module Sloe class Ixia # Create Sloe::Ixia object. This assumes you have the Ixia Linux TCL library installed # # @param host [String] IP or DNS name of the Linux TCL server # @param port [FixNum] port number to connect Ixia IxN controller on # @param version [String] version of the IxHal # @param ixncfg [String] path to IxN config file # @param traffic_duration [FixNum] duration that traffic should run for, in seconds # @param ixia_exe [String] path to shell script that executes TCL # @param clear_stats_after [FixNum] number of seconds to wait after configuring protocols before clearing stats # @param ftp_path [String] path on Windows client FTP server to put Ixia traffic stat results. Take care to triple escape back slashes (yes... really!) # @return [Sloe::Ixia] object that can execute IxN config file def initialize(host: 'localhost', port: 8009, version: nil, ixncfg: nil, traffic_duration: 60, ixia_exe: '/root/ixos/bin/ixia_shell', clear_stats_after: 10, ftp_path: 'c:\\\\inetpub\\\\ftproot\\\\Reports') if ixncfg == nil fail ArgumentError, "missing mandatory IxNetwork script" end @host = host @port = port @ixncfg = ixncfg @traffic_duration = traffic_duration @ixia_exe = ixia_exe @buildtime = # base csv file name on IxN cfg file name @csv_file = File.basename(ixncfg).sub('.ixncfg','') @clear_stats_after = clear_stats_after @ftp_path = ftp_path self end # Run IxN file and return Ixia stats as a CSV object def run run_setup sleep @clear_stats_after clear_stats sleep @traffic_duration csv = run_stats_gather csv end # Load IxN file, start all protocols and then start traffic def run_setup setup_tcl ="/var/tmp/setup-#{@buildtime}", 'w') setup_tcl.write setup setup_tcl.close system "#@ixia_exe /var/tmp/setup-#{@buildtime}" File.delete setup_tcl end # Clear all Ixia stats. This removes "invalid" drops observed def clear_stats clear_tcl ="/var/tmp/clear-#{@buildtime}", 'w') clear_tcl.write clear_traffic_stats clear_tcl.close system "#{@ixia_exe} /var/tmp/clear-#{@buildtime}" File.delete clear_tcl end # Stop Ixia traffic flows and gather Ixia stats def run_stats_gather stats_tcl ="/var/tmp/stats-#{@buildtime}", 'w') stats_tcl.write finish stats_tcl.close system "#@ixia_exe /var/tmp/stats-#{@buildtime}" File.delete stats_tcl ftp = ftp.login file = "#{@csv_file}.csv" Dir.chdir "#{$log_path}/ixia" do ftp.get "Reports/#{file}" end ftp.delete "Reports/#{file}" ftp.delete "Reports/#{file}.columns" ftp.close"#{$log_path}/ixia/#{file}", headers: true) end # Just run protocols. Do not start traffic def run_protocols run_proto ="/var/tmp/run-proto-#{@buildtime}", 'w') tcl = connect tcl << load_config tcl << start_protocols tcl << disconnect run_proto.write tcl run_proto.close system "#{@ixia_exe} /var/tmp/run-proto-#{@buildtime}" File.delete run_proto end private def setup tcl = connect tcl << load_config tcl << start_protocols tcl << start_traffic tcl << disconnect tcl end def clear_traffic_stats tcl = connect tcl << clear_ixia_traffic_stats tcl << disconnect tcl end def finish tcl = connect tcl << stop_traffic tcl << get_stats tcl << disconnect tcl end def connect code = <<-TCL.gsub(/^\s+\|/,'') |set VERSION [package require IxTclNetwork] | |ixNet connect #@host -port #@port -version $VERSION TCL code end def load_config code = <<-TCL.gsub(/^\s+\|/,'') |ixNet exec loadConfig [ixNet readFrom "#@ixncfg"] |set root [ixNet getRoot] |set vportList [ixNet getList $root vport] |ixTclNet::CheckLinkState $vportList notReadVportList |foreach vport $notReadyVportList { | set port [IxNet getAttribute $vport -connectedTo] | ixNet exec clearOwnership $port | ixNet exec connectPort $vport |} |if {[llength $doneList]} { | after 10000 |} TCL code end def start_protocols code = <<-TCL.gsub(/^\s+\|/,'') |ixNet exec startAllProtocols |after 30000 TCL code end def start_traffic code = <<-TCL.gsub(/^\s+\|/,'') |set root [ixNet getRoot] |ixNet exec apply $root/traffic |ixNet exec start $root/traffic |for {set timeOut 10} {$timeOut >= 0} {incr timeOut -1} { | if {[ixNet getAttr $root/traffic -state] == "started"} { | break | } | update idletasks | after 1000 |} TCL code end def clear_ixia_traffic_stats code = <<-TCL.gsub(/^\s+\|/,'') |ixNet exec clearStats TCL code end def stop_traffic code = <<-TCL.gsub(/^\s+\|/,'') |set root [ixNet getRoot] |ixNet exec stop $root/traffic |after 10000 TCL code end def get_stats code = <<-TCL.gsub(/^\s+\|/,'') |set root [ixNet getRoot] |set stats $root/statistics |set csvWindowsPath "#@ftp_path" |ixNet setAttr $stats -enableCsvLogging "true" |ixNet setAttr $stats -csvFilePath $csvWindowsPath |ixNet setAttr $stats -pollInterval 3 |ixNet commit |set li1 [list "Flow Statistics"] |set csvFileName "#@csv_file" |set opts [::ixTclNet::GetDefaultSnapshotSettings] |lset opts [lsearch $opts *Location*] [subst {Snapshot.View.Csv.Location: $csvWindowsPath}] |lset opts [lsearch $opts *GeneratingMode*] {Snapshot.View.Csv.GeneratingMode: kAppendCSVFile} |lset opts [lsearch $opts *Settings.Name*] [subst {Snapshot.Settings.Name: $csvFileName}] |lset opts [lsearch $opts *Contents*] {Snapshot.View.Contents: "allPages"} |lappend opts [subst {Snapshot.View.Csv.Name: $csvFileName}] |ixTclNet::TakeViewCSVSnapshot $li1 $opts TCL code end def clean_up code = <<-TCL.gsub(/^\s+\|/,'') |cleanUp |foreach vport $vportList { | set port [IxNet getAttribute $vport -connectedTo] | ixNet exec clearOwnership $port |} TCL code end def disconnect code = <<-TCL.gsub(/^\s+\|/,'') |ixNet disconnect TCL code end end end