require 'rake' require 'rake/tasklib' class Protod class RakeTask < Rake::TaskLib class Builder attr_accessor :name def initialize(&body) body&.call(self) end def build**{ name: name }.compact) end end def initialize(name: :protod) super() @name = name define_generate_proto_task define_generate_pb_task define_run_gruf end def define_generate_proto_task desc 'Generate proto files' task("#{@name}:generate:proto": :environment) do Protod.setup! root = Protod::Proto::Package.roots.flat_map { _1.all_packages.reject(&:external?).reject(&:empty?) }.each do |package| path = root.join(*package.full_ident.split('.').tap { _1.last << '.proto' }) FileUtils.mkdir_p(path.parent) unless File.exist?(path.parent) puts "Start to generate #{path} ..." File.write(path, package.to_proto) end end end def define_generate_pb_task desc 'Generate protocol buffers files' task("#{@name}:generate:pb": :environment) do Protod.setup! proto_dir = pb_dir = File.absolute_path( FileUtils.mkdir_p(pb_dir) unless File.exist?(pb_dir) Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| dir = Pathname(dir) Protod::Proto::Package.roots.flat_map(&:all_packages).filter { _1.url.present? }.each.with_index(1) do |package, i| args = [package.url, dir.join("_ext#{i}_#{package.url.split('/').last}")] options = { depth: 1, branch: package.branch }.compact option_part = { |k, v| "--#{k} #{v}" }.join(' ') arg_part = { Shellwords.shellescape(_1) }.join(' ') cmd = "git clone #{option_part} #{arg_part}" puts "#{cmd}" system(cmd) or raise "Failed to generate pb!" end include_option = Dir.glob("#{dir}/*").map { "-I#{_1}" }.join(' ') cmd = "bundle exec grpc_tools_ruby_protoc #{include_option} -I#{proto_dir} --ruby_out=#{pb_dir} --grpc_out=#{pb_dir} `find #{proto_dir} -type f -name '*.proto'`" puts "#{cmd}" system(cmd) or raise "Failed to generate pb!" end puts "Finished to generate pb." end end def define_run_gruf desc 'Run gruf' task("#{@name}:gruf": :environment) do require 'protod/protocol_buffers' end end end end