module PostgisFunctions #### ### ## # # POINT # # module PointFunctions # # True if the geometries are within the specified distance of one another. # The distance is specified in units defined by the spatial reference system # of the geometries. For this function to make sense, the source geometries # must both be of the same coorindate projection, having the same SRID. # # Returns boolean ST_DWithin(geometry g1, geometry g2, double precision distance); # def d_within?(other, margin=0.1) postgis_calculate(:dwithin, [self, other], margin) end alias_method "in_bounds?", "d_within?" # # Returns a float between 0 and 1 representing the location of the closest point # on LineString to the given Point, as a fraction of total 2d line length. # # You can use the returned location to extract a Point (ST_Line_Interpolate_Point) # or a substring (ST_Line_Substring). # # This is useful for approximating numbers of addresses. # # Returns float (0 to 1) ST_Line_Locate_Point(geometry a_linestring, geometry a_point); # def where_on_line line postgis_calculate(:line_locate_point, [line, self]) end # # Linear distance in meters between two lon/lat points. # Uses a spherical earth and radius of 6370986 meters. # Faster than 'distance_spheroid', but less accurate. # # Only implemented for points. # # Returns Float ST_Distance_Sphere(geometry pointlonlatA, geometry pointlonlatB); # def distance_sphere_to(other) dis = postgis_calculate(:distance_sphere, [self, other]) end # # Calculates the distance on an ellipsoid. This is useful if the # coordinates of the geometry are in longitude/latitude and a length is # desired without reprojection. The ellipsoid is a separate database type and # can be constructed as follows: # # This is slower then 'distance_sphere_to', but more precise. # # SPHEROID[,,] # # Example: # SPHEROID["GRS_1980",6378137,298.257222101] # # Defaults to: # # SPHEROID["IERS_2003",6378136.6,298.25642] # # Returns ST_Distance_Spheroid(geometry geomA, geometry geomB, spheroid); # def distance_spheroid_to(other, spheroid = EARTH_SPHEROID) postgis_calculate(:distance_spheroid, [self, other], spheroid) end # # The azimuth of the segment defined by the given Point geometries, # or NULL if the two points are coincident. Return value is in radians. # # The Azimuth is mathematical concept defined as the angle, in this case # measured in radian, between a reference plane and a point. # # Returns Float ST_Azimuth(geometry pointA, geometry pointB); # def azimuth other #TODO: return if not point/point postgis_calculate(:azimuth, [self, other]) rescue ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid end # # True if the geometry is a point and is inside the circle. # # Returns Boolean ST_point_inside_circle(geometry, float, float, float) # def inside_circle?(x,y,r) postgis_calculate(:point_inside_circle, self, [x,y,r]) end end end