/* File: jstree.dnd.js
Enables drag'n'drop.
/* Group: jstree drag'n'drop plugin */
(function ($) {
$.jstree.plugin("dnd", {
__construct : function () {
.delegate('a', 'mousedown', $.proxy(function (e) {
var obj = this.get_node(e.target);
if(obj && obj !== -1 && obj.length && e.which === 1) { // TODO: think about e.which
return $.vakata.dnd.start(e, { 'jstree' : true, 'origin' : this, 'obj' : obj }, '
' + this.get_text(e.currentTarget, true) + '+
}, this));
// TODO: is check_timeout or is it OK as is?
// TODO: drag foreign items / drop foreign items (pretty easy with dnd events, but need to move marker placement in a function)
defaults : {
copy_modifier : 'ctrl',
open_timeout : 500
$(function() {
// bind only once for all instances
var lastmv = false,
opento = false,
marker = $('
.bind('dnd_start.vakata', function (e, data) {
lastmv = false;
.bind('dnd_move.vakata', function (e, data) {
if(opento) { clearTimeout(opento); }
if(!data.data.jstree) { return; }
// if we are hovering the marker image do nothing (can happen on "inside" drags)
if(data.event.target.id && data.event.target.id === 'jstree-marker') {
var ins = $.jstree._reference(data.event.target),
ref = false,
off = false,
rel = false,
l, t, h, p, i, o;
// if we are over an instance
if(ins && ins.data && ins.data.dnd) {
marker.attr('class', (ins.data.themes ? 'jstree-' + ins.get_theme() : ''));
.children().attr('class', (ins.data.themes ? 'jstree-' + ins.get_theme() : ''))
.find('.jstree-copy:eq(0)')[ data.event[data.data.origin.get_settings().dnd.copy_modifier + "Key"] ? 'show' : 'hide' ]();
// if are hovering the container itself add a new root node
if(data.event.target === ins.get_container()[0] || data.event.target === ins.get_container_ul()[0]) {
if(ins.check( (data.event[data.data.origin.get_settings().dnd.copy_modifier + "Key"] ? "copy_node" : "move_node"), data.data.obj, -1, 'last')) {
lastmv = { 'ins' : ins, 'par' : -1, 'pos' : 'last' };
else {
// if we are hovering a tree node
ref = $(data.event.target).closest('a');
if(ref && ref.length && ref.parent().is('.jstree-closed, .jstree-open, .jstree-leaf')) {
off = ref.offset();
rel = data.event.pageY - off.top;
h = ref.height();
if(rel < h / 3) {
o = ['b', 'i', 'a'];
else if(rel > h - h / 3) {
o = ['a', 'i', 'b'];
else {
o = rel > h / 2 ? ['i', 'a', 'b'] : ['i', 'b', 'a'];
$.each(o, function (j, v) {
switch(v) {
case 'b':
l = off.left - 6;
t = off.top - 5;
p = ins.get_parent(ref);
i = ref.parent().index();
case 'i':
l = off.left - 2;
t = off.top - 5 + h / 2 + 1;
p = ref.parent();
i = 0;
case 'a':
l = off.left - 6;
t = off.top - 5 + h + 2;
p = ins.get_parent(ref);
i = ref.parent().index() + 1;
// TODO: moving inside, but the node is not yet loaded?
// the check will work anyway, as when moving the node will be loaded first and checked again
if(v === 'i' && !ins.is_loaded(p)) { }
if(ins.check((data.event[data.data.origin.get_settings().dnd.copy_modifier + "Key"] ? "copy_node" : "move_node"),data.data.obj, p, i)) {
if(v === 'i' && ref.parent().is('.jstree-closed') && ins.get_settings(true).dnd.open_timeout) {
opento = setTimeout((function (x, z) { return function () { x.open_node(z); }; })(ins, ref), ins.get_settings(true).dnd.open_timeout);
lastmv = { 'ins' : ins, 'par' : p, 'pos' : i };
marker.css({ 'left' : l + 'px', 'top' : t + 'px' }).show();
o = true;
return false;
if(o === true) { return; }
lastmv = false;
.bind('dnd_scroll.vakata', function (e, data) {
if(!data.data.jstree) { return; }
lastmv = false;
.bind('dnd_stop.vakata', function (e, data) {
if(opento) { clearTimeout(opento); }
if(!data.data.jstree) { return; }
if(lastmv) {
lastmv.ins[ data.event[data.data.origin.get_settings().dnd.copy_modifier + "Key"] ? 'copy_node' : 'move_node' ]
(data.data.obj, lastmv.par, lastmv.pos);
.bind('keyup keydown', function (e, data) {
data = $.vakata.dnd._get();
if(data.data && data.data.jstree) {
data.helper.find('.jstree-copy:eq(0)')[ e[data.data.origin.get_settings().dnd.copy_modifier + "Key"] ? 'show' : 'hide' ]();
// add DND CSS
var css_string = '' +
'#jstree-marker { position: absolute; top:0; left:0; margin:0; padding:0; border-right:0; border-top:5px solid transparent; border-bottom:5px solid transparent; border-left:5px solid; width:0; height:0; font-size:0; line-height:0; _border-top-color:pink; _border-botton-color:pink; _filter:chroma(color=pink); } ' +
'#jstree-dnd { line-height:16px; margin:0; padding:4px; } ' +
'#jstree-dnd .jstree-icon, #jstree-dnd .jstree-copy { display:inline-block; text-decoration:none; margin:0 2px 0 0; padding:0; width:16px; height:16px; } ' +
'#jstree-dnd .jstree-ok { background:green; } ' +
'#jstree-dnd .jstree-er { background:red; } ' +
'#jstree-dnd .jstree-copy { margin:0 2px 0 2px; }';
$.vakata.css.add_sheet({ str : css_string, title : "jstree" });
// include the dnd plugin by default