[o] port load26 (requires BlockParticipant) [o] logger service [o] test logger [o] object full_dup [o] engine#remove_service [o] :receive or :receive_back for when workitems come back from participant [o] emit :processes :launch :wfid [o] emit :processes :terminate :wfid only [o] arch doc [o] verbose always on [o] ev : :participants :register/:unregister [o] test logger always on for tests (in-memory only) [o] NullParticipant [o] NoOpParticipant [o] rufus-dollar [o] variables in ProcessStatus (process level only) [o] ProcessStatus#tree [o] subprocess binding [o] subprocess lookup [o] participant lookup [o] event : launch_sub [o] event : :processes, :cancelled ? [o] concurrence : over_if [o] pool cleanup [o] fexp : created_time [o] ps : launched_time [o] ps : #tags [o] wi test (and fix) ${f:xyz} [o] wi#to_h #from_h [o] wi.params [o] self rec for [main] process [o] fexp.modified_time [o] wfid_gen : rufus-mnemo [o] fs_error_journal [o] fs_error_journal : restart test [o] do errors get removed after being replayed ? yes. [o] cache storage [o] fs storage [o] tag (which implies variables) [o] event : upon setting tag ! [o] event : upon leaving tag [o] undo [o] redo [o] cancel-process (exp) [o] cancel_process [o] cancel [o] on_error [o] on_cancel [o] iterator [o] iterator : break, cancel, ... [o] cursor [o] cursor : jump to tag [o] loop [o] if [o] equals [o] unset [o] cursor/loop/iterator : break-if rewind-if [o] stop passing full exp in message, except for expression updates [x] engine#reload [o] participants shutdown [o] stalled [participant] expressions restart (apply/reply ?) "re-apply on reload" http://groups.google.com/group/openwferu-users/browse_thread/thread/c2aa4b53d1664d45 [x] workitem.__result__ / why, the workitem itself is the result [o] tracker [o] sleep [o] listen [o] listen wfid="x" [o] exploded scheduler [x] wfid --> piid (stick with the funny old name) [o] persisted tracker [o] wfidgen.shutdown (close wfidgen.last) [o] conditional for everybody [o] timeout for everybody [o] __timed_out__ = true ? (wi.fields) [o] engine.processes() [o] kill_process != cancel_process (need a way to not trigger on_cancel) [o] pdef.to_dot (a beginning) [o] @in_cancel, @in_error --> @state (active|cancelling|killing) [o] wait [o] listen [o] Jason Allen's check about concurrence [x] on_cancel => 'error' NO [o] event on [un]setting variable [o] condition : != ~= >= .... [o] fs_participant [o] participant : do thread (and do_not_thread) [o] add test for error replay in participant [o] forget : participant ? subprocess ? everybody [o] Ruote.VERSION = "2.0.0" for Kenneth [o] on_timeout => 'part|sub' (idea by hassox) [o] on_timeout => 'error' (idea by hassox) [o] exp : concurrent-iterator < concurrence [o] exp : reserve [o] exp : unset [o] exp : save [o] exp : restore (and its set-fields alias) [o] participant : if EM is present use next_ or defer instead of Thread.new [o] XML process definitions [o] remote process definitions [o] json process definitions [o] check nested ${f:a.b.c} [o] test : participant in error timeout (error should cancel timeout) [o] nested set wi.fields['a.b.0'] = x [o] nested save wi.fields['a.b.0'] = x [o] parser.rb : test security check [o] add Ruote::Launchitem [o] participant#cancel pass flavour as well nil|:kill|:timeout [o] BlockParticipant : |workitem, fexp| [o] listeners [o] engine.wait_for [o] func tests : wire assert_no_errors back in [o] timeout set by participant [implementation] [o] test for wfids of errors in subprocesses ! [o] Ruote::Exp:: namespace for expressions [o] exp : apply (ex-eval) [o] apply : attributes to variables [o] subprocess : attributes to variables [o] concurrent_iterator :times => X [o] iterator defaults to :to_v => 'i' [o] concurrent_iterator defaults to :to_v => 'i' [o] set "f:x" => "blah"; set "v:y" => [ 1, 2 ] (defaults to f:) [o] subprocess :ref => uri [o] participants : pass the &block under the option :block [o] concurrence : :over_unless [x] engine#register_subprocess (replaced by engine#variables) [x] switch to JSON friendly pers format for flow expressions [o] switch to JSON friendly pers format for workitems [o] rewind :ref => 'tag_of_cursor_exp' (direct) :tag oriented. [o] exp : error [o] wait 0.500 / wait 60 [x] exp : reval : not needed, participants are here [o] exp : inc ? if target is array, becomes append (not cons) [o] exp : dec ? if target is array, then pop (not car) [o] _if '${f:x} == ${f:y}' [x] equals : equals "v:v" => "true" NO => evokes assignment [x] if : _if "v:v" => "true" ? NO => evokes assignement [x] deferred apply technique / not OK, with EM and next_tick / pro [o] reserve : perhaps it's better to have an atomic get and set variable... [o] clean up lookup_var/set_var into locate_var/lookup_var/set_var [x] Sun Hao's up-to-date-tree idea ${f:participant_name} ps#resolved_tree [o] error : when an error expression is cancelled, should the err get remove from the process status ? yes. [o] file logger / history service [o] engine.process_history(wfid) [o] add_branch :times/:branches [o] cursor : :break_if / :break_unless [o] exp : when (exploit :var :set event, or frequency) [o] when : restart test [o] when : cron frequency [o] let listeners accept launchitems [o] exp : cron [o] exp : every [o] write rt test for 'timeout' [o] undo exp : alias to 'cancel' [o] Andrew's at for timeouts (Chronic maybe) [x] timeout :at and :after (timeout expression vanished) [x] listen : should it forget its triggered children ? yes [o] limit the number of msgs returned [o] should redo/undo follow the example of command and add_branches ? everything through reply (receive) should re_apply not touch the state of its expression ? [o] test undo when cancelling parent expression [o] issue with :unless => '${f:index} == 2000' [o] implement Engine#reply (Engine simply has to include ReceiverMixin [o] listeners X receivers [o] add_service(name, path, klass, opts={}) opts local to services (really?) [o] add_branches : pass message to concurrent_iterator like a command expression [o] clean up persists present in #apply [o] maybe cancel should have a safely / redo_reply thing [o] implement Storage#clear!(type) [o] ruote/util/time.rb utc_to_s 'YYYY/MM/DD' --> 'YYYY-MM-DD' (regex friendly) [x] store participant bytecode/AST ? [o] ${r:puts(d("f:nada"))} [o] :ruby_eval_allowed vs 'ruby_eval_allowed' [o] check : what if a reply on a concurrence wants to save, whereas the concurrence terminated (got removed) meanwhile ? the reply returns true... [o] implement StorageHistory [x] nuke FsHistory ? keep [o] EngineParticipant [x] expstorage.to_dot [o] process_status.to_dot [o] EngineParticipant : don't wait in case of forget (reply could NEVER come !) [x] align :forget behaviour on EngineParticipant forget... OK as it is [o] engine.re_apply(fei, wi) (thanks Torsten)... :wi => x, :tree => y... [o] ruote-dm 2.1 [o] :tree => Ruote.to_tree { participant 'alpha' } [o] implement == eql? hash for workitem [o] StorageParticipant#query(wfid, participant_name, {fields}) [x] break fs_history, prepare for dm_history [o] part = engine.register_participant :alpha, StorageParticipant should work... [o] concurrence :merge_type => 'stack' [o] CompositeStorage.new('msgs' => AmqpStorage.new(''), ...) [ ] exp : exp (restricted form of eval ?) [ ] exp : case (is it necessary ?) [ ] exp : filter [ ] exp : filter-definition [x] exp : lose ? [x] exp : parameter [ ] exp : log [ ] exp : defined (not really necessary) [ ] exp : quote (not really necessary) [ ] exp : field / attribute (not really necessary) [ ] exp : variable (not really necessary) [ ] exp : step (jump to cursor tag ?) [ ] conditional : rprefix ! ${r:x} is perhaps sufficient [ ] auto-participant re-apply [ ] define without name (__result__) [ ] pooltool.ru [ ] participant dispatch thread throttling ? [ ] tailcall [ ] subprocesses participants (alias ?) [ ] __command__ + tag (rewind that cursor there, not the current one) [ ] beanstalk [as a] workqueue ? [ ] recursion : should cope with modified trees 'main' => :tree ?? [ ] user3 :rif => "!wi.fields['approvers'].include?('user3')" : 'in' operator [ ] set :var => 'y' { '2342342' } [ ] pause engine [ ] pause process instance [ ] file/fs_listener [example] ? [ ] tree.to_xml (require builder ?) [ ] tree.to_rb [ ] concurrence / concurrent_iterator : merge plugin ? use participant for that ? [ ] restore : implement merge strategies [ ] one file, no multi-process, persistence ? LateHashStorage ? [ ] apply : ruby or xml (instead of just ast) ? [ ] unify ruote/util/json and ruote/util/serializer [ ] history.to_tree ? [ ] Ruote.process_definition ... Ruote.method_missing or sequence ? [ ] concurrence / concurrent_iterator : merge_type => 'discard' / 'ignore' keep track of the first "process sub id" ? [ ] @children diff/undiff idea ? [ ] write doc about engine options (multi-process !) [ ] _if '${f:x} == ${f:y} || ${f:x} == ${f:z}' [ ] document the dollar notation / substitution / extrapolation [ ] condition : "${f:x} [is] empty" / this one is hard [ ] ruote/exp/fe_set.rb:147: warning: already initialized constant PREFIX_REGEX [ ] implement kill_process! (kill_expression! ?) [ ] engine.force_reply_to_parent(fei) ? [ ] :on_timeout => :rewind (break, jump to x)... [ ] rewind 'x' where x is a tagname (command x) [ ] repeat : have a counter in a variable (:to => x maybe) (subprocessid ?) [ ] when : add test for cancelling when child has been triggered / is running [ ] engine.cancel_forgotten_children(wfid) ? [ ] port subprocess on_cancel test from ruote 0.9 http://groups.google.com/group/openwferu-users/t/75f02bdadf7b93eb [ ] double-check on_cancel rewrite (ft_1_process_status) [ ] verify get_last/get_raw logic, no + 0.0001... [ ] case exp : smarter one ? [ ] spare 1 get_msg by caching msg (but keep 'deleting') [ ] [un]set_var : via message ? should be ok like that... Not much traffic there [ ] empty iterator or concurrent-iterator, log ? crash ? empty while... [ ] at expression ? [ ] listen to participants/errors/tags {in|out} [ ] remove abort_on_exception=true [ ] shell ? irb ? Shell.new(storage) [ ] focus on fulldup or json.dup (via fulldup ?) [ ] implement pause engine [ ] implement pause process [ ] engine.on_error = 'participant_name' // 'subprocess_name' [ ] "business days" plugin [ ] issue with ruote-kit and inpa participants... [ ] let the storage participant leverage Ruote::FlowExpressionId.from_id(s) [ ] participant :ref => '${f:nada}', :or => 'xyz' (look at OpenWFE manual, this feature already existed in there) http://www.openwfe.org/manual/ch06s02.html#expression_participant else-ref... list of participants... ref="alpha && bravo", ref="alpha||bravo" (|| parallel :( ) [ ] LocalParticipant def consume; handle; reply; end [ ] lib/ruote/part/participant_list.rb l176 better error message ! [ ] find better solution than "get all schedules"