# encoding: utf-8 require 'punchblock' require 'countdownlatch' require 'logger' Dir[File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/support/**/*.rb"].each {|f| require f} Thread.abort_on_exception = true RSpec.configure do |config| config.mock_with :mocha config.filter_run :focus => true config.run_all_when_everything_filtered = true config.before :suite do |variable| Punchblock.logger = Logger.new(STDOUT) Punchblock.logger.define_singleton_method :trace, Punchblock.logger.method(:debug) end config.after :each do Object.const_defined?(:Celluloid) && Celluloid.shutdown end end def parse_stanza(xml) Nokogiri::XML.parse xml, nil, nil, Nokogiri::XML::ParseOptions::NOBLANKS end def import_stanza(xml) Blather::Stanza.import parse_stanza(xml).root end def stub_uuids(value) RubyAMI.stubs :new_uuid => value Punchblock.stubs :new_uuid => value end # FIXME: change this to rayo_event? It can be ambigous shared_examples_for 'event' do its(:target_call_id) { should be == '9f00061' } its(:component_id) { should be == '1' } end shared_examples_for 'command_headers' do it 'takes a hash of keys and values for headers' do headers = { :x_skill => 'agent', :x_customer_id => '8877' } control = [ Punchblock::Header.new(:x_skill, 'agent'), Punchblock::Header.new(:x_customer_id, '8877')] di = subject.class.new :headers => headers di.headers.should have(2).items di.headers.each { |i| control.include?(i).should be_true } end end shared_examples_for 'event_headers' do its(:headers) { should be == [Punchblock::Header.new(:x_skill, 'agent'), Punchblock::Header.new(:x_customer_id, '8877')]} its(:headers_hash) { should be == {:x_skill => 'agent', :x_customer_id => '8877'} } end shared_examples_for 'key_value_pairs' do it 'will auto-inherit nodes' do n = parse_stanza "<#{element_name} name='boo' value='bah' />" h = class_name.new n.root h.name.should be == :boo h.value.should be == 'bah' end it 'has a name attribute' do n = class_name.new :boo, 'bah' n.name.should be == :boo n.name = :foo n.name.should be == :foo end it "substitutes - for _ on the name attribute when reading" do n = parse_stanza "<#{element_name} name='boo-bah' value='foo' />" h = class_name.new n.root h.name.should be == :boo_bah end it "substitutes _ for - on the name attribute when writing" do h = class_name.new :boo_bah, 'foo' h.to_xml.should be == "<#{element_name} name=\"boo-bah\" value=\"foo\"/>" end it 'has a value param' do n = class_name.new :boo, 'en' n.value.should be == 'en' n.value = 'de' n.value.should be == 'de' end it 'can determine equality' do a = class_name.new :boo, 'bah' a.should be == class_name.new(:boo, 'bah') a.should_not be == class_name.new(:bah, 'bah') a.should_not be == class_name.new(:boo, 'boo') end end