#!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true require_relative 'sections' module Checkoff # Pull tasks from Asana class Tasks MINUTE = 60 HOUR = MINUTE * 60 DAY = 24 * HOUR REALLY_LONG_CACHE_TIME = HOUR LONG_CACHE_TIME = MINUTE * 15 SHORT_CACHE_TIME = MINUTE * 5 def initialize(config: Checkoff::ConfigLoader.load(:asana), sections: Checkoff::Sections.new(config: config), clients: Checkoff::Clients.new(config: config), client: clients.client, time_class: Time, asana_task: Asana::Resources::Task) @config = config @sections = sections @time_class = time_class @asana_task = asana_task @client = client end def task_ready?(task) return false if incomplete_dependencies?(task) due = due_time(task) return true if due.nil? due < @time_class.now end # Pull a specific task by name def task(workspace_name, project_name, task_name, section_name: :unspecified, only_uncompleted: true) project = projects.project(workspace_name, project_name) tasks = if section_name == :unspecified projects.tasks_from_project(project, only_uncompleted: only_uncompleted) else @sections.tasks(workspace_name, project_name, section_name, only_uncompleted: only_uncompleted) end tasks.find { |task| task.name == task_name } end def add_task(name, workspace_gid: default_workspace_gid, assignee_gid: default_assignee_gid) @asana_task.create(client, assignee: assignee_gid, workspace: workspace_gid, name: name) end # Return an end-user URL to the task in question def url_of_task(task) "https://app.asana.com/0/0/#{task.gid}/f" end private attr_reader :client def projects @projects ||= @sections.projects end def default_assignee_gid @config.fetch(:default_assignee_gid) end def due_time(task) return @time_class.parse(task.due_at) if task.due_at return @time_class.parse(task.due_on) if task.due_on nil end def incomplete_dependencies?(task) task.dependencies.any? do |parent_task_info| parent_task_gid = parent_task_info.gid parent_task = @asana_task.find_by_id(client, parent_task_gid, options: { fields: ['completed'] }) !parent_task.completed end end end end