xxxxx stuff >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # devise says to define default url config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host => 'secure.simple-milia-app.com', :protocol => 'https' } ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :smtp ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = { :address => 'smtp.sendgrid.net', :port => '587', :authentication => :plain, :user_name => ENV['SENDGRID_USERNAME'], :password => ENV['SENDGRID_PASSWORD'], :domain => 'heroku.com' } #<<<<<< EDIT <<<<<<<<<<<< # EDIT: config/environments/test.rb >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # ADD: following AFTER the final config.action_xxxxx stuff >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # devise says to define default url config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host => "www.example.com" } #<<<<<< EDIT <<<<<<<<<<<< # set up scopes for devise # EDIT: app/models/user.rb >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # add confirmable to line 4 devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable, :confirmable, #<<<< EDIT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< # EDIT: db/migrate/xxxxxxx_devise_create_users.rb >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # uncomment the confirmable section, it will then look as follows: ## Confirmable t.string :confirmation_token t.datetime :confirmed_at t.datetime :confirmation_sent_at t.string :unconfirmed_email # Only if using reconfirmable # and uncomment the confirmation_token index line add_index :users, :confirmation_token, :unique => true #<<<< EDIT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< # EDIT: config/initializers/devise.rb >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # change mailer_sender to be your from: email address config.mailer_sender = "my-email@simple-milia-app.com" # locate and uncomment the following lines: config.pepper = '46f2....' config.confirmation_keys = [ :email ] config.email_regexp = /\A[^@]+@[^@]+\z/ #<<<< EDIT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< # run the migration $ rake db:migrate # CHECK-OUT: check things out at browser before proceeding # stop/restart foreman # ^c stops foreman; foreman start restarts it; F5 refreshes the browser page # customize login screen # generate the sign-in/sign-out layout: $ rails g web_app_theme:theme sign --layout-type=sign --theme="red" --engine=haml --app-name="Simple Milia App" # EDIT: config/application.rb >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # NOTE: please see details and cautions at: # http://guides.rubyonrails.org/asset_pipeline.html # Section 4.1 Precompiling Assets # uncomment the config.time_zone line and set it to your timezone config.time_zone = 'Pacific Time (US & Canada)' # IF: you will be deploying production on heroku, then # ADD: following AFTER the config.time_zone line >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # For faster asset precompiles, you can partially load your application. # In that case, templates cannot see application objects or methods. # Heroku requires this to be false. config.assets.initialize_on_precompile = false #<<<<<< ADD <<<<<<<<<<<< # change the layout for sign-in/sign-up # by adding the following into the class .... end block config.to_prepare do Devise::SessionsController.layout "sign" Devise::RegistrationsController.layout "sign" Devise::ConfirmationsController.layout "sign" Devise::PasswordsController.layout "sign" end #<<<< EDIT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< # if we use devise to gen the views, they'll be genned in erb and # a different format from the layout style we're using. # my web_app_theme has a generator to gen them automagically $ rails g web_app_theme:devise # EDIT: app/controllers/application_controller.rb >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # NOTE: this line is only for the basic devise (no milia) version; # we will later uncomment or remove this line when we install milia # ADD following lines immediately after line 4 protect_from_forgery ... before_action :authenticate_user! #<<<< EDIT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< # EDIT: app/controllers/home_controller.rb # ADD immediately after line 1 class HomeController skip_before_action :authenticate_user!, :only => [ :index ] #<<<< EDIT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< # CHECK-OUT: # http://localhost:3000/users/sign_in # to view the sign-in form # then click SIGN UP and view the sign-up form # ********************************************************************* # STEP 4 - TEST devise SIGN UP, ACTIVATION, SIGN IN, SIGN OUT # ********************************************************************* # NOTE: we will later DELETE all users added in this manner BEFORE we # install milia. Reason is because currently there is no tenanting. # DO NOT TRY TO LATER MANUALLY ATTEMPT TO CONVERT THESE INITIAL USERS # TO A TENANTING MODEL: it is poor software practice to do that. # you are just testing and verifying that we've got devise up and enabled. # ********************************************************************* # CHECK-OUT: # sign up as a new user, # the log file will show that an email was sent # together with the activation code & URL # and if your email/password are correct, an email should have been sent as well! # copy & paste this address as-is into the browser address area & go to it to activate # it will take you to a sign in screen; sign in # REFRESH index page (to refresh the logout validity token) # sign out # sign in again as the user # ********************************************************************* # STEP 5 - adding in milia and making multi-tenantable # ********************************************************************* # remove any users created above in STEP 4 # start the rails console $ rail c > User.all.each{|x| x.destroy} > exit # rollback the initial migration (because we'll be changing it slightly) $ rake db:rollback # Milia expects a user session, so please set one up # EDIT: Gemfile # ADD gem 'activerecord-session_store', github: 