require 'eldarscrolls' require 'thor' module EldarScrolls class Command < Thor include Thor::Actions desc "new APP_NAME", "create a new Rails app" method_option :scrolls, :type => :array, :aliases => "-s", :desc => "List scrolls, e.g. -s resque rails_basics jquery" method_option :template, :type => :boolean, :aliases => "-t", :desc => "Only display template that would be used" def new(name) if options[:scrolls] run_template(name, options[:scrolls], options[:template]) else @scrolls = [] while scroll = ask("#{print_scrolls}#{bold}Which scroll would you like to add? #{clear}#{yellow}(blank to finish)#{clear}") if scroll == '' run_template(name, @scrolls) break elsif EldarScrolls::Scrolls.list.include?(scroll) @scrolls << scroll puts puts "> #{green}Added '#{scroll}' to template.#{clear}" else puts puts "> #{red}Invalid scroll, please try again.#{clear}" end end end end desc "list [CATEGORY]", "list available scrolls (optionally by category)" def list(category = nil) if category scrolls = EldarScrolls::Scrolls.for(category).map{|r| EldarScrolls::Scroll.from_mongo(r) } else scrolls = EldarScrolls::Scrolls.list_classes end scrolls.each do |scroll| puts scroll.key.ljust(15) + "# #{scroll.description}" end end no_tasks do def cyan; "\033[36m" end def clear; "\033[0m" end def bold; "\033[1m" end def red; "\033[31m" end def green; "\033[32m" end def yellow; "\033[33m" end def print_scrolls puts puts puts if @scrolls && @scrolls.any? puts "#{green}#{bold}Your Scrolls:#{clear} " + @scrolls.join(", ") puts end puts "#{bold}#{cyan}Available Scrolls:#{clear} " + EldarScrolls::Scrolls.list.join(', ') puts end def run_template(name, scrolls, display_only = false) puts puts puts "#{bold}Generating and Running Template..." puts file ='template') template = file.write template.compile file.close if display_only puts "Template stored to #{file.path}" puts else system "rails new #{name} -m #{file.path} #{template.args.join(' ')}" end ensure file.unlink end end end end