if (typeof Prototype == 'undefined') { warning = "ActiveScaffold Error: Prototype could not be found. Please make sure that your application's layout includes prototype.js (e.g. <%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %>) *before* it includes active_scaffold.js (e.g. <%= active_scaffold_includes %>)."; alert(warning); } if (Prototype.Version.substring(0, 3) < '1.6') { warning = "ActiveScaffold Error: Prototype version 1.6.x or higher is required. Please update prototype.js (rake rails:update:javascripts)."; alert(warning); } if (!Element.Methods.highlight) Element.addMethods({highlight: Prototype.emptyFunction}); /* * Simple utility methods */ var ActiveScaffold = { records_for: function(tbody_id) { var rows = []; var child = $(tbody_id).down('.record'); while (child) { rows.push(child); child = child.next('.record'); } return rows; }, stripe: function(tbody_id) { var even = false; var rows = this.records_for(tbody_id); for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { var child = rows[i]; //Make sure to skip rows that are create or edit rows or messages if (child.tagName != 'SCRIPT' && !child.hasClassName("create") && !child.hasClassName("update") && !child.hasClassName("inline-adapter") && !child.hasClassName("active-scaffold-calculations")) { if (even) child.addClassName("even-record"); else child.removeClassName("even-record"); even = !even; } } }, hide_empty_message: function(tbody, empty_message_id) { if (this.records_for(tbody).length != 0) { $(empty_message_id).hide(); } }, reload_if_empty: function(tbody, url) { if (this.records_for(tbody).length == 0) { new Ajax.Request(url, { method: 'get', asynchronous: true, evalScripts: true }); } }, removeSortClasses: function(scaffold_id) { $$('#' + scaffold_id + ' td.sorted').each(function(element) { element.removeClassName("sorted"); }); $$('#' + scaffold_id + ' th.sorted').each(function(element) { element.removeClassName("sorted"); element.removeClassName("asc"); element.removeClassName("desc"); }); }, decrement_record_count: function(scaffold_id) { // decrement the last record count, firsts record count are in nested lists count = $$('#' + scaffold_id + ' span.active-scaffold-records').last(); if (count) count.update(parseInt(count.innerHTML, 10) - 1); }, increment_record_count: function(scaffold_id) { // increment the last record count, firsts record count are in nested lists count = $$('#' + scaffold_id + ' span.active-scaffold-records').last(); if (count) count.update(parseInt(count.innerHTML, 10) + 1); }, update_row: function(row, html) { row = $(row); Element.replace(row, html); var new_row = $(row.id); if (row.hasClassName('even-record')) new_row.addClassName('even-record'); new_row.highlight(); }, server_error_response: '', report_500_response: function(active_scaffold_id) { messages_container = $(active_scaffold_id).down('td.messages-container'); new Insertion.Top(messages_container, this.server_error_response); } } /* * DHTML history tie-in */ function addActiveScaffoldPageToHistory(url, active_scaffold_id) { if (typeof dhtmlHistory == 'undefined') return; // it may not be loaded var array = url.split('?'); var qs = new Querystring(array[1]); var sort = qs.get('sort') var dir = qs.get('sort_direction') var page = qs.get('page') if (sort || dir || page) dhtmlHistory.add(active_scaffold_id+":"+page+":"+sort+":"+dir, url); } /* * Add-ons/Patches to Prototype */ /* patch to support replacing TR/TD/TBODY in Internet Explorer, courtesy of http://dev.rubyonrails.org/ticket/4273 */ Element.replace = function(element, html) { element = $(element); if (element.outerHTML) { try { element.outerHTML = html.stripScripts(); } catch (e) { var tn = element.tagName; if(tn=='TBODY' || tn=='TR' || tn=='TD') { var tempDiv = document.createElement("div"); tempDiv.innerHTML = '' + html.stripScripts() + ''; element.parentNode.replaceChild(tempDiv.getElementsByTagName(tn).item(0), element); } else throw e; } } else { var range = element.ownerDocument.createRange(); /* patch to fix
