# # ActiveFacts Runtime API # Constellation class # # Copyright (c) 2009 Clifford Heath. Read the LICENSE file. # module ActiveFacts module API #:nodoc: # A Constellation is a population of instances of the ObjectType classes of a Vocabulary. # Every object_type class is either a Value type or an Entity type. # # Value types are uniquely identified by their value, and a constellation will only # ever have a single instance of a given value of that class. # # Entity instances are uniquely identified by their identifying roles, and again, a # constellation will only ever have a single entity instance for the values of those # identifying roles. # # As a result, you cannot "create" an object in a constellation - you merely _assert_ # its existence. This is done using method_missing; @constellation.Thing(3) creates # an instance (or returns the existing instance) of Thing identified by the value 3. # You can also use the populate() method to apply a block of assertions. # # You can instance##retract any instance, and that removes it from the constellation (will # delete it from the database when the constellation is saved), and nullifies any # references to it. # # A Constellation may or not be valid according to the vocabulary's constraints, # but it may also represent a portion of a larger population (a database) with # which it may be merged to form a valid population. In other words, an invalid # Constellation may be invalid only because it lacks some of the facts. # class Constellation attr_reader :vocabulary def invalid_object_type klass case when !klass.is_a?(Class) 'is not a Class' when klass.modspace != @vocabulary "is defined in #{klass.modspace}, not #{@vocabulary.name}" when !klass.respond_to?(:assert_instance) "is not declared as an object type" else nil end end # "instances" is an index (keyed by the Class object) of indexes to instances. # Each instance is indexed for every supertype it has (including multiply-inherited ones). # The method_missing definition supports the syntax: c.MyClass.each{|k, v| ... } def instances @instances ||= Hash.new do |h,k| if reason = invalid_object_type(k) raise InvalidObjectType.new(@vocabulary, k, reason) end h[k] = InstanceIndex.new(self, k, !!(@options[:sort] || ENV['ACTIVEFACTS_SORT'])) end end # Candidates is an array of object instances that do not already exist # in the constellation but will be added if an assertion succeeds. # After the assertion is found to be acceptable, these objects are indexed # in the constellation and in the counterparts of their identifying roles, # and the candidates array is nullified. def with_candidates &b # Multiple assignment reduces (s)teps while debugging outermost, @candidates, @on_admission = @candidates.nil?, (@candidates || []), (@on_admission || []) begin b.call rescue Exception # Do not accept any of these candidates, there was a problem: @candidates = [] if outermost raise ensure if outermost while @candidates # Index the accepted instances in the constellation: candidates = @candidates on_admission = @on_admission @candidates = nil @on_admission = nil candidates.each do |instance| instance.class.index_instance(self, instance) end on_admission.each do |b| b.call end # REVISIT: Admission should not create new candidates, but might start a fresh list # debugger if @candidates and @candidates.length > 0 end end end end def when_admitted &b if @candidates.nil? b.call self else @on_admission << b end end def candidate instance @candidates << instance unless @candidates[-1] == instance end def has_candidate klass, key @candidates && @candidates.detect{|c| c.is_a?(klass) && c.identifying_role_values(klass) == key } end # Create a new empty Constellation over the given Vocabulary def initialize(vocabulary, options = {}) @vocabulary = vocabulary @options = options end def assert(klass, *args) with_candidates do klass.assert_instance self, args end end # Evaluate assertions against the population of this Constellation def populate &block instance_eval(&block) self end # Delete instances from the constellation, nullifying (or cascading) the roles each plays def retract(*instances) Array(instances).each do |i| i.retract end self end # This method removes the given instance from this constellation's indexes # It must be called before the identifying roles get deleted or nullified. def deindex_instance(instance) #:nodoc: last_irns = nil last_irvs = instance ([instance.class]+instance.class.supertypes_transitive).each do |klass| if instance.is_a?(Entity) and last_irns != (n = klass.identifying_role_names) # Build new identifying_role_values only when the identifying_role_names change: last_irvs = instance.identifying_role_values(klass) last_irns = n end instances[klass].delete(last_irvs) end # REVISIT: Need to nullify all the roles this object plays. # If mandatory on the counterpart side, this may/must propagate the delete (without mutual recursion!) end def define_class_accessor m, klass (class << self; self; end). send(:define_method, m) do |*args| if args.size == 0 # Return the collection of all instances of this class in the constellation: instances[klass] else # Assert a new ground fact (object_type instance) of the specified class, identified by args: assert(klass, *args) end end end # If a missing method is the name of a class in the vocabulary module for this constellation, # then we want to access the collection of instances of that class, and perhaps assert new ones. # With no parameters, return the collection of all instances of that object_type. # With parameters, assert an instance of the object_type identified by the values passed as args. def method_missing(m, *args, &b) klass = @vocabulary.const_get(m) if invalid_object_type klass super else define_class_accessor m, klass send(m, *args, &b) end end def inspect #:nodoc: "Constellation:#{object_id}" end # Constellations verbalise all members of all classes in alphabetical order, showing # non-identifying role values as well def verbalise "Constellation over #{vocabulary.name}:\n" + vocabulary.object_type.keys.sort.map do |object_type| klass = vocabulary.const_get(object_type) # REVISIT: It would be better not to rely on the role name pattern here: single_roles, multiple_roles = klass.roles.keys.sort_by(&:to_s).partition{|r| r.to_s !~ /\Aall_/ } single_roles -= klass.identifying_role_names if (klass.is_entity_type) # REVISIT: Need to include superclass roles also. instances = send(object_type.to_sym) next nil unless instances.size > 0 "\tEvery #{object_type}:\n" + instances.map do |key, instance| s = "\t\t" + instance.verbalise if (single_roles.size > 0) role_values = single_roles.map{|role| value = if instance.respond_to?(role) value = instance.send(role) else instance.class.roles(role) # This role has not yet been realised end [ role_name = role.to_s.camelcase, value ] }.select{|role_name, value| value }.map{|role_name, value| "#{role_name} = #{value ? value.verbalise : "nil"}" } s += " where " + role_values*", " if role_values.size > 0 end s end * "\n" end.compact*"\n" end end end end