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Q? _?$i??? ??>?$+@P@Cj@ @,@@A A A"A)A&0A WAaAAAA}A7B >B KBKYB B BB B BEB+CIC [C?gC C CCCWC-RD"DD$DD0D+EDE0]EAEEE EEF(F HFSF=hFFFFFFF FFF G$)G*NGyGG$GG+G$HCHcH}HHH3H4H4I HIRIVI ]IgI zIIIIIII II*J?CJ*J*J*J*K/KOK_KuKK3K KK K LL(LAL HLULOpLL LLLL#L+M0EMvMM3MMQM<ONNNQN<NQ8O8O O,O P<PB[PP?P3P (Q5QTQ'R+RDR TR!uR<RRR S8S-OS$}SNS S$S  H`Ep0igLrvCYseUSf-=8z9o[{m<!,D/;VQwjF6T\_#$hG4Wb3 ca*^IO X&~Rt'dZxq"P.Ju |Kkl)1@?(nA]}B75NM2y:+>%%s - The following hosts are about to be changed%s ago%s discovered hosts were provisionedForeman Discovered hosts summaryA summary of discovered hostsAction with sub plansActionsAssign LocationAssign OrganizationAssociated HostsAuto ProvisionAuto provisioningAutomatic bond interface (if another interface is detected on the same VLAN via LLDP)Automatically generate PXE configuration to pin a newly discovered host to discoveryAutomatically provision newly discovered hosts, according to the provisioning rulesAutomatically reboot or kexec discovered host during provisioningBackCPUsCancelClean all factsClean all reported facts during provisioning (except discovery facts)Collapse AllCommand line options for kexec during PXE-less provisioning.Could not get facts from proxy %{url}: %{error}Create HostCreate RuleCreate a discovered host for testing (use /facts to create new hosts)Create a discovery ruleCreate bond interfacesCustomize HostDHCP filename option (Grub2 or PXELinux by default)DeleteDelete %s?Delete a discovered hostDelete a ruleDelete rule '%s'?Destroyed selected hostsDetailsDisableDisable rule '%s'?Discovered HostsDiscovered host '%{host}' has all NICs filtered out, filter: %{filter}Discovered host: %sDiscovered hosts are provisioning nowDiscovered hosts are rebooting nowDiscovered hosts from Foreman server at %{foreman_url}Discovered hosts summaryDiscovery Kexec templateDiscovery ProxyDiscovery Proxy to use within this subnet for managing connection to discovered hostsDiscovery RulesDiscovery fact parser does not work with non-discovery host '%{host}'Discovery hostname naming patternDiscovery locationDiscovery organizationDiscoveryRule|EnabledDiscoveryRule|NameDiscoveryRule|PriorityDiscoveryRule|QueryDisk CountDisk countDisks SizeDisks sizeDo not allow to discover existing managed host matching MAC of a provisioning NIC (errors out early)Domain will be appended automatically. A hostname based on MAC address will be used when left blank.Edit %sEnableEnable rule '%s'?Error on existing NICErrors during auto provisioning: %sErrors during reboot: %sExecute rules against a discovered hostExecute rules against all currently discovered hostsExpected discovery_fact '%s' is missing, unable to detect primary interface and set hostnameExtra facter columns to show in host lists (separate by comma)Fact + prefixFact columnsFact name to use for primary interface detectionFacts could not be importedFacts refreshed for %sFailed to auto provision host %s: %sFailed to reboot host %sFailed to reboot host %{hostname} with error %{error_message}Failed to reboot hosts with error %sFailed to refresh facts for %sFailed to refresh facts for %{hostname} with error %{error_message}Force DNSForce DNS entries creation when provisioning discovered hostForeman discovered hosts summaryHardwareHardware factsHighlighted factsHighlightsHostHost %{host} was provisioned with rule %{rule}Host GroupHost of type %s can not be rebootedHostname factsHostname for provisioned hostsHostname prefixHostnames must not start with numbers. A good approach is to use unique information provided by facter (MAC address, BIOS or serial ID).HostsHosts LimitHosts/LimitID of Discovery Proxy to use within this subnet for managing connection to discovered hostsIP AddressIP addressIPMIIPMI factsIdentifierImage API processing error: %{msg} (HTTP/%{code}, body: %{body})Image API returned HTTP/%{code} with '%{body}Import Puppet classesImport factsIn addition to @host attribute function rand for random integers is available. Examples:Init RAM kexec URL is invalid: '%s'Interface factInterfacesInvalid facts, must be a HashInvalid facts: hash does not contain a valid value for any of the facts in the discovery_hostname setting: %sInvalid hostname: Could not normalize the hostnameInvalid user type of %s was providedKernel kexec URL is invalid: '%s'Kexec template not associated with operating systemLast Facts UploadLearn more about this in the documentation.List all discovered hostsList all discovery rulesList all fact values of a given discovered hostList of facts to use for the hostname (separated by comma, first wins)LocationLocationsLock PXELocked PXEGrub template nameLocked PXEGrub2 template nameLocked PXELinux template nameMAC addressMAC-based nameMaximum hosts provisioned with this rule (0 = unlimited)MemoryMiscellaneousModelN/ANameNetworkNetwork factsNew Discovery RuleNew in the last 24 hoursNo discovered hosts availableNo discovered hosts for the selected periodNo discovered hosts found in this context.No discovered hosts to provisionNo discovered hosts to rebootNo hostgroup associated with rule '%s'No hosts selectedNo hosts were found with that id or nameNo new discovered hosts for this periodNo rule found for host %sNot reported in more than 7 daysOne or more hosts have been discoveredOrganizationOrganizationsPXEGrub template to be used when pinning a host to discoveryPXEGrub2 template to be used when pinning a host to discoveryPXELinux template to be used when pinning a host to discoveryPlease ConfirmPrimaryProvisionProvision %sProvision a discovered hostRandom nameRebootRebooting %sRebooting a discovered hostRebooting all discovered hostsRebooting host %sRebuild DNS for %sRefresh factsRefreshing the facts of a discovered hostRegex to organize facts for hardware sectionRegex to organize facts for highlights section - e.g. ^(abc|cde)$Regex to organize facts for ipmi sectionRegex to organize facts for network sectionRegex to organize facts for software sectionRegex to organize facts for storage sectionReloading kernel