replaces in Firefox. see http://dev.rubyonrails.org/ticket/8010 */ range.selectNodeContents(element.parentNode); element.parentNode.replaceChild(range.createContextualFragment(html.stripScripts()), element); } setTimeout(function() {html.evalScripts()}, 10); return element; }; /* * URL modification support. Incomplete functionality. */ Object.extend(String.prototype, { append_params: function(params) { url = this; if (url.indexOf('?') == -1) url += '?'; else if (url.lastIndexOf('&') != url.length) url += '&'; url += $H(params).collect(function(item) { return item.key + '=' + item.value; }).join('&'); return url; } }); /* * Prototype's implementation was throwing an error instead of false */ Element.Methods.Simulated = { hasAttribute: function(element, attribute) { var t = Element._attributeTranslations; attribute = (t.names && t.names[attribute]) || attribute; // Return false if we get an error here try { return $(element).getAttributeNode(attribute).specified; } catch (e) { return false; } } }; /** * A set of links. As a set, they can be controlled such that only one is "open" at a time, etc. */ ActiveScaffold.Actions = new Object(); ActiveScaffold.Actions.Abstract = Class.create({ initialize: function(links, target, loading_indicator, options) { this.target = $(target); this.loading_indicator = $(loading_indicator); this.options = options; this.links = links.collect(function(link) { return this.instantiate_link(link); }.bind(this)); }, instantiate_link: function(link) { throw 'unimplemented' } }); /** * A DataStructures::ActionLink, represented in JavaScript. * Concerned with AJAX-enabling a link and adapting the result for insertion into the table. */ ActiveScaffold.ActionLink = new Object(); ActiveScaffold.ActionLink.Abstract = Class.create({ initialize: function(a, target, loading_indicator) { this.tag = $(a); this.url = this.tag.href; this.method = 'get'; if(this.url.match('_method=delete')){ this.method = 'delete'; } else if(this.url.match('_method=post')){ this.method = 'post'; } else if(this.url.match('_method=put')){ this.method = 'put'; } this.target = target; this.loading_indicator = loading_indicator; this.hide_target = false; this.position = this.tag.getAttribute('position'); this.page_link = this.tag.getAttribute('page_link'); this.onclick = this.tag.onclick; this.tag.onclick = null; this.tag.observe('click', function(event) { this.open(); Event.stop(event); }.bind(this)); this.tag.action_link = this; }, open: function() { if (this.is_disabled()) return; if (this.tag.hasAttribute( "dhtml_confirm")) { if (this.onclick) this.onclick(); return; } else { if (this.onclick && !this.onclick()) return;//e.g. confirmation messages this.open_action(); } }, open_action: function() { if (this.position) this.disable(); if (this.page_link) { window.location = this.url; } else { if (this.loading_indicator) this.loading_indicator.style.visibility = 'visible'; new Ajax.Request(this.url, { asynchronous: true, evalScripts: true, method: this.method, onSuccess: function(request) { if (this.position) { this.insert(request.responseText); if (this.hide_target) this.target.hide(); } else { request.evalResponse(); } }.bind(this), onFailure: function(request) { ActiveScaffold.report_500_response(this.scaffold_id()); if (this.position) this.enable() }.bind(this), onComplete: function(request) { if (this.loading_indicator) this.loading_indicator.style.visibility = 'hidden'; }.bind(this) }); } }, insert: function(content) { throw 'unimplemented' }, close: function() { this.enable(); this.adapter.remove(); if (this.hide_target) this.target.show(); }, close_handler: function(event) { this.close(); if (event) Event.stop(event); }, register_cancel_hooks: function() { // anything in the insert with a class of cancel gets the closer method, and a reference to this object for good measure var self = this; this.adapter.select('.cancel').each(function(elem) { elem.observe('click', this.close_handler.bind(this)); elem.link = self; }.bind(this)) }, reload: function() { this.close(); this.open(); }, get_new_adapter_id: function() { var id = 'adapter_'; var i = 0; while ($(id + i)) i++; return id + i; }, enable: function() { return this.tag.removeClassName('disabled'); }, disable: function() { return this.tag.addClassName('disabled'); }, is_disabled: function() { return this.tag.hasClassName('disabled'); }, scaffold_id: function() { return this.tag.up('div.active-scaffold').id; } }); /** * Concrete classes for record actions */ ActiveScaffold.Actions.Record = Class.create(ActiveScaffold.Actions.Abstract, { instantiate_link: function(link) { var l = new ActiveScaffold.ActionLink.Record(link, this.target, this.loading_indicator); l.refresh_url = this.options.refresh_url; if (link.hasClassName('delete')) { l.url = l.url.replace(/\/delete(\?.*)?$/, '$1'); l.url = l.url.replace(/\/delete\/(.