# Files in the config/locales directory are used for internationalization # and are automatically loaded by Rails. If you want to use locales other # than English, add the necessary files in this directory. # # To use the locales, use `I18n.t`: # # I18n.t 'hello' # # In views, this is aliased to just `t`: # # <%= t('hello') %> # # To use a different locale, set it with `I18n.locale`: # # I18n.locale = :es # # This would use the information in config/locales/es.yml. # # To learn more, please read the Rails Internationalization guide # available at http://guides.rubyonrails.org/i18n.html. --- en: activerecord: attributes: commontator/comment: body: Comment creator: Creator editor: Editor thread: Discussion commontator/subscription: subscriber: Subscriber thread: Discussion commontator/thread: commontable: Commontable models: commontator/comment: one: comment other: comments commontator/subscription: one: subscription other: subscriptions commontator/thread: one: thread other: threads commontator: anonymous: Anonymous comment: actions: cancel: Cancel confirm_delete: "Are you sure you want to delete this comment?" create: "Post Comment" delete: Delete edit: Edit new: "New Comment" undelete: Undelete update: "Modify Comment" errors: already_deleted: "This comment has already been deleted." create: "This comment could not be posted because:" double_posted: "is a duplicate of another comment." not_deleted: "This comment is not deleted." update: "This comment could not be modified because:" status: created_at: "Posted on %{created_at}." deleted_by: "Comment deleted by %{deleter_name}." updated_at: "Last modified by %{editor_name} on %{updated_at}." email: comment_created: body: "%{creator_name} commented on %{commontable_name}:" subject: "%{creator_name} posted a comment on %{commontable_name}" thread_link_html: "Click here to view all comments on %{commontable_name}." undisclosed_recipients: "Undisclosed Recipients" require_login: "You must login before you can post a comment." subscription: actions: confirm_unsubscribe: "Are you sure you want to unsubscribe from this discussion?" subscribe: Subscribe unsubscribe: Unsubscribe errors: already_subscribed: "You are already subscribed to this discussion." not_subscribed: "You are not subscribed to this discussion." thread: actions: show_all: "Show All Comments" filter: "Filter Comments" close: "Close Discussion" confirm_close: "Are you sure you want to close this discussion?" reopen: "Reopen Discussion" show: "Show Comments" hide: "Hide Comments" errors: already_closed: "This discussion has already been closed." not_closed: "This discussion is not closed." status: cannot_post: "New comments cannot be posted at this time." closed: "Comments (Closed by %{closer_name})" open: Comments time: formats: commontator: "%b %d %Y at %I:%M%p %Z"