# AuthTrail Track Devise login activity :tangerine: Battle-tested at [Instacart](https://www.instacart.com/opensource) [![Build Status](https://github.com/ankane/authtrail/workflows/build/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://github.com/ankane/authtrail/actions) ## Installation Add this line to your application’s Gemfile: ```ruby gem "authtrail" ``` To encrypt email and IP addresses with Lockbox, install [Lockbox](https://github.com/ankane/lockbox) and [Blind Index](https://github.com/ankane/blind_index) and run: ```sh rails generate authtrail:install --encryption=lockbox rails db:migrate ``` To use Active Record encryption (Rails 7+, experimental), run: ```sh rails generate authtrail:install --encryption=activerecord rails db:migrate ``` If you prefer not to encrypt data, run: ```sh rails generate authtrail:install --encryption=none rails db:migrate ``` To enable geocoding, see the [Geocoding section](#geocoding). ## How It Works A `LoginActivity` record is created every time a user tries to login. You can then use this information to detect suspicious behavior. Data includes: - `scope` - Devise scope - `strategy` - Devise strategy - `identity` - email address - `success` - whether the login succeeded - `failure_reason` - if the login failed - `user` - the user if the login succeeded - `context` - controller and action - `ip` - IP address - `user_agent` and `referrer` - from browser - `city`, `region`, `country`, `latitude`, and `longitude` - from IP - `created_at` - time of event ## Features Exclude certain attempts from tracking - useful if you run acceptance tests ```ruby AuthTrail.exclude_method = lambda do |data| data[:identity] == "capybara@example.org" end ``` Add or modify data - also add new fields to the `login_activities` table if needed ```ruby AuthTrail.transform_method = lambda do |data, request| data[:request_id] = request.request_id end ``` Store the user on failed attempts ```ruby AuthTrail.transform_method = lambda do |data, request| data[:user] ||= User.find_by(email: data[:identity]) end ``` Write data somewhere other than the `login_activities` table ```ruby AuthTrail.track_method = lambda do |data| # code end ``` Use a custom identity method ```ruby AuthTrail.identity_method = lambda do |request, opts, user| if user user.email else request.params.dig(opts[:scope], :email) end end ``` Associate login activity with your user model ```ruby class User < ApplicationRecord has_many :login_activities, as: :user # use :user no matter what your model name end ``` The `LoginActivity` model uses a [polymorphic association](https://guides.rubyonrails.org/association_basics.html#polymorphic-associations) so it can be associated with different user models. ## Geocoding AuthTrail uses [Geocoder](https://github.com/alexreisner/geocoder) for geocoding. We recommend configuring [local geocoding](#local-geocoding) or [load balancer geocoding](#load-balancer-geocoding) so IP addresses are not sent to a 3rd party service. If you do use a 3rd party service and adhere to GDPR, be sure to add it to your subprocessor list. To enable geocoding, add this line to your application’s Gemfile: ```ruby gem "geocoder" ``` And update `config/initializers/authtrail.rb`: ```ruby AuthTrail.geocode = true ``` Geocoding is performed in a background job so it doesn’t slow down web requests. Set the job queue with: ```ruby AuthTrail.job_queue = :low_priority ``` ### Local Geocoding For privacy and performance, we recommend geocoding locally. For city-level geocoding, download the [GeoLite2 City database](https://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/geoip2/geolite2/). Add this line to your application’s Gemfile: ```ruby gem "maxminddb" ``` And create `config/initializers/geocoder.rb` with: ```ruby Geocoder.configure( ip_lookup: :geoip2, geoip2: { file: "path/to/GeoLite2-City.mmdb" } ) ``` For country-level geocoding, install the `geoip-database` package. It’s preinstalled on Heroku. For Ubuntu, use: ```sh sudo apt-get install geoip-database ``` Add this line to your application’s Gemfile: ```ruby gem "geoip" ``` And create `config/initializers/geocoder.rb` with: ```ruby Geocoder.configure( ip_lookup: :maxmind_local, maxmind_local: { file: "/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat", package: :country } ) ``` ### Load Balancer Geocoding Some load balancers can add geocoding information to request headers. - [nginx](https://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_geoip_module.html) - [Google Cloud](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/custom-headers) - [Cloudflare](https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200168236-Configuring-Cloudflare-IP-Geolocation) ```ruby AuthTrail.geocode = false AuthTrail.transform_method = lambda do |data, request| data[:country] = request.headers[""] data[:region] = request.headers[""] data[:city] = request.headers[""] end ``` Check out [this example](https://github.com/ankane/authtrail/issues/40) ## Data Retention Delete older data with: ```ruby LoginActivity.where("created_at < ?", 2.years.ago).in_batches.delete_all ``` Delete data for a specific user with: ```ruby LoginActivity.where(user_id: 1, user_type: "User").in_batches.delete_all ``` ## Other Notes We recommend using this in addition to Devise’s `Lockable` module and [Rack::Attack](https://github.com/kickstarter/rack-attack). Check out [Hardening Devise](https://ankane.org/hardening-devise) and [Secure Rails](https://github.com/ankane/secure_rails) for more best practices. ## Upgrading ### 0.4.0 There are two notable changes to geocoding: 1. Geocoding is now disabled by default (this was already the case for new installations with 0.3.0+). Check out the instructions for [how to enable it](#geocoding) (you may need to create `config/initializers/authtrail.rb`). 2. The `geocoder` gem is now an optional dependency. To use geocoding, add it to your Gemfile: ```ruby gem "geocoder" ``` ### 0.2.0 To store latitude and longitude, create a migration with: ```ruby add_column :login_activities, :latitude, :float add_column :login_activities, :longitude, :float ``` ## History View the [changelog](https://github.com/ankane/authtrail/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md) ## Contributing Everyone is encouraged to help improve this project. Here are a few ways you can help: - [Report bugs](https://github.com/ankane/authtrail/issues) - Fix bugs and [submit pull requests](https://github.com/ankane/authtrail/pulls) - Write, clarify, or fix documentation - Suggest or add new features To get started with development and testing: ```sh git clone https://github.com/ankane/authtrail.git cd authtrail bundle install bundle exec rake test ```