Thumbnail::Client#new - should default to the thumbnail action - should set the action as redirect if specified - should raise an error if the action is neither redirect nor thumbnail - should raise an error if the access_key_id is not specified - should raise an error if the secret_access_key is not specified - should default the size to large - should set the size to small if specified - should raise an error if the size is neither large nor small - should raise an error if a default_image is specified for a Thumbnail action Thumbnail::Client#new for a redirect - should set the default_image if specified Thumbnail#query - should calculate the signature and timestamp Thumbnail#calculate_signature_and_timestamp - should calculate the signature - should set the (correctly formatted) timestamp Thumbnail#query with thumbnail action and a single url - should compose a thumbnail single query Thumbnail::Client#query with thumbnail action and an array of urls - should compose a thumbnail batch query Thumbnail::Client#query with redirect action - should compose a redirect query Thumbnail::Client#thumbnail_query_single - should compose the query url correctly Thumbnail::Client#thumbnail_query_batch - should compose the query url correctly Thumbnail::Client#redirect_query with a default_image - should compose the query url correctly Thumbnail::Client#redirect_query without a default_image - should compose the query url correctly Thumbnail::Client#get with a thumbnail action - should set the url string if given a single url - should set the url array if given an array of urls - should parse the url before conducting the query - should use net/https to conduct the query - should build a response object from the xml Thumbnail::Client#get with one or more invalid urls - should raise an error with one url that is invalid - should raise an error if any of the urls in its give array are invalid Thumbnail::Client#get with a redirect action - should raise an error if given an array of urls - should calculate the query url - should return the redirect query