module CyberarmEngine # Ref: class Shader include OpenGL @@shaders = {} # Cache for {Shader} instances PREPROCESSOR_CHARACTER = "@".freeze # magic character for preprocessor phase of {Shader} compilation # add instance of {Shader} to cache # # @param name [String] # @param instance [Shader] def self.add(name, instance) @@shaders[name] = instance end # removes {Shader} from cache and cleans up # # @param name [String] def self.delete(name) shader = @@shaders.dig(name) if shader @@shaders.delete(name) glDeleteProgram(shader.program) if shader.compiled? end end ## # runs _block_ using {Shader} with _name_ # # @example # # CyberarmEngine::Shader.use("blur") do |shader| # shader.uniform_float("radius", 20.0) # # OpenGL Code that uses shader # end # # @param name [String] name of {Shader} to use # @return [void] def self.use(name, &block) shader = @@shaders.dig(name) if shader shader.use(&block) else raise ArgumentError, "Shader '#{name}' not found!" end end # returns whether {Shader} with _name_ is in cache # # @param name [String] # @return [Boolean] def self.available?(name) @@shaders.dig(name).is_a?(Shader) end # returns instance of {Shader}, if it exists # # @param name [String] # @return [Shader?] def self.get(name) @@shaders.dig(name) end # returns currently active {Shader}, if one is active # # @return [Shader?] class << self attr_reader :active_shader end # sets currently active {Shader} # # @param instance [Shader] instance of {Shader} to set as active class << self attr_writer :active_shader end # stops using currently active {Shader} def self.stop shader = Shader.active_shader if shader shader.stop else raise ArgumentError, "No active shader to stop!" end end # returns location of OpenGL Shader uniform # # @param variable [String] def self.attribute_location(variable) raise "No active shader!" unless Shader.active_shader Shader.active_shader.attribute_location(variable) end # sets _variable_ to _value_ # # @param variable [String] # @param value def self.set_uniform(variable, value) raise "No active shader!" unless Shader.active_shader Shader.active_shader.set_uniform(variable, value) end attr_reader :name, :program def initialize(name:, fragment:, includes_dir: nil, vertex: "shaders/default.vert") raise "Shader name can not be blank" if name.length == 0 @name = name @includes_dir = includes_dir @compiled = false @program = nil @error_buffer_size = 1024 * 8 @variable_missing = {} @data = { shaders: {} } unless shader_files_exist?(vertex: vertex, fragment: fragment) raise ArgumentError, "Shader files not found: #{vertex} or #{fragment}" end create_shader(type: :vertex, source: create_shader(type: :fragment, source: compile_shader(type: :vertex) compile_shader(type: :fragment) link_shaders @data[:shaders].each { |_key, id| glDeleteShader(id) } # Only add shader if it successfully compiles if @compiled puts "compiled!" puts "Compiled shader: #{@name}" Shader.add(@name, self) else glDeleteProgram(@program) warn "FAILED to compile shader: #{@name}", "" end end # whether vertex and fragment files exist on disk # # @return [Boolean] def shader_files_exist?(vertex:, fragment:) File.exist?(vertex) && File.exist?(fragment) end # creates an OpenGL Shader of _type_ using _source_ # # @param type [Symbol] valid values are: :vertex, :fragment # @param source [String] source code for shader def create_shader(type:, source:) _shader = nil case type when :vertex _shader = glCreateShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER) when :fragment _shader = glCreateShader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER) else raise ArgumentError, "Unsupported shader type: #{type.inspect}" end processed_source = preprocess_source(source: source) _source = [processed_source].pack("p") _size = [processed_source.length].pack("I") glShaderSource(_shader, 1, _source, _size) @data[:shaders][type] = _shader end # evaluates shader preprocessors # # currently supported preprocessors: # # @include "file/path" "another/file/path" # => Replace line with contents of file; Shader includes_dir must be specified in constructor # # @example # # Example Vertex Shader # # # #version 330 core # # @include "material_struct" # # void main() { # # gl_Position = vec4(1, 1, 1, 1); # # } # # "model_renderer", includes_dir: "path/to/includes", vertex: "path/to/vertex_shader.glsl") # # @param source shader source code def preprocess_source(source:) lines = source.lines lines.each_with_index do |line, i| next unless line.start_with?