module Workarea class Content::Asset include ApplicationDocument include Mongoid::Document::Taggable include Commentable extend Dragonfly::Model field :name, type: String field :type, type: String # # The values for the following fields are automatically populated via # Dragonfly built-in analysers. The values can be accessed by the "magic # attributes" that are dynamically added to the model. # # More info: # - # - # field :file_name, type: String # => placeholder.png field :file_uid, type: String # asset.file_uid => 2017/01/17/9pjq0x9bct_placeholder.png field :file_width, type: Integer # asset.width => 900 field :file_height, type: Integer # asset.height => 450 field :file_aspect_ratio, type: Float # asset.aspect_ratio => 2.0 field :file_portrait, type: Boolean # asset.portrait? => true field :file_landscape, type: Boolean # asset.landscape? => false field :file_format, type: String # asset.format => 'png' field :file_image, type: Boolean # asset.image? => true field :file_inverse_aspect_ratio, type: Float # asset.inverse_aspect_ratio => 0.5 dragonfly_accessor :file, app: :workarea do after_assign do |attachment| if FastImage.type(attachment.file) == :jpeg file.encode!('jpg', Workarea.config.jpg_encode_options) end end end validates :file, presence: true scope :of_type, ->(t) { where(type: t) } index({ file_name: 1 }) after_validation :set_name after_validation :set_type # TODO v3.5 remove def self.placeholder warn <<~eos [DEPRECATION] `Asset.placeholder` is deprecated and will be removed in version 3.5.0. Please use `Asset.image_placeholder` instead. eos self.image_placeholder end def self.image_placeholder find_by(file_name: Workarea.config.image_placeholder_image_name) rescue Mongoid::Errors::DocumentNotFound create!( file: Workarea.config.image_placeholder_image_name ).path ) end def self.open_graph_placeholder find_by(file_name: Workarea.config.open_graph_placeholder_image_name) rescue Mongoid::Errors::DocumentNotFound create!( file: Workarea.config.open_graph_placeholder_image_name ).path ) end def self.favicon_placeholder find_by(file_name: Workarea.config.favicon_placeholder_image_name) rescue Mongoid::Errors::DocumentNotFound create!( file: Workarea.config.favicon_placeholder_image_name ).path ) end def self.favicons(type = nil) tagged_with(['favicon', type].compact.join('-')) end def favicon? tags.any? { |t| t.starts_with?('favicon') } end # TODO v3.5 remove def placeholder? warn <<~eos [DEPRECATION] `Asset#placeholder?` is deprecated and will be removed in version 3.5.0. Please use `Asset#image_placeholder?` instead. eos image_placeholder? end def image_placeholder? file_name == Workarea.config.image_placeholder_image_name end def open_graph_placeholder? file_name == Workarea.config.open_graph_placeholder_image_name end def favicon_placeholder? file_name == Workarea.config.favicon_placeholder_image_name end Workarea.config.asset_types.each do |asset_type| define_method "#{asset_type}?" do self.type == asset_type end end def respond_to_missing?(method_name, include_private = false) super || file.respond_to?(method_name) end def method_missing(sym, *args, &block) if file.respond_to?(sym) file.send(sym, *args, &block) else super end end private def set_name return if errors.present? || file_name.blank? || name.present? = File.basename(file_name, File.extname(file_name)) end def set_type return if errors.present? || file.blank? || skip_type? if FastImage.type(file.file).in?(%i(gif jpeg png tiff bmp)) self.type = 'image' else Workarea.config.asset_types.each do |name| self.type = name if file.mime_type.include?(name) end end self.type = 'unknown' if type.blank? end def skip_type? new_record? && type.present? end end end