require 'open3' require 'fileutils' require 'terminal-table' require 'shellwords' require 'fastlane_core/env' require 'fastlane_core/device_manager' require_relative 'module' require_relative 'xcpretty_reporter_options_generator' require_relative 'test_result_parser' require_relative 'slack_poster' require_relative 'test_command_generator' require_relative 'error_handler' module Scan class Runner def initialize @test_command_generator = @device_boot_datetime = end def run handle_results(test_app) end def test_app force_quit_simulator_processes if Scan.config[:force_quit_simulator] if Scan.devices if Scan.config[:reset_simulator] Scan.devices.each do |device| FastlaneCore::Simulator.reset(udid: device.udid) end end if Scan.config[:disable_slide_to_type] Scan.devices.each do |device| FastlaneCore::Simulator.disable_slide_to_type(udid: device.udid) end end end prelaunch_simulators if Scan.config[:reinstall_app] app_identifier = Scan.config[:app_identifier] app_identifier ||= UI.input("App Identifier: ") Scan.devices.each do |device| FastlaneCore::Simulator.uninstall_app(app_identifier,, device.udid) end end execute(retries: Scan.config[:number_of_retries]) end def execute(retries: 0) command = @test_command_generator.generate prefix_hash = [ { prefix: "Running Tests: ", block: proc do |value| value.include?("Touching") end } ] exit_status = 0 FastlaneCore::CommandExecutor.execute(command: command, print_all: true, print_command: true, prefix: prefix_hash, loading: "Loading...", suppress_output: Scan.config[:suppress_xcode_output], error: proc do |error_output| begin exit_status = $?.exitstatus if retries > 0 # If there are retries remaining, run the tests again return retry_execute(retries: retries, error_output: error_output) else ErrorHandler.handle_build_error(error_output, @test_command_generator.xcodebuild_log_path) end rescue => ex{ build_errors: 1 }) raise ex end end) exit_status end def retry_execute(retries:, error_output: "") tests = retryable_tests(error_output) if tests.empty? UI.crash!("Failed to find failed tests to retry (could not parse error output)") end Scan.config[:only_testing] = tests UI.important("Retrying tests: #{Scan.config[:only_testing].join(', ')}") retries -= 1 UI.important("Number of retries remaining: #{retries}") return execute(retries: retries) end def retryable_tests(input) input = Helper.strip_ansi_colors(input) retryable_tests = [] failing_tests = input.split("Failing tests:\n").fetch(1, []) .split("\n\n").first suites = failing_tests.split(/(?=\n\s+[\w\s]+:\n)/) suites.each do |suite| suite_name = suite.match(/\s*([\w\s]+):/).captures.first test_cases = suite.split(":\n").fetch(1, []).split("\n").each .select { |line| line.match?(/^\s+/) } .map { |line| line.strip.gsub(".", "/").gsub("()", "") } .map { |line| suite_name + "/" + line } retryable_tests += test_cases end return retryable_tests.uniq end def handle_results(tests_exit_status) if Scan.config[:disable_xcpretty] unless tests_exit_status == 0 UI.test_failure!("Test execution failed. Exit status: #{tests_exit_status}") end return end result = if result[:failures] > 0 failures_str = result[:failures] else failures_str = result[:failures] end puts({ title: "Test Results", rows: [ ["Number of tests", result[:tests]], ["Number of failures", failures_str] ] })) puts("") copy_simulator_logs zip_build_products copy_xctestrun if result[:failures] > 0 open_report UI.test_failure!("Tests have failed") end unless tests_exit_status == 0 UI.test_failure!("Test execution failed. Exit status: #{tests_exit_status}") end open_report end def open_report if ! && Scan.cache[:open_html_report_path] `open --hide '#{Scan.cache[:open_html_report_path]}'` end end def zip_build_products return unless Scan.config[:should_zip_build_products] # Gets :derived_data_path/Build/Products directory for zipping zip derived_data_path = Scan.config[:derived_data_path] path = File.join(derived_data_path, "Build/Products") # Gets absolute path of output directory output_directory = File.absolute_path(Scan.config[:output_directory]) output_path = File.join(output_directory, "") # Caching path for action to put into lane_context Scan.cache[:zip_build_products_path] = output_path # Zips build products and moves it to output directory UI.message("Zipping build products") FastlaneCore::Helper.zip_directory(path, output_path, contents_only: true, overwrite: true, print: false) UI.message("Successfully zipped build products: #{output_path}") end def copy_xctestrun return unless Scan.config[:output_xctestrun] # Gets :derived_data_path/Build/Products directory for coping .xctestrun file derived_data_path = Scan.config[:derived_data_path] path = File.join(derived_data_path, "Build", "Products") # Gets absolute path of output directory output_directory = File.absolute_path(Scan.config[:output_directory]) output_path = File.join(output_directory, "settings.xctestrun") # Caching path for action to put into lane_context Scan.cache[:output_xctestrun] = output_path # Copy .xctestrun file and moves it to output directory UI.message("Copying .xctestrun file") xctestrun_file = Dir.glob("#{path}/*.xctestrun").first if xctestrun_file FileUtils.cp(xctestrun_file, output_path) UI.message("Successfully copied xctestrun file: #{output_path}") else UI.user_error!("Could not find .xctextrun file to copy") end end def test_results temp_junit_report = Scan.cache[:temp_junit_report] return if temp_junit_report && File.file?(temp_junit_report) # Something went wrong with the temp junit report for the test success/failures count. # We'll have to regenerate from the xcodebuild log, like we did before version 2.34.0. UI.message("Generating test results. This may take a while for large projects.") reporter_options_generator =, [], [], "", false, nil) reporter_options = reporter_options_generator.generate_reporter_options xcpretty_args_options = reporter_options_generator.generate_xcpretty_args_options cmd = "cat #{@test_command_generator.xcodebuild_log_path.shellescape} | xcpretty #{reporter_options.join(' ')} #{xcpretty_args_options} &> /dev/null" system(cmd)[:temp_junit_report]) end def prelaunch_simulators return unless Scan.devices.to_a.size > 0 # no devices selected, no sims to launch # Return early unless the user wants to prelaunch simulators. Or if the user wants simulator logs # then we must prelaunch simulators because Xcode's headless # mode launches and shutsdown the simulators before we can collect the logs. return unless Scan.config[:prelaunch_simulator] || Scan.config[:include_simulator_logs] devices_to_shutdown = [] Scan.devices.each do |device| devices_to_shutdown << device if device.state == "Shutdown" device.boot end at_exit do devices_to_shutdown.each(&:shutdown) end end def copy_simulator_logs return unless Scan.config[:include_simulator_logs] UI.header("Collecting system logs") Scan.devices.each do |device| log_identity = "#{}_#{device.os_type}_#{device.os_version}" FastlaneCore::Simulator.copy_logs(device, log_identity, Scan.config[:output_directory], @device_boot_datetime) end end def force_quit_simulator_processes # Silently execute and kill, verbose flags will show this command occurring"killall Simulator &> /dev/null || true", log: false) end end end