*)/, '/destroy/$1'); } if (l.position) l.url = l.url.append_params({adapter: '_list_inline_adapter'}); l.set = this; return l; } }); ActiveScaffold.ActionLink.Record = Class.create(ActiveScaffold.ActionLink.Abstract, { close_previous_adapter: function() { this.set.links.each(function(item) { if (item.url != this.url && item.is_disabled() && item.adapter) { item.enable(); item.adapter.remove(); } }.bind(this)); }, insert: function(content) { this.close_previous_adapter(); if (this.position == 'replace') { this.position = 'after'; this.hide_target = true; } if (this.position == 'after') { new Insertion.After(this.target, content); this.adapter = this.target.next(); } else if (this.position == 'before') { new Insertion.Before(this.target, content); this.adapter = this.target.previous(); } else { return false; } this.adapter.down('a.inline-adapter-close').observe('click', this.close_handler.bind(this)); this.register_cancel_hooks(); this.adapter.down('td').down().highlight(); }, close: function($super, updatedRow) { if (updatedRow) { ActiveScaffold.update_row(this.target, updatedRow); $super(); } else { new Ajax.Request(this.refresh_url, { asynchronous: true, evalScripts: true, method: this.method, onSuccess: function(request) { ActiveScaffold.update_row(this.target, request.responseText); $super(); }.bind(this), onFailure: function(request) { ActiveScaffold.report_500_response(this.scaffold_id()); } }); } }, enable: function() { this.set.links.each(function(item) { if (item.url != this.url) return; item.tag.removeClassName('disabled'); }.bind(this)); }, disable: function() { this.set.links.each(function(item) { if (item.url != this.url) return; item.tag.addClassName('disabled'); }.bind(this)); } }); /** * Concrete classes for table actions */ ActiveScaffold.Actions.Table = Class.create(ActiveScaffold.Actions.Abstract, { instantiate_link: function(link) { var l = new ActiveScaffold.ActionLink.Table(link, this.target, this.loading_indicator); if (l.position) l.url = l.url.append_params({adapter: '_list_inline_adapter'}); return l; } }); ActiveScaffold.ActionLink.Table = Class.create(ActiveScaffold.ActionLink.Abstract, { insert: function(content) { if (this.position == 'top') { new Insertion.Top(this.target, content); this.adapter = this.target.immediateDescendants().first(); } else { throw 'Unknown position "' + this.position + '"' } this.adapter.down('a.inline-adapter-close').observe('click', this.close_handler.bind(this)); this.register_cancel_hooks(); this.adapter.down('td').down().highlight(); } }); if (Ajax.InPlaceEditor) { ActiveScaffold.InPlaceEditor = Class.create(Ajax.InPlaceEditor, { setFieldFromAjax: function(url, options) { var ipe = this; $(ipe._controls.editor).remove(); new Ajax.Request(url, { method: 'get', onComplete: function(response) { ipe._form.insert({top: response.responseText}); if (options.plural) { ipe._form.getElements().each(function(el) { if (el.type != "submit" && el.type != "image") { el.name = ipe.options.paramName + '[]'; el.className = 'editor_field'; } }); } else { var fld = ipe._form.findFirstElement(); fld.name = ipe.options.paramName; fld.className = 'editor_field'; if (ipe.options.submitOnBlur) fld.onblur = ipe._boundSubmitHandler; ipe._controls.editor = fld; } } }); }, clonePatternField: function() { var patternNodes = this.getPatternNodes(this.options.inplacePatternSelector); if (patternNodes.editNode == null) { alert('did not find any matching node for ' + this.options.editFieldSelector); return; } var fld = patternNodes.editNode.cloneNode(true); if (fld.id.length > 0) fld.id += this.options.nodeIdSuffix; fld.name = this.options.paramName; fld.className = 'editor_field'; this.setValue(fld, this._controls.editor.value); if (this.options.submitOnBlur) fld.onblur = this._boundSubmitHandler; $(this._controls.editor).remove(); this._controls.editor = fld; this._form.appendChild(this._controls.editor); $A(patternNodes.additionalNodes).each(function(node) { var patternNode = node.cloneNode(true); if (patternNode.id.length > 0) { patternNode.id = patternNode.id + this.options.nodeIdSuffix; } this._form.appendChild(patternNode); }.bind(this)); }, getPatternNodes: function(inplacePatternSelector) { var nodes = {editNode: null, additionalNodes: []}; var selectedNodes = $$(inplacePatternSelector); var firstNode = selectedNodes.first(); if (typeof(firstNode) !== 'undefined') { // AS inplace_edit_control_container -> we have to select all child nodes // Workaround for ie which does not support css > selector if (firstNode.className.indexOf('as_inplace_pattern') !== -1) { selectedNodes = firstNode.childElements(); } nodes.editNode = selectedNodes.first(); selectedNodes.shift(); nodes.additionalNodes = selectedNodes; } return nodes; }, setValue: function(editField, textValue) { var function_name = 'setValueFor' + editField.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if (typeof(this[function_name]) == 'function') { this[function_name](editField, textValue); } else { editField.value = textValue; } }, setValueForselect: function(editField, textValue) { var len = editField.options.length; var i = 0; while (i < len && editField.options[i].text != textValue) { i++; } if (i < len) { editField.value = editField.options[i].value } } }); }