# This file is part of CPEE. # # CPEE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms # of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, # either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # CPEE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # CPEE (file COPYING in the main directory). If not, see # . require 'weel' require 'json' require 'redis' require 'securerandom' require 'riddl/client' require 'cpee/value_helper' require 'cpee/attributes_helper' require 'cpee/message' require 'cpee/redis' require 'cpee/persistence' require 'ostruct' class ParaStruct < OpenStruct def to_json(*a) table.to_json end end def ⭐(a); ParaStruct.new(a); end class Controller def initialize(id,dir,opts) CPEE::redis_connect(opts,"Instance #{id}") CPEE::Message::set_workers(opts[:workers]) @redis = opts[:redis] @votes = [] @id = id @attributes = {} CPEE::Persistence::extract_list(id,opts,'attributes').each do |de| @attributes[de[0]] = de[1] end @attributes_helper = AttributesHelper.new @thread = nil @opts = opts @instance = nil @loop_guard = {} @callback_keys = {} @subs = Thread.new do @psredis = @opts[:redis_dyn].call "Instance #{@id} Callback Response" @psredis.psubscribe('callback-response:*','callback-end:*') do |on| on.pmessage do |pat, what, message| if pat == 'callback-response:*' _, worker, identifier = what.split(':') if @callback_keys.has_key?(identifier) index = message.index(' ') mess = message[index+1..-1] instance = message[0...index] m = JSON.parse(mess) resp = [] m['content']['values'].each do |e| if e[1][0] == 'simple' resp << Riddl::Parameter::Simple.new(e[0],e[1][1]) elsif e[1][0] == 'complex' resp << Riddl::Parameter::Complex.new(e[0],e[1][1],File.open(e[1][2])) end end @callback_keys[identifier].send(:callback,resp,m['content']['headers']) end end if pat == 'callback-end:*' _, worker, identifier = what.split(':') @callback_keys.delete(identifier) end end end @psredis.close rescue => e sleep 1 retry end end attr_reader :id attr_reader :attributes attr_reader :loop_guard def uuid @attributes['uuid'] end def attributes_translated @attributes_helper.translate(attributes,dataelements,endpoints) end def host @opts[:host] end def base_url File.join(@opts[:url],'/') end def instance_url File.join(@opts[:url].to_s,@id.to_s,'/') end def instance_id @id end def base base_url end def instance=(inst) @instance = inst end def endpoints @instance.endpoints end def dataelements @instance.data end def start if vote("state/change", :state => 'running') @thread = @instance.start @thread.join else @thread = @instance.stop @thread.join end end def stop ### tell the instance to stop @instance.stop ### end all votes or it will not work Thread.new do # doing stuff in trap context is a nono. but in a thread its fine :-) @votes.each do |key| CPEE::Message::send(:'vote-response',key,base,@id,uuid,info,true,@redis) end end end def info @attributes['info'] end def notify(what,content={}) content[:attributes] = attributes_translated CPEE::Message::send(:event,what,base,@id,uuid,info,content,@redis) end def vote(what,content={}) topic, name = what.split('/') handler = File.join(topic,'vote',name) votes = [] CPEE::Persistence::extract_handler(id,@opts,handler).each do |client| voteid = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(Kernel::rand().to_s) content[:key] = voteid content[:attributes] = attributes_translated content[:subscription] = client votes << voteid CPEE::Message::send(:vote,what,base,@id,uuid,info,content,@redis) end if votes.length > 0 @votes += votes psredis = @opts[:redis_dyn].call "Instance #{@id} Vote" collect = [] psredis.subscribe(votes.map{|e| ['vote-response:00:' + e.to_s] }.flatten) do |on| on.message do |what, message| index = message.index(' ') mess = message[index+1..-1] m = JSON.parse(mess) collect << ((m['content'] == true || m['content'] == 'true') || false) @votes.delete m['name'] cancel_callback m['name'] if collect.length >= votes.length psredis.unsubscribe end end end !collect.include?(false) else true end end def callback(hw,key,content) CPEE::Message::send(:callback,'activity/content',base,@id,uuid,info,content.merge(:key => key),@redis) @callback_keys[key] = hw end def cancel_callback(key) CPEE::Message::send(:'callback-end',key,base,@id,uuid,info,{},@redis) end end