// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2011 Strobe Inc. and contributors. // Portions ©2008-2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== /** @class Provides support for having relationships propagate by data provided by the data source. This means the following interaction is now valid: App = { store: SC.Store.create(SC.RelationshipSupport) }; App.Person = SC.Record.extend({ primaryKey: 'name', name: SC.Record.attr(String), power: SC.Record.toOne('App.Power', { isMaster: NO, inverse: 'person' }) }); App.Power = SC.Record.extend({ person: SC.Record.toOne('App.Person', { isMaster: YES, inverse: 'power' }) }); var zan = App.store.createRecord(App.Person, { name: 'Zan' }), jayna = App.store.createRecord(App.Person, { name: 'Janya' }); // Wondertwins activate! var glacier = App.store.loadRecords(App.Power, [{ guid: 'petunia', // Shape of... person: 'Jayna' }, { guid: 'drizzle', // Form of... person: 'Zan' }]); Leveraging this mixin requires your records to be unambiguously defined. Note that this mixin does not take into account record relationship created / destroyed on `dataSourceDidComplete`, `writeAttribute`, etc. The only support here is for `pushRetrieve`, `pushDestroy`, and `loadRecords` (under the hood, `loadRecord(s)` uses `pushRetrieve`). This mixin also supports lazily creating records when a related record is pushed in from the store (but it doesn't exist). This means that the previous example could have been simplified to this: App.Power = SC.Record.extend({ person: SC.Record.toOne('App.Person', { isMaster: YES, lazilyInstantiate: YES, inverse: 'power' }) }); // Wondertwins activate! var glacier = App.store.loadRecords(App.Power, [{ guid: 'petunia', // Shape of... person: 'Jayna' }, { guid: 'drizzle', // Form of... person: 'Zan' }]); When the `loadRecords` call is done, there will be four unmaterialized records in the store, giving the exact same result as the former example. As a side note, this mixin was developed primarily for use in a real-time backend that provides data to SproutCore as soon as it gets it (no transactions). This means streaming APIs / protocols like the Twitter streaming API or XMPP (an IM protocol) can be codified easier. @since SproutCore 1.6 */ SC.RelationshipSupport = { /** @private Relinquish many records. This happens when a master record (`isMaster` = `YES`) removes a reference to related records, either through `pushRetrieve` or `pushDestroy`. */ _srs_inverseDidRelinquishRelationships: function (recordType, ids, attr, inverseId) { ids.forEach(function (id) { this._srs_inverseDidRelinquishRelationship(recordType, id, attr, inverseId); },this); }, /** @private Relinquish the record, removing the reference of the record being destroyed on any related records. */ _srs_inverseDidRelinquishRelationship: function (recordType, id, toAttr, relativeID) { var storeKey = recordType.storeKeyFor(id), dataHash = this.readDataHash(storeKey), key = toAttr.inverse, proto = recordType.prototype; if (!dataHash || !key) return; if (SC.instanceOf(proto[key], SC.SingleAttribute)) { delete dataHash[key]; } else if (SC.instanceOf(proto[key], SC.ManyAttribute) && SC.typeOf(dataHash[key]) === SC.T_ARRAY) { dataHash[key].removeObject(relativeID); } this.pushRetrieve(recordType, id, dataHash, undefined, true); }, /** @private Add a relationship to many inverse records. This happens when a master record (`isMaster` = `YES`) adds a reference to another record on a `pushRetrieve`. */ _srs_inverseDidAddRelationships: function (recordType, ids, attr, inverseId) { ids.forEach(function (id) { this._srs_inverseDidAddRelationship(recordType, id, attr, inverseId); },this); }, /** @private Add a relationship to an inverse record. If the flag lazilyInstantiate is set to YES, then the inverse record will be created lazily. @param {SC.Record} recordType The inverse record type. @param {String} id The id of the recordType to add. @param {SC.RecordAttribute} toAttr The record attribute that represents the relationship being created. @param {String} relativeID The ID of the model that needs to have it's relationship updated. */ _srs_inverseDidAddRelationship: function (recordType, id, toAttr, relativeID) { var storeKey = recordType.storeKeyFor(id), dataHash = this.readDataHash(storeKey), status = this.peekStatus(storeKey), proto = recordType.prototype, key = toAttr.inverse, hashKey = proto[key], primaryAttr = proto[proto.primaryKey], shouldRecurse = false; // in case the SC.RecordAttribute defines a `key` field, we need to use that hashKey = (hashKey && hashKey.get && hashKey.get('key') || hashKey.key) || key; if ((status === SC.Record.EMPTY) && (SC.typeOf(toAttr.lazilyInstantiate) === SC.T_FUNCTION && toAttr.lazilyInstantiate() || SC.typeOf(toAttr.lazilyInstantiate) !