# frozen_string_literal: true
HTML::Pipeline.require_dependency('escape_utils', 'TableOfContentsFilter')
module HTML
class Pipeline
# HTML filter that adds an 'id' attribute to all headers
# in a document, so they can be accessed from a table of contents.
# Generates the Table of Contents, with links to each header.
# Examples
# TocPipeline =
# HTML::Pipeline.new [
# HTML::Pipeline::TableOfContentsFilter
# ]
# # => #
# orig = %(Ice cube
is not for the pop chart
# # => "Ice cube
is not for the pop chart
# result = {}
# # => {}
# TocPipeline.call(orig, {}, result)
# # => {:toc=> ...}
# result[:toc]
# # => "\n- ...
# result[:output].to_s
# # => "