class Treasurer::Reporter module Analysis # Within the range of the report, return a list # of the dates of the beginning of each account # period, along with a list of the expenditures # for each period and a list of the items within # each period def account_expenditure(account, account_info, options={}) dates = [] expenditures = [] account_items = [] date = account_info[:end]||@today start_date = [(account_info[:start]||@start_date), @start_date].max expenditure = 0 items_temp = [] items = @runner.component_run_list.values.find_all{|r| r.external_account == account and r.in_date(account_info)} #ep ['items', items] #ep ['account', account] counter = 0 if not account_info[:period] dates.push date account_items.push items expenditures.push ({|r| (r.deposit - r.withdrawal) * (account_info[:external] ? -1 : 1)}+[0]).sum else case account_info[:period][1] when :month while date > @start_date items_temp += items.find_all{|r| == date} if date.mday == (account_info[:monthday] or 1) counter +=1 if counter % account_info[:period][0] == 0 expenditure = ({|r| (r.deposit - r.withdrawal) * (account_info[:external] ? -1 : 1)}+[0]).sum dates.push date expenditures.push expenditure account_items.push items_temp items_temp = [] expenditure = 0 end end date-=1 end when :day while date > @start_date items_temp += items.find_all{|r| == date} #expenditure += (account_items[-1].map{|r| r.debit}+[0]).sum counter +=1 if counter % account_info[:period][0] == 0 expenditure = ({|r| (r.deposit - r.withdrawal) * (account_info[:external] ? -1 : 1)}+[0]).sum dates.push date expenditures.push expenditure account_items.push items_temp items_temp = [] expenditure = 0 end date-=1 end end end [dates, expenditures, account_items] end # Work out the average spend from the account and include it in the account info def accounts_with_averages(accounts, options={}) projected_accounts_info = accounts.dup projected_accounts_info.each{|key,v| projected_accounts_info[key]=projected_accounts_info[key].dup} projected_accounts_info.each do |account, account_info| #account_info = accounts[account] dates, expenditures, items = account_expenditure(account, account_info) account_info[:average] = expenditures.mean rescue 0.0 end projected_accounts_info end # Work out the projected spend from the account and include it in the account info def accounts_with_projections(accounts, options={}) projected_accounts_info = accounts.dup projected_accounts_info.each{|key,v| projected_accounts_info[key]=projected_accounts_info[key].dup} projected_accounts_info.each do |account, account_info| #account_info = accounts[account] dates, expenditures, items = account_expenditure(account, account_info) account_info[:projection] = expenditures.mean rescue 0.0 end projected_accounts_info end ## Get a list of accounts to be included in the report ## i.e. accounts with non-empty expenditure #def get_actual_accounts #@actual_accounts = ACCOUNT_INFO.dup #ACCOUNT_INFO.keys.each do |account| #@actual_accounts.delete(account) if account_expenditure(account, ACCOUNT_INFO[account])[0].size == 0 #end #end # Find all discretionary accounts and estimate the future # expenditure from that account based on past # expenditure (currently only a simple average) def get_projected_accounts @projected_accounts_info = Hash[ACCOUNT_INFO.dup.find_all{|k,v| v[:discretionary]}] @projected_accounts_info = accounts_with_projections(@projected_accounts_info) #@projected_accounts_info = @accounts.find_all{|acc| info = ACCOUNT_INFO[] and info[:discretionary]} end # Calculate the sum of all items within future # items that fall before end_date def sum_future(future_items, end_date, options={}) #end_date = @today + @days_ahead sum = future_items.inject(0.0) do |sum, (name, item)| item = [item] unless item.kind_of? Array value = item.inject(0.0) do |value,info| value += info[:size] unless ((@today|| > info[:date]) or (info[:date] > end_date) # add unless we have already passed that date value end #ep ['name2223', name, item, value, end_date, @today, (@today|| > item[0][:date]), (item[0][:date] > end_date)] sum + value #rcp.excluding.include?(name) ? sum : sum + value end sum end # Sum every future occurence of the given # regular items that falls within the account period def sum_regular(regular_items, end_date, options={}) #end_date = @today + @days_ahead sum = regular_items.inject(0) do |sum, (name, item)| item = [item] unless item.kind_of? Array # ep item value = item.inject(0) do |value,info| finish = (info[:end] and info[:end] < end_date) ? info[:end] : end_date #today = ( / (24.0*3600.0)).round nunits = 0 counter = info[:period][0] == 1 ? 0 : nil unless counter date = @today counter = 0 case info[:period][1] when :month while date >= (info[:start] or counter +=1 if date.mday == (info[:monthday] or 1) date -= 1 end when :year while date >= (info[:start] or counter +=1 if date.yday == (info[:yearday] or 1) date -= 1 end when :day while date > (info[:start] or counter +=1 date -= 1 end end end date = @today case info[:period][1] when :month #p date, info while date <= finish if date.mday == (info[:monthday] or 1) nunits += 1 if counter % info[:period][0] == 0 counter +=1 end date += 1 end when :year while date <= finish if date.yday == (info[:yearday] or 1) nunits += 1 if counter % info[:period][0] == 0 counter +=1 end date += 1 end when :day while date <= finish nunits += 1 if counter % info[:period][0] == 0 counter +=1 date += 1 end end #ep ['name2234', name, info, @projected_account_factor] if info[:discretionary] value + nunits * (info[:size]||info[:projection]*(@projected_account_factor||1.0)) end sum + value #(rcp.excluding? and rcp.excluding.include?(name)) ? sum : sum + value end sum end end include Analysis end