# Public name of this content type name: Emails # TODO: explain slug: emails # Explanation for the backoffice description: Emails collected for the newsletter # Default field (e.g title) label_field_name: email # Order of entries order_by: created_at # default: manually, also available: created_at or any field slug # Order direction # order_direction: asc # default: asc, also available: desc # Display entries grouped by in the backoffice # group_by: # Activate public 'create' API (e.g for a contact form) public_submission_enabled: true # Emails to be notified on new entries using the public API # public_submission_accounts: ['john@acme.net'] # Describe each field. The name shoud always be an underscored string fields: - email: # Name of the field label: Email type: email required: true hint: An email address submitted from the index page localized: false