# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative 'boot' require 'rails/all' # Require the gems listed in Gemfile, including any gems # you've limited to :test, :development, or :production. Bundler.require(*Rails.groups) module ComfortableMediaSurfer class Application < Rails::Application # Load defaults based on Rails major/minor version config.load_defaults Rails.version.scan(%r{^\d+\.\d+}).first.to_f # Rails 7.1 compatibility - See config/initializers/new_framework_defaults_7_1.rb if Gem::Version.new(Rails.version) >= Gem::Version.new('7.1.0') config.active_record.default_column_serializer = YAML config.active_record.before_committed_on_all_records = false config.active_record.commit_transaction_on_non_local_return = false config.active_record.run_after_transaction_callbacks_in_order_defined = false config.active_support.message_serializer = :json config.active_record.run_commit_callbacks_on_first_saved_instances_in_transaction = true # config.active_record.allow_deprecated_singular_associations_name = true # config.active_support.raise_on_invalid_cache_expiration_time = false # config.active_record.sqlite3_adapter_strict_strings_by_default = false # config.active_support.cache_format_version = 7.0 # Please, add to the `ignore` list any other `lib` subdirectories that do # not contain `.rb` files, or that should not be reloaded or eager loaded. # Common ones are `templates`, `generators`, or `middleware`, for example. config.add_autoload_paths_to_load_path = false config.autoload_lib(ignore: %w[generators]) end # Making sure we don't load our dev routes as part of the engine config.paths['config/routes.rb'] << 'config/cms_routes.rb' # Configuration for the application, engines, and railties goes here. # # These settings can be overridden in specific environments using the files # in config/environments, which are processed later. # # config.time_zone = "Central Time (US & Canada)" # config.eager_load_paths << Rails.root.join("extras") # Ensuring that all ActiveStorage routes are loaded before out globbing route. config.railties_order = [ActiveStorage::Engine, :main_app, :all] config.i18n.enforce_available_locales = true config.active_record.yaml_column_permitted_classes = [ Symbol, Date, Time, ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone, ActiveSupport::TimeZone, ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer ] end end