class Spree::Admin::BilletsController < Spree::Admin::BaseController def shipping @billets = Spree::Billet.unregistered end def register shipping = Spree::Billet.generate_shipping if shipping.is_a? String # formats the name of the file name = '' name << 'C' +[0].upcase name <<, '0') name <<, '0') name << SecureRandom.hex(1).upcase name send_data shipping, :content_type => 'text/plain', :filename => "#{name}.rem" else flash[:error] = Spree.t("errors.#{shipping[:reason]}") redirect_to :admin_billets_shipping end end # def return # end def return_info data = case params[:file_type].to_sym when :cnab240 then Brcobranca::Retorno::RetornoCnab240.load_lines params[:file].path when :cnab400 then Brcobranca::Retorno::RetornoCnab400.load_lines params[:file].path when :cbr643 then Brcobranca::Retorno::RetornoCbr643.load_lines params[:file].path end @lines = [] data.each do |line| # se for o registro trailer passa para a proxima iteracao next if line == data.last payment = Spree::Payment.find_by id: line.nosso_numero if payment and line.valor_recebido.to_i > 0 and !(payment.completed? or payment.void?) amount_paid = line.valor_recebido.to_f + line.valor_tarifa.to_f payment.capture! amount_paid # formats the date year = line.data_credito.size == 6 ? line.data_credito : "20#{line.data_credito}" paid_at = "#{year}#{line.data_credito[2..3]}#{line.data_credito[0..1]}".to_date # formats the value value = (line.valor_titulo.to_f / 100) + (line.valor_tarifa.to_f / 100) @lines.push({document_number: line.nosso_numero, value:, { currency: payment.currency }), paid_at: paid_at, order_id: payment.order_id, order_number: payment.order.number}) end end # rescue # flash[:error] = Spree.t('errors.error_in_billets_return') end end