# Guard-Rails supports a lot options with default values: # daemon: false # runs the server as a daemon. # debugger: false # enable ruby-debug gem. # environment: 'development' # changes server environment. # force_run: false # kills any process that's holding the listen port before attempting to (re)start Rails. # pid_file: 'tmp/pids/[RAILS_ENV].pid' # specify your pid_file. # host: 'localhost' # server hostname. # port: 3000 # server port number. # root: '/spec/dummy' # Rails' root path. # server: thin # webserver engine. # start_on_start: true # will start the server when starting Guard. # timeout: 30 # waits untill restarting the Rails server, in seconds. # zeus_plan: server # custom plan in zeus, only works with `zeus: true`. # zeus: false # enables zeus gem. # CLI: 'rails server' # customizes runner command. Omits all options except `pid_file`! guard 'rails' do watch('Gemfile.lock') watch(%r{^(config|lib)/.*}) end