(PREPROCESSOR_CHARACTER) preprocessor = line.strip.split(" ") lines.delete(line) case preprocessor.first when "@include" unless @includes_dir raise ArgumentError, "Shader preprocessor include directory was not given for shader #{@name}" end preprocessor[1..preprocessor.length - 1].join.scan(/"([^"]*)"/).flatten.each do |file| source ="#{@includes_dir}/#{file}.glsl") lines.insert(i, source) end else warn "Unsupported preprocessor #{preprocessor.first} for #{@name}" end end lines.join end # compile OpenGL Shader of _type_ # # @return [Boolean] whether compilation succeeded def compile_shader(type:) _compiled = false _shader = @data[:shaders][type] raise ArgumentError, "No shader for #{type.inspect}" unless _shader glCompileShader(_shader) buffer = " " glGetShaderiv(_shader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, buffer) compiled = buffer.unpack1("L") if compiled == 0 log = " " * @error_buffer_size glGetShaderInfoLog(_shader, @error_buffer_size, nil, log) puts "Shader Error: Program \"#{@name}\"" puts " #{type.to_s.capitalize} Shader InfoLog:", " #{log.strip.split("\n").join("\n ")}\n\n" puts " Shader Compiled status: #{compiled}" puts " NOTE: assignment of uniforms in shaders is illegal!" puts else _compiled = true end _compiled end # link compiled OpenGL Shaders in to a OpenGL Program # # @note linking must succeed or shader cannot be used # # @return [Boolean] whether linking succeeded def link_shaders @program = glCreateProgram @data[:shaders].values.each do |_shader| glAttachShader(@program, _shader) end glLinkProgram(@program) buffer = " " glGetProgramiv(@program, GL_LINK_STATUS, buffer) linked = buffer.unpack1("L") if linked == 0 log = " " * @error_buffer_size glGetProgramInfoLog(@program, @error_buffer_size, nil, log) puts "Shader Error: Program \"#{@name}\"" puts " Program InfoLog:", " #{log.strip.split("\n").join("\n ")}\n\n" end @compiled = !(linked == 0) end # Returns the location of a uniform _variable_ # # @param variable [String] # @return [Integer] location of uniform def variable(variable) loc = glGetUniformLocation(@program, variable) if loc == -1 unless @variable_missing[variable] puts "Shader Error: Program \"#{@name}\" has no such uniform named \"#{variable}\"", " Is it used in the shader? GLSL may have optimized it out.", " Is it miss spelled?" end @variable_missing[variable] = true end loc end # @see Shader.use Shader.use def use(&block) return unless compiled? raise "Another shader is already in use! #{}" if Shader.active_shader Shader.active_shader = self glUseProgram(@program) if block stop end end # stop using shader, if shader is active def stop Shader.active_shader = nil if Shader.active_shader == self glUseProgram(0) end # @return [Boolean] whether {Shader} successfully compiled def compiled? @compiled end # returns location of a uniform _variable_ # # @note Use {#variable} for friendly error handling # @see #variable Shader#variable # # @param variable [String] # @return [Integer] def attribute_location(variable) glGetUniformLocation(@program, variable) end # send {Transform} to {Shader} # # @param variable [String] # @param value [Transform] # @param location [Integer] # @return [void] def uniform_transform(variable, value, location = nil) attr_loc = location || attribute_location(variable) glUniformMatrix4fv(attr_loc, 1, GL_FALSE, value.to_gl.pack("F16")) end # send Boolean to {Shader} # # @param variable [String] # @param value [Boolean] # @param location [Integer] # @return [void] def uniform_boolean(variable, value, location = nil) attr_loc = location || attribute_location(variable) glUniform1i(attr_loc, value ? 1 : 0) end # send Integer to {Shader} # @param variable [String] # @param value [Integer] # @param location [Integer] # @return [void] def uniform_integer(variable, value, location = nil) attr_loc = location || attribute_location(variable) glUniform1i(attr_loc, value) end # send Float to {Shader} # # @param variable [String] # @param value [Float] # @param location [Integer] # @return [void] def uniform_float(variable, value, location = nil) attr_loc = location || attribute_location(variable) glUniform1f(attr_loc, value) end # send {Vector} (x, y, z) to {Shader} # # @param variable [String] # @param value [Vector] # @param location [Integer] # @return [void] def uniform_vector3(variable, value, location = nil) attr_loc = location || attribute_location(variable) glUniform3f(attr_loc, *value.to_a[0..2]) end # send {Vector} to {Shader} # # @param variable [String] # @param value [Vector] # @param location [Integer] # @return [void] def uniform_vector4(variable, value, location = nil) attr_loc = location || attribute_location(variable) glUniform4f(attr_loc, *value.to_a) end end end