module Arbre class Element # Dynamic module onto which builder methods can be defined. module BuilderMethods end # Element building concern. Contains methods pertaining to building and inserting child # elements. module Building ###### # Builder methods def self.included(klass) klass.send :include, BuilderMethods klass.send :extend, BuilderMethod end ###### # Builder method DSL module BuilderMethod def builder_method(method_name) BuilderMethods.class_eval <<-EOF, __FILE__, __LINE__ def #{method_name}(*args, &block) insert ::#{}, *args, &block end EOF end end ###### # Building & inserting elements # Builds an element of the given class using the given arguments and block, in the # same arbre context as this element. def build(klass, *args, &block) element = within(element) {! *args, &block } element end # Builds an element of the given class using the given arguments and block, in the # same arbre context as this element, and adds it to the current arbre element's # children. def insert(klass, *args, &block) element = current_element.insert_child element within(element) {! *args, &block } element end ###### # Flow # Executes a block within the context of the given element, or DOM query. def append_within(element, &block) element = find(element).first if element.is_a?(String) arbre_context.with_current element: element, flow: :append, &block end # Same as #{append_within}, except this doesn't do anything if the given element # is +nil+ or not found. def append_within?(element, &block) element = find(element).first if element.is_a?(String) arbre_context.with_current element: element, flow: :append, &block if element end alias_method :within, :append_within alias_method :within?, :append_within? # Executes a block within the context of the given element, or DOM query. All elements # are prepended. def prepend_within(element, &block) element = find(element).first if element.is_a?(String) arbre_context.with_current element: element, flow: :prepend, &block end # Same as #{prepend_within}, except this doesn't do anything if the given element # is +nil+ or not found. def prepend_within?(element, &block) element = find(element).first if element.is_a?(String) arbre_context.with_current element: element, flow: :prepend, &block if element end %w(append prepend).each do |flow| class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__+1 def #{flow}(klass = nil, *args, &block) arbre_context.with_current element: current_element, flow: :#{flow} do insert_or_call_block klass, *args, &block end end RUBY end %w(after before).each do |flow| class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__+1 def #{flow}(element, klass = nil, *args, &block) element = find(element).first if element.is_a?(String) arbre_context.with_current element: element.parent, flow: [ :#{flow}, element ] do insert_or_call_block klass, *args, &block end end RUBY end def insert_or_call_block(klass, *args, &block) if klass insert klass, *args, &block else yield end end private :insert_or_call_block # Inserts a child element at the right place in the child array, taking the current # flow into account. def insert_child(child) case current_flow when :append children << child when :prepend children.insert_at 0, child # Update the flow - the next element should be added after this one, not be # prepended. arbre_context.replace_current_flow [:after, child] else # flow: [ :before, element ] or [ :after, element ] operation, element = current_flow children.send :"insert_#{operation}", element, child if operation == :after # Now that we've inserted something after the element, we need to # make sure that the next element we insert will be after this one. arbre_context.replace_current_flow [:after, child] end end end ###### # Support methods # Builds a temporary container using the given block, but doesn't add it to the tree. # The block is executed within the current context. def temporary(&block) build Element, &block end def current_element arbre_context.current_element end def current_flow arbre_context.current_flow end end end end