require 'spec_helper' describe Guard::Shopify do before do subject.stub!(:authenticate_with_shopify => true) end let(:subject) {} context "run_on_change" do let(:path) {'spec/fixtures/explanation.txt'} before do ShopifyAPI::Asset.stub!(:find) { true } end it "should call upload_binary_asset for binary files" do path = 'spec/fixtures/purikura_avatar.jpg' subject.should_receive :upload_binary_asset subject.run_on_change([path]) end it "should call upload_text_asset for text files" do subject.should_receive :upload_text_asset subject.run_on_change([path]) end it "should notify the user when a file is changed" do ShopifyAPI::Asset.stub!(:find) { false } Guard::Notifier.should_receive(:notify).with /#{path}/ subject.run_on_change([path]) end end context "start" do it "should prompt the user for their credentials if the config file doesn't exist" do File.stub!(:exists?) { false } subject.should_receive(:set_config).and_return true subject.start end end context "set_config" do it "should write the credentials to a config file" do File.should_receive(:open).with "#{ENV['HOME']}/.guard_shopify", "w" subject.stub!(:gets).and_return('Foo') subject.send(:set_config) end it "should accurately to the user the location of the config file" do subject.should_receive(:puts).with "Credentials saved to #{ENV['HOME']}/.guard_shopify" end end end