on %sRemote action:Reported in the last 7 daysRule disabledRule enabledRule priority (lower integer means higher priority)Select ActionSelect all items in this pageSelect locationSelect organizationShow a discovered hostShow a discovery ruleSoftwareSoftware factsSomething went wrong while selecting hosts - %sSpecify target hostname template pattern in the same syntax as in Provisioning Templates (ERB).StorageStorage factsSubmitSubnetSuccessfully provisioned %sSummary from %{time} ago to %{now}Summary report for discovered hosts from ForemanTarget host group for this rule with all properties setThe default location to place discovered hosts inThe default organization to place discovered hosts inThe default prefix to use for the host name, must start with a letterThe following hosts were not deleted: %sThis might take a while, as all hosts, facts and reports will be destroyed as wellThis page shows discovered bare-metal or virtual nodes waiting to be provisioned.TypeType of name generatorUUID to track orchestration tasks status, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasksUnable to find a discovery rule, no host provided (check permissions)Unable to find primary NIC with %{mac} specified via '%{fact}', NIC filter: %{filter}Unable to perform kexec on %{name} via %{url}: %{msg}Unable to provision %{host}: %{errors}Unable to reboot %{name} via %{url}: %{msg}Update a ruleUpload facts for a host, creating the host if requiredWhen creating hostname patterns, make sure the resulting host names are unique.can't contain white spaces.defines a pattern to assign human-readable hostnames to the matching hostsenables to limit maximum amount of provisioned hosts per rulefilter resultsflag is used for temporary shutdown of ruleshash containing facts for the host with minimum set of facts: discovery_bootif, macaddress_eth0, ipaddress, ipaddress_eth0, interfaces: eth0 (example in case primary interface is named eth0)items selected. Uncheck to Clearlocation ID for provisioned hostsmust be present.must start with a letter or ERB.not required if it's a virtual machinenot required if using a subnet with DHCP proxynumber of entries per requestorganization ID for provisioned hostspaginate resultsputs the rules in order, low numbers go first. Must be greater then zeroquery to match discovered hosts for the particular rulerepresents rule name shown to the usersrequired if value is not inherited from host group or default password in settingssort resultsthe hostgroup that is used to auto provision a hostProject-Id-Version: foreman_discovery 15.1.0 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: PO-Revision-Date: 2019-10-22 20:43+0000 Last-Translator: Bryan Kearney Language-Team: Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/foreman/foreman/language/zh_CN/) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Language: zh_CN Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0; %s - 要更改以下主机%s 前已置备 %s 发现主机Foreman 发现主机概述发现主机概述带有子计划的操作操作指定位置指定机构关联主机自动置备自动置备自动绑定接口(如果通过 LLDP 在同一个 VLAN 中发现另外一个接口)自动生成 PXE 配置,以将新发现主机固定至发现根据置备规则,自动置备新发现主机置备期间自动重启或 kexec 发现主机后退CPU取消清除所有详情置备期间清除所有报告的详情(发现详情除外)隐藏全部在 PXE-less 置备过程中 kexec 的命令行选项。