--- en: activemodel: attributes: dummy_resource: created_at: Created at decidim_scope_id: Scope field: My field start_date: Start date title: Title translatable_text: Translatable text updated_at: Updated at decidim: components: dummy: settings: global: guided: Guided input guided_help: Help text guided_readonly: Disabled input guided_rich: Guided rich input guided_rich_help_html: HTML help text guided_rich_readonly_html: HTML help text for disabled input readonly_attribute: Readonly attribute test: A test test_choices: a: A choice b: B choice c: C choice test_options: bar: Bar baz: Baz foo: Foo step: endorsements_blocked: Endorsements blocked endorsements_enabled: Endorsements enabled readonly_step_attribute: Readonly step attribute test_options: bar: Bar baz: Baz foo: Foo dummy: admin: exports: dummies: Dummies gamification: badges: test: conditions: - Use a test environment for decidim. description: Participants get this badge by creating tests. description_another: This participant has created %{score} tests. description_own: You have created %{score} tests. name: Tests next_level_in: Create %{score} more tests to reach the next level! unearned_another: This participant hasn't created any tests yet. unearned_own: You have created no tests yet. resource_links: test_link: dummy_resource_dummy: Related dummy statistics: bar: Bar dummies_count_high: Dummies high dummies_count_medium: Dummies medium foo: Foo