class Card class Format module Content def process_content override_content=nil, content_opts=nil, &block content_obj = content_object override_content, content_opts content_obj.process_chunks(&block) content_obj.to_s end # 1. Break out references (nests / links) into separate chunks # 2. yields the other (non-ref) content # 3. processes references def safe_process_content override_content=nil, content_opts=nil, &block content_obj = content_object override_content, chunk_list: :references process_content content_obj.without_references(&block), content_opts end # nested by another card's content # (as opposed to a direct API nest) def content_nest opts={} return opts[:comment] if opts.key? :comment # commented nest nest_name = opts[:nest_name] return main_nest(opts) if main_nest?(nest_name) && @nest_mode != :template nest nest_name, opts end def format_date date, include_time=true # using DateTime because Time doesn't support %e on some platforms if include_time # .strftime('%B %e, %Y %H:%M:%S') I18n.localize(, date.mon,, date.hour, date.min, date.sec), format: :card_date_seconds) else # .strftime('%B %e, %Y') I18n.localize(, date.mon,, format: :card_date_only) end end def add_class options, klass return if klass.blank? options[:class] = css_classes options[:class], klass end alias_method :append_class, :add_class def prepend_class options, klass options[:class] = css_classes klass, options[:class] end def css_classes *array array.flatten.uniq.compact * " " end def id_counter return @parent.id_counter if @parent @id_counter ||= 0 @id_counter += 1 end def unique_id "#{}-#{id_counter}" end def output *content content = yield if block_given? Array.wrap(content).flatten.compact.join "\n" end private def content_object content=nil, content_opts=voo&.content_opts return content if content.is_a? Card::Content content ||= render_raw || "" content, self, content_opts end end end end