# # retweet.rb - show retweet count in each section # This plugin uses a Topsy Retweet Button for Web Sites powered by Topsy.com # # Copyright (C) 2010, MATSUOKA Kohei # You can redistribute it and/or modify it under GPL2. # # # settings for Topsy Retweet Button. # see: http://labs.topsy.com/button/retweet-button/#global_settings # # your Twitter username @topsy_nick = "your_twitter_account" # retweet button color #@topsy_theme = "blue" # retweet button text #@topsy_retweet_text = "retweet" unless defined?(permalink) def permalink( date, index, escape = true ) ymd = date.strftime( "%Y%m%d" ) uri = @conf.index.dup uri.sub!( %r|\A(?!https?://)|i, @conf.base_url ) uri.gsub!( %r|/\.(?=/)|, "" ) # /././ -> / link = uri + anchor( "#{ymd}p%02d" % index ) link.sub!( "#", "%23" ) if escape link end end unless defined?(subtitle) def subtitle( date, index, escape = true ) diary = @diaries[date.strftime( "%Y%m%d" )] return "" unless diary sn = 1 diary.each_section do |section| if sn == index old_apply_plugin = @options["apply_plugin"] @options["apply_plugin"] = true title = apply_plugin( section.subtitle_to_html, true ) @options["apply_plugin"] = old_apply_plugin title.gsub!( /(?=")/, "\\" ) if escape return title end sn += 1 end end end # load Tospy's script and initialize add_header_proc do r = "" r << %Q|\n| return r unless @topsy_theme or @topsy_nick or @topsy_retweet_text r << %Q|\n| end # show retweet button in top of section add_section_enter_proc do |date, index| <<-"EOS"
EOS end # show retweet button in end of section add_section_leave_proc do |date, index| <<-"EOS"
EOS end