Feature: Getting new translations Scenario: Running update In order to receive the translations that have been updated since the last check When I have a valid project on localeapp.com with api key "MYAPIKEY" And an initializer file And the timestamp is 2 months old And new translations for the api key "MYAPIKEY" since last fetch with time "60" seconds later And a directory named "config/locales" When I run `localeapp update` Then translations should be fetched since last fetch only And help should not be displayed And a file named "config/locales/en.yml" should exist # check the content here # and the localeapp.yml file Scenario: Running update with no initializer file, passing the key on the command line In order to receive the translations that have been updated since the last check When I have a valid project on localeapp.com with api key "MYAPIKEY" And the timestamp is 2 months old And new translations for the api key "MYAPIKEY" since last fetch with time "60" seconds later And a directory named "config/locales" When I run `localeapp -k MYAPIKEY update` Then translations should be fetched since last fetch only And help should not be displayed And a file named "config/locales/en.yml" should exist Scenario: Running update with a too old timestamp In order to receive the translations that have been updated since the last check When I have a valid project on localeapp.com with api key "MYAPIKEY" And an initializer file And the timestamp is 8 months old When I run `localeapp update` Then the output should contain: """ Timestamp is missing or too old """ And help should not be displayed