'rails/activerecord-session_store' #<<<< EDIT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< # BUNDLE install to get the new gems $ bundle install # now generate the session migration $ rails g active_record:session_migration # EDIT: db/migrate/xxxxxxx_devise_create_users.rb >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # add above the t.timestamps line: # milia member_invitable t.boolean :skip_confirm_change_password, :default => false t.references :tenant #<<<< EDIT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< # generate the tenant migration $ rails g model tenant tenant:references name:string:index # generate the tenants_users join table migration $ rails g migration CreateTenantsUsersJoinTable tenants users # EDIT: db/migrate/20131119092046_create_tenants_users_join_table.rb >>>>>>>>>> # then uncomment the first index line as follows: t.index [:tenant_id, :user_id] #<<<< EDIT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< # EDIT: app/controllers/application_controller.rb >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # NOTE: before all tenanted controllers, you MUST HAVE a # before_action :authenticate_tenant! # It is best to have it at the start of your application_controller # If you happen to have any general universal access controllers, # then you can place at the top of those specific controllers: # skip_before_action :authenticate_tenant!, :only => [ ] # # CHANGE: comment authenticate_user! line to authenticate_tenant! # (make it look like the statement below) before_action :authenticate_tenant! # authenticates user and sets up tenant # ADD following lines immediately after that: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rescue_from ::Milia::Control::MaxTenantExceeded, :with => :max_tenants rescue_from ::Milia::Control::InvalidTenantAccess, :with => :invalid_tenant # milia defines a default max_tenants, invalid_tenant exception handling # but you can override if you wish to handle directly #<<<<<< ADD <<<<<<<<<<<< #<<<< EDIT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< # EDIT: config/routes.rb >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # ADD the :controllers clause to the existing devise_for :users : as :user do # *MUST* come *BEFORE* devise's definitions (below) match '/user/confirmation' => 'milia/confirmations#update', :via => :put, :as => :update_user_confirmation end devise_for :users, :controllers => { :registrations => "milia/registrations", :confirmations => "milia/confirmations", :sessions => "milia/sessions", :passwords => "milia/passwords", } #<<<< EDIT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< # EDIT: app/models/user.rb >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # ADD after the class User line: acts_as_universal_and_determines_account #<<<< EDIT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< # EDIT: app/models/tenant.rb >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # DELETE belongs_to :tenant # ADD after the class Tenant line: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> acts_as_universal_and_determines_tenant def self.create_new_tenant(tenant_params, coupon_params) tenant = Tenant.new(:name => tenant_params[:name]) if new_signups_not_permitted?(coupon_params) raise ::Milia::Control::MaxTenantExceeded, "Sorry, new accounts not permitted at this time" else tenant.save # create the tenant end return tenant end # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # new_signups_not_permitted? -- returns true if no further signups allowed # args: params from user input; might contain a special 'coupon' code # used to determine whether or not to allow another signup # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def self.new_signups_not_permitted?(params) return false end # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # tenant_signup -- setup a new tenant in the system # CALLBACK from devise RegistrationsController (milia override) # AFTER user creation and current_tenant established # args: # user -- new user obj # tenant -- new tenant obj # other -- any other parameter string from initial request # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def self.tenant_signup(user, tenant, other = nil) # StartupJob.queue_startup( tenant, user, other ) # any special seeding required for a new organizational tenant end #<<<<<< ADD <<<<<<<<<<<< #<<<< EDIT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< # EDIT: app/controllers/home_controller.rb # CHANGE skip_authenticate_user! to skip_authenticate_tenant! skip_before_action :authenticate_tenant!, :only => [ :index ] # REPLACE the empty def index ... end with following ADD: # this will give you improved handling for letting user know # what is expected. If you want to have a welcome page for # signed in users, uncomment the redirect_to line, etc. def index if user_signed_in? # was there a previous error msg carry over? make sure it shows in flasher flash[:notice] = flash[:error] unless flash[:error].blank? # redirect_to( welcome_path() ) else if flash[:notice].blank? flash[:notice] = "sign in if your organization has an account" end end # if logged in .. else first time end #<<<< ADD <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< #<<<< EDIT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< # run the migration $ rake db:migrate # config/initializers/milia.rb now supported for config parameters # OPTIONAL: change milia configuration options # copy doc/milia-initializer.rb to config/initializers/ # then edit values as appropriate # NOTE: if Milia.use_coupon is true (default configuration option), # then your sign up form MUST return a parameter # :coupon => { :coupon => } # which can also be blank. # OPTIONAL: edit config/application.rb and add the following to alter # default behavior for handling strong_parameters in Rails # see: https://github.com/rails/strong_parameters#handling-of-unpermitted-keys # choose one of the two options: :raise OR :log ActionController::Parameters.action_on_unpermitted_parameters = :raise | :log # CHECK-OUT: restart foreman and check out at your browser: http://localhost:3000/ # click sign up to sign up a new account, get confirmation email (or view in log) # activate the new