require "nokogiri" def equal_to_dom(text) end def include_dom(text) end def match_css_pattern(pattern) end class IncludeDom def initialize(expectation) @expectation = Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment.parse(expectation.strip).to_s end def matches?(text) @matcher = Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment.parse(text.strip).to_s @matcher == @expectation end def failure_message "Expected dom \n#{@matcher.inspect}\n to include \n#{@expectation.inspect}\n, but it wasn't" end end class EqualToDom def initialize(expectation) @expectation = Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment.parse(force_encoding(expectation).strip).to_s end def matches?(text) @matcher = Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment.parse(force_encoding(text).strip).to_s @matcher == @expectation end def failure_message "Expected dom \n#{@matcher}\n to match \n#{@expectation}\n, but it wasn't" end private def force_encoding(text) "1.9.3".respond_to?(:force_encoding) ? text.clone.force_encoding("UTF-8") : text end end class CssPattern def initialize(pattern) @css_pattern = pattern end def error!(message) @error_message = message false end def failure_message @error_message || "" end def matches?(text) text = text.clone.force_encoding("UTF-8") if "1.9.3".respond_to? :force_encoding @matcher = Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment.parse(text) @css_pattern.each do |css, amount_or_pattern_or_string_or_proc| path = @matcher.css(css) if amount_or_pattern_or_string_or_proc.is_a?(String) or amount_or_pattern_or_string_or_proc.is_a?(Regexp) pattern_or_string = amount_or_pattern_or_string_or_proc html = path.inner_html if !html.match(pattern_or_string) return error!("#{css.inspect} did not match #{pattern_or_string.inspect}. It was \n:#{html.inspect}") end elsif amount_or_pattern_or_string_or_proc.is_a? Fixnum expected_amount = amount_or_pattern_or_string_or_proc amount = path.size if amount != expected_amount return error!("did not find #{css.inspect} #{expected_amount.inspect} times. It was #{amount.inspect}") end elsif amount_or_pattern_or_string_or_proc.is_a? Proc if ! return error!("#{css.inspect} did not validate (proc must not return a falsy value)") end else raise "Instance of String, Rexexp, Proc or Fixnum required" end true end end def negative_failure_message "Expected do not match dom pattern. But it was" end end