无法从代理 %{url} 获得详情:%{error}创建主机创建规则创建一个用于测试的发现主机(使用 /详情创建新主机)创建发现规则创建绑定接口自定义主机DHCP 文件名选项(默认为 Grub2 或 PXELinux)删除删除 %s删除发现主机删除规则删除规则 '%s'?消除所选主机详情禁用禁用规则 '%s'?发现主机发现的主机 '%{host}' 的所有 NIC 都被过滤掉,过滤:%{filter}找到的主机:%s现在发现主机正在置备现在正在重启发现主机来自 %{foreman_url} Foreman 服务器的发现主机发现主机摘要发现 Kexec 模板发现代理服务器本子网内用于管理到发现主机的连接的发现代理服务器发现规则发现 fact 解析器无法在未发现主机 '%{host}' 上工作发现主机名的名称特征发现位置发现机构发现规则|已启用发现规则|名称发现规则|优先级发现规则|查询磁盘计数磁盘计数磁盘大小磁盘大小不允许发现匹配一个置备 NIC 的 MAC 的已存在的管理的主机(早期出现错误)域将自动附加。留空时将使用基于 MAC 地址的主机名。编辑 %s启用启用规则 '%s'?已存在的 NIC 上的错误自动置备期间出错:%s重启期间出错:%s对发现主机执行规则对当前所有发现主机执行规则期望的 discovery_fact '%s' 缺失,无法检测主接口和设置主机名称在主机列表中显示的额外 facter 列(用逗号隔开)Fact + 前缀详情列用于主接口检测的详情名称无法导入详情为 %s 刷新详情无法自动置备主机 %s:%s无法重启主机 %s无法重启主机 %{hostname},发生错误 %{error_message}无法重启主机,发生错误 %s为 %s 刷新详情失败为 %{hostname} 刷新详情失败,发生错误 %{error_message} 强制 DNS置备发现主机时强制 DNS 条目创建Foreman 发现主机概述硬件硬件详情高亮详情亮点主机主机 %{host} 置备了规则 %{rule}主机组%s 类型的主机不能重启主机名详情置备主机的主机名主机名前缀主机名不得以数字开始。一种好方法是使用 facter 提供的独特信息(MAC 地址、BIOS 或序列 ID)。主机主机限制主机/限制本子网内用于管理到发现主机的连接的发现代理服务器 IDIP 地址IP 地址IPMIIPMI 详情身份标识镜像 API 处理出错:%{msg}(HTTP/%{code},主体:%{body})镜像 API 返回 HTTP/%{code} 与 '%{body}导入 Puppet 类导入 fact除了 @host 属性函数之外,还提供随机整数 rand。Init RAM kexec URL 无效:'%s'接口详情接口无效详情,必须是 Hash无效详情:hash 不包含 discovery_hostname 设置中任何详情的有效值:%s无效的主机名:无法标准化主机名提供了无效的 %s 用户类型内核 kexec URL 无效:'%s'Kexec 模板未与操作系统关联最后详情上传在本文档中了解更多这方面的内容。列出所有发现主机列出所有发现规则列出给定发现主机的所有系统信息值用于主机名的详情列表(用逗号隔开,首个 wins)位置位置锁定 PXE锁定的 PXEGrub 模板名称锁定的 PXEGrub2 模板名称锁定的 PXELinux 模板名称MAC 地址基于 MAC 的名称按照此规则置备的最大主机数(0 = 没有限制)内存杂项型号N/A名称网络网络详情新建发现规则在最近 24 小时之内新建没有可用的发现主机选定时间段内没有发现主机在此上下文中未找到发现主机。没有要置备的发现主机没有要重启的发现主机没有主机组与规则 '%s' 关联未选择任何主机未找到符合此 id 或者名称的主机此时间段内没有新发现主机没有为主机 %s 找到规则 超过 7 天没有报告已发现一个或多个主机机构机构将主机固定至发现时使用的 PXEGrub 模板将主机固定至发现时使用的 PXEGrub2 模板将主机固定至发现时使用的 PXELinux 模板请确认主供应置备 %s置备发现主机随机名重启正在重启 %s重启发现主机重启所有发现主机正在重启主机 %s为 %s 重建 DNS刷新详情刷新发现主机的详情组织硬件部分详情的正则表达式组织高亮部分详情的正则表达式 - 例如 ^(abc|cde)$组织 ipmi 部分详情的正则表达式组织网络部分详情的正则表达式组织软件部分详情的正则表达式组织存储部分详情的正则表达式正在 %s 上重新加载内核远程操作:最近 7 天内报告已禁用规则已启用规则规则优先级(整数越小,优先级越高)选择动作选择本页中的所有项目选择位置选择机构显示一个发现主机显示一条发现规则软件软件详情选择主机时出错 - %s以与置备模板 (ERB) 中相同的语法指定目标主机名模板模式。存储存储详情提交子网已成功置备 %s从 %{time} 前到 %{now} 的概述来自 Foreman 的 发现主机概述报告此规则的目标主机组所有属性已设置找到主机的默认位置找到主机的默认机构使用的主机名默认前缀必须以字母开头未删除以下主机:%s这需要一些时间,因为同时还要删除所有主机、详情及报告。此页显示了等待置备的发现裸机或虚拟节点。类型名称生成器类型用来跟踪业务流程任务状态的 UUID,GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks无法找到发现规则,未提供主机(检查许可)无法找到带有 '%{fact}' 指定的 %{mac} 的主 NIC。NIC 过滤:%{filter}无法通过 %{url} 在 %{name} 上执行 kexec:%{msg}无法置备 %{host}:%{errors}无法通过 %{url} 重启 %{name} :%{msg}更新规则上传主机的系统详情,如需要,请创建主机。创建主机名模式时,确保生成的主机名是唯一的。不能包含空格。定义向匹配主机分配人类可读的主机名称的模式支持根据规则限制置备主机的最大数量过滤结果标记用于临时关闭规则hash 包含具备最小详情集合的主机的详情:discovery_bootif、macaddress_eth0、ipaddress、ipaddress_eth0、interfaces: eth0(主接口名为 eth0 的示例)已选择项目。取消选择清除。预配主机的位置 ID必须存在。必须以字母或 ERB 开始。如果是虚拟机,则不需要如果使用附带 DHCP 代理服务器的子网则不需要每个请求中的条目数预配主机的组织 ID编页结果按顺序排列规则,低数值优先。必须大于 0与特定规则的发现主机匹配的查询代表显示给用户的规则名称如果数值不是从主机组或设置中的默认密码继承,则需要。结果排序用于自动置备主机的主机组