account, sign in, sign out, etc. # ********************************************************************* # STEP 6 - adding a tenanted members table, then inviting a member # ********************************************************************* # remove any users, and tenants created above in STEP 5 # start the rails console $ rails c > User.all.each{|x| x.destroy} > Tenant.all.each{|x| x.destroy} > exit $ rails g resource member tenant:references user:references first_name:string last_name:string favorite_color:string # ADD to app/models/tenant.rb has_many :members, dependent: :destroy # EDIT self.tenant_signup method # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def self.tenant_signup(user, tenant, other = nil) # StartupJob.queue_startup( tenant, user, other ) # any special seeding required for a new organizational tenant Member.create_org_admin(user) end # EDIT app/models/user.rb >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # ADD has_one :member, :dependent => :destroy #<<<< EDIT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< # EDIT app/models/member.rb # REMOVE belongs_to :tenant # ADD acts_as_tenant DEFAULT_ADMIN = { first_name: "Admin", last_name: "Please edit me", favorite_color: "blue" } def self.create_new_member(user, params) # add any other initialization for a new member return user.create_member( params ) end def self.create_org_admin(user) new_member = create_new_member(user, DEFAULT_ADMIN) unless new_member.errors.empty? raise ArgumentError, new_member.errors.full_messages.uniq.join(", ") end return new_member end # EDIT: app/views/members/new.html.haml >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> %h1 Simple Milia App .block#block-signup %h2 Invite a new member into #{@org_name} .content.login .flash - flash.each do |type, message| %div{ :class => "message #{type}" } %p= message - flash.clear # clear contents so we won't see it again = form_for(@member, :html => { :class => "form login" }) do |f| - unless @member.errors.empty? && @user.errors.empty? #errorExplanation.group %ul = @member.errors.full_messages.uniq.inject(''){|str, msg| (str << "
  • #{msg}") }.html_safe = @user.errors.full_messages.uniq.inject(''){|str, msg| (str << "
  • #{msg}") }.html_safe = fields_for( :user ) do |w| .group = w.label :email, :class => "label " = w.text_field :email, :class => "text_field" %span.description Ex. test@example.com; must be unique .group = f.label :first_name, :class => "label " = f.text_field :first_name, :class => "text_field" .group = f.label :last_name, :class => "label " = f.text_field :last_name, :class => "text_field" .group = f.label :favorite_color, :class => "label " = f.text_field :favorite_color, :class => "text_field" %span.description What is your favorite color? .group.navform.wat-cf %button.button{ :type => "submit" } = image_tag "web-app-theme/icons/key.png" Create user and invite #<<<< ADD <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< #<<<< EDIT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< # EDIT app/controllers/application_controller.rb # ADD: before_action :prep_org_name private # org_name will be passed to layout & view def prep_org_name() @org_name = ( user_signed_in? ? Tenant.current_tenant.name : "Simple Milia App" ) end # EDIT app/views/layouts/application.rb >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # the following is not a requirement, but serves to show # how to handle tenanted sign ins and welcome pages # replaces the two instances of "Simple Milia App" with # (everything bewtween the quotes but not including the quotes): # "= @org_name", make the results look like the two lines below %title= @org_name = link_to @org_name, "/" # make changes to layout for invite member; change the portion # with the "sign_up" link to look like the following: %li - if user_signed_in? = link_to t("web-app-theme.invite", :default => "Invite member"), new_member_path - else = link_to( t("web-app-theme.signup", :default => "Sign up"), new_user_registration_path ) #<<<< EDIT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< # EDIT: app/controllers/members_controller.rb >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # ADD after the class line: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> layout "sign", :only => [:new, :edit, :create] def new() @member = Member.new() @user = User.new() end def create() @user = User.new( user_params ) # ok to create user, member if @user.save_and_invite_member() && @user.create_member( member_params ) flash[:notice] = "New member added and invitation email sent to #{@user.email}." redirect_to root_path else flash[:error] = "errors occurred!" @member = Member.new( member_params ) # only used if need to revisit form render :new end end private def member_params() params.require(:member).permit(:first_name, :last_name, :favorite_color) end def user_params() params.require(:user).permit(:email, :password, :password_confirmation) end #<<<< ADD <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< #<<<< EDIT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< # run the migration $ rake db:migrate # CHECK-OUT: check things out at browser before proceeding # stop/restart foreman # you will have to first sign-up, confirm, then you can invite_member # sign-out, confirm new member, etc # MILIA API EXPLAINED: Tenant.current_tenant, etc # from controller-level: set_current_tenant( tenant_id ) raise InvalidTenantAccess unless tenant_id is one of the current_user valid tenants # from model-level: Tenant.current_tenant -- return tenant object for the current tenant; nil if none Tenant.current_tenant_id -- returns tenant_id for the current tenant; nil if none # from background job s (only at the start of the task); # tenant can either be a tenant object or an integer tenant_id; anything else will raise # exception # set_current_tenant -- model-level ability to set the current tenant # NOTE: *USE WITH CAUTION* normally this should *NEVER* be done from # the models ... it is only useful and safe WHEN performed at the start # of a background job (DelayedJob#perform) Tenant.set_current_tenant( tenant ) raise ArgumentError, "invalid tenant object or id"