# encoding: utf-8 module AssLauncher # Code partly copied from sources [FFI::Platform] module # Module provides some functional like [FFI::Platform] # Gem +ffi+ builds binary extension and decided don't use it module Platform # :nocov: OS = case RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'].downcase when /linux/ 'linux' when /darwin/ 'darwin' when /freebsd/ 'freebsd' when /netbsd/ 'netbsd' when /openbsd/ 'openbsd' when /sunos|solaris/ 'solaris' when /mingw|mswin/ 'windows' else RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'].downcase end # :nocov: # @param [String) os # @return [Boolean] # Test if current OS is +os+. def self.os?(os) OS == os end IS_CYGWIN = os?('cygwin') IS_WINDOWS = os?('windows') IS_LINUX = os?('linux') def self.cygwin? IS_CYGWIN end def self.linux? IS_LINUX end def self.windows? IS_WINDOWS end end module Support # OS-specific things # Mixin module help work with things as paths and env in other plases # @example # include AssLauncher::Support::Platforms # # if cigwin? # #do if run in Cygwin # end # # # Find env value on regex # pf = platform.env[/program\s*files/i] # return if pf.size == 0 # # # Use #path # p = platform.path(pf[0]) # p.exists? # # # Use #path_class # platform.path_class.glob('C:/*').each do |path| # path.exists? # end # # # Use #glob directly # platform.glob('C:/*').each do |path| # path.exists? # end # # module Platforms # True if run in Cygwin def cygwin? Platform.cygwin? end module_function :cygwin? # True if run in MinGW def windows? Platform.windows? end module_function :windows? # True if run in Linux def linux? Platform.linux? end module_function :linux? # Return module [Platforms] as helper # @return [Platforms] def platform AssLauncher::Support::Platforms end private :platform require 'pathname' # Return suitable class # @return [UnixPath | WinPath | CygPath] def self.path_class if cygwin? PathnameExt::CygPath elsif windows? PathnameExt::WinPath else PathnameExt::UnixPath end end # Return suitable class instance # @return [UnixPath | WinPath | CygPath] def self.path(string) path_class.new(string) end # (see PathnameExt.glob) def self.glob(p1, *args) path_class.glob(p1, *args) end # Parent for OS-specific *Path classes # @todo TRANSLATE THIS: # # rubocop:disable AsciiComments # @note # Класс предназначен для унификации работы с путями ФС в различных # ОС. # ОС зависимые методы будут переопределены в классах потомках # [UnixPath | WinPath | CygPath]. # # Пути могут приходить из следующих источников: # - из консоли - при этом в Cygwin путь вида '/cygdrive/c' будет # непонятен за пределами Cygwin # - из ENV - при этом путь \\\\host\\share будет непонятен в Unix # # Общая мысль в следующем: # - пути приводятся к mixed_path - /cygwin/c -> C:/, C:\\ -> C:/, # \\\\host\\share -> //host/share # - переопределяется метод glob класса [Pathname] при этом метод в # Cygwin будет иметь свою реализацию т.к. в cygwin # Dirname.glob('C:/') вернет пустой массив, # а Dirname.glob('/cygdrive/c') отработает правильно. # rubocop:enable AsciiComments class PathnameExt < Pathname # Override constructor for lead path to (#mixed_path) # @param string [String] - string of path def initialize(string) @raw = string.to_s.strip super mixed_path(@raw) end # This is fix (bug or featere)? of [Pathname] method. Called in # chiled clesses returns not childe class instance but returns # [Pathname] instance def +(other) self.class.new(super(other).to_s) end # Return mixed_path where delimiter is '/' # @return [String] def mixed_path(string) string.tr('\\', '/') end private :mixed_path # Return path suitable for windows apps. In Unix this method overridden # @return [String] def win_string to_s.tr('/', '\\') end # Override (Pathname.glob) method for correct work with windows paths # like a '\\\\host\\share', 'C:\\' and Cygwin paths like a '/cygdrive/c' # @param (see Pathname.glob) # @return [Array] def self.glob(p1, *args) super p1.tr('\\', '/'), *args end # Class for MinGW Ruby class WinPath < PathnameExt; end # Class for Unix Ruby class UnixPath < PathnameExt # (see PathnameExt#win_string) def win_string to_s end end # Class for Cygwin Ruby class CygPath < PathnameExt # (cee PathnameExt#mixed_path) def mixed_path(string) cygpath(string, :m) end # (see PathnameExt.glob) def self.glob(p1, *args) super cygpath(p1, :u), *args end def self.cygpath(p1, flag) fail ArgumentError, 'Only accepts :w | :m | :u flags'\ unless %w(w m u).include? flag.to_s # TODO, extract shell call into Shell module out = `cygpath -#{flag} #{p1.escape} 2>&1`.chomp fail Shell::RunError, out unless exitstatus == 0 out end # TODO, extract shell call into Shell module def self.exitstatus # rubocop:disable all fail Shell::Error, 'Unexpected $?.nil?' if $?.nil? $?.exitstatus # rubocop:enable all end private_class_method :exitstatus def cygpath(p1, flag) self.class.cygpath(p1, flag) end end end # Return suitable class # @return [UnixEnv | WinEnv | CygEnv] def self.env if cygwin? CygEnv elsif windows? WinEnv else UnixEnv end end # Wrapper for ENV in Unix Ruby class UnixEnv # Return values ENV on regex def self.[](regex) ENV.map { |k, v| v if k =~ regex }.compact end end # Wrapper for ENV in Cygwin Ruby class CygEnv < UnixEnv; end # Wrapper for ENV in MinGw Ruby class WinEnv < UnixEnv; end end end end