== SC.T_FUNCTION && toAttr.lazilyInstantiate)) { if (!SC.none(primaryAttr) && primaryAttr.typeClass && SC.typeOf(primaryAttr.typeClass()) === SC.T_CLASS) { // Recurse to create the record that this primaryKey points to iff it // also should be created if the record is empty. // Identifies chained relationships where the object up the chain // doesn't exist yet. // TODO: this can lead to an infinite recursion if the relationship // graph is cyclic shouldRecurse = true; } dataHash = {}; dataHash[proto.primaryKey] = id; } if (!dataHash || !key) return; if (SC.instanceOf(proto[key], SC.SingleAttribute)) { dataHash[hashKey] = relativeID; } else if (SC.instanceOf(proto[key], SC.ManyAttribute)) { dataHash[hashKey] = dataHash[hashKey] || []; if (dataHash[key].indexOf(relativeID) < 0) { dataHash[hashKey].push(relativeID); } } this.pushRetrieve(recordType, id, dataHash, undefined, !shouldRecurse); }, // .......................................................... // ASYNCHRONOUS RECORD RELATIONSHIPS // /** @private Iterates over keys on the recordType prototype, looking for RecordAttributes that have relationships (toOne or toMany). @param {SC.Record} recordType The record type to do introspection on to see if it has any RecordAttributes that have relationships to other records. @param {String} id The id of the record being pushed in. @param {Number} storeKey The storeKey */ _srs_pushIterator: function (recordType, id, storeKey, lambda) { var proto = recordType.prototype, attr, currentHash, key, inverseType; if (typeof storeKey === "undefined") { storeKey = recordType.storeKeyFor(id); } currentHash = this.readDataHash(storeKey) || {}; for (key in proto) { attr = proto[key]; if (attr && attr.typeClass && attr.inverse && attr.isMaster) { inverseType = attr.typeClass(); if (SC.typeOf(inverseType) !== SC.T_CLASS) continue; lambda.apply(this, [inverseType, currentHash, attr, attr.get && attr.get('key') || key]); } } }, /** Disassociate records that are related to the one being destroyed iff this record has `isMaster` set to `YES`. */ pushDestroy: function (original, recordType, id, storeKey) { var existingIDs; this._srs_pushIterator(recordType, id, storeKey, function (inverseType, currentHash, toAttr, keyValue) { // update old relationships existingIDs = [currentHash[keyValue] || null].flatten().compact().uniq(); this._srs_inverseDidRelinquishRelationships(inverseType, existingIDs, toAttr, id); }); return original(recordType, id, storeKey); }.enhance(), /** Associate records that are added via a pushRetrieve, and update subsequent relationships to ensure that the master-slave relationship is kept intact. For use cases, see the test for pushRelationships. The `ignore` argument is only set to true when adding the inverse relationship (to prevent recursion). */ pushRetrieve: function (original, recordType, id, dataHash, storeKey, ignore) { // avoid infinite recursions when additional changes are propogated // from `_srs_inverseDidAddRelationship` if (!ignore) { var existingIDs, inverseIDs; this._srs_pushIterator(recordType, id, storeKey, /** @ignore @param {SC.Record} inverseType - in a Master-Slave relationship when pushing master, Slave is the inverse type @param {Object} currentHash - the hash in the data store (data to be replaced by `dataHash`) @param {SC.RecordAttribute} toAttr - key in `recordType.prototype` that names isMaster and has an inverse @param {String} keyValue - the property name in the datahash that defines this foreign key relationship */ function (inverseType, currentHash, toAttr, keyValue) { // update old relationships existingIDs = [currentHash[keyValue] || null].flatten().compact().uniq(); // update new relationships inverseIDs = [dataHash[keyValue] || null].flatten().compact().uniq(); this._srs_inverseDidRelinquishRelationships(inverseType, existingIDs.filter( function (el) { return inverseIDs.indexOf(el) === -1; }), toAttr, id); this._srs_inverseDidAddRelationships(inverseType, inverseIDs, toAttr, id); }); } storeKey = storeKey || recordType.storeKeyFor(id); return original(recordType, id, dataHash, storeKey); }.enhance() };