require "spec_helper" describe SequelRails::Railtie do let(:app) { Combustion::Application } it "registers ::Sequel::Railtie::LogSubscriber to receive :sequel notification" do do |subscriber| subscriber.is_a?(SequelRails::Railties::LogSubscriber) end.should have(1).item end context "configures generator to use Sequel" do it "as orm" do app.config.generators.options[:rails][:orm].should == :sequel end it "for migrations" do app.config.generators.options[:sequel][:migration].should be true end end it "configures rails to use fancy pants logging" do app.config.rails_fancy_pants_logging.should be true end context "configures action dispatch's rescue responses" do let(:rescue_responses) do app.config.action_dispatch.rescue_responses end it "to handle Sequel::Plugins::RailsExtensions::ModelNotFound with :not_found" do rescue_responses["Sequel::Plugins::RailsExtensions::ModelNotFound"].should == :not_found end it "to handle Sequel::NoMatchingRow with :not_found" do rescue_responses["Sequel::NoMatchingRow"].should == :not_found end it "to handle Sequel::ValidationFailed with :unprocessable_entity" do rescue_responses["Sequel::ValidationFailed"].should == :unprocessable_entity end it "to handle Sequel::NoExistingObject with :unprocessable_entity" do rescue_responses["Sequel::NoExistingObject"].should == :unprocessable_entity end end it "adds it's own database's rake tasks" do pending "need to find a way to spec it" end it "stores it's own config in app.config.sequel" do app.config.sequel.should be_instance_of SequelRails::Configuration end it "sets Rails.logger as default logger for its configuration" do app.config.sequel.logger.should be Rails.logger end it "configures Sequel::Model instances for i18n" do == :sequel end it "adds Sequel runtime to controller for logging" do ActionController::Base.included_modules.should include( SequelRails::Railties::ControllerRuntime ) end it "configures database in Sequel" do expect do Sequel::Model.db.test_connection end.to_not raise_error Sequel::Error end end