<p id="notice"><%= notice %></p> <div class="panel card panel-default"> <div class="panel-body card-body"> <p class='bulkrax-p-align'> <strong><%= t('bulkrax.importer.labels.identifier') %>:</strong> <%= @entry.identifier %> </p> <p class='bulkrax-p-align'> <strong><%= t('bulkrax.importer.labels.entry_id') %>:</strong> <%= @entry.id %> </p> <p class='bulkrax-p-align'> <strong><%= t('bulkrax.importer.labels.type') %>:</strong> <%= @entry.factory_class || 'Unknown' %> </p> <%= render partial: 'raw_metadata'%> <%= render partial: 'parsed_metadata'%> <%= render partial: 'bulkrax/shared/bulkrax_errors', locals: {item: @entry} %> <p class="bulkrax-p-align"> <% if @importer.present? %> <strong><%= t('bulkrax.importer.labels.importer') %>:</strong> <%= link_to @importer.name, importer_path(@importer) %> <% elsif @exporter.present? %> <strong><%= t('bulkrax.importer.labels.exporter') %>:</strong> <%= link_to @exporter.name, exporter_path(@exporter) %> <% end %> </p> <p class='bulkrax-p-align'> <% if @importer.present? %> <%# TODO Consider how to account for Bulkrax.collection_model_class %> <% factory_record = @entry.factory.find %> <% if factory_record.present? && @entry.factory_class %> <strong><%= @entry.factory_class.model_name.human %> Link:</strong> <% if defined?(Hyrax) && @entry.factory_class.model_name.human == 'Collection' %> <%= link_to @entry.factory_class.model_name.human, hyrax.polymorphic_path(factory_record) %> <% else %> <%= link_to @entry.factory_class.model_name.human, main_app.polymorphic_path(factory_record) %> <% end %> <% else %> <strong>Item Link:</strong> Item has not yet been imported successfully <% end %> <% else %> <% record = @entry&.hyrax_record %> <% if record.present? && @entry.factory_class %> <strong><%= record.model_name.human %> Link:</strong> <% if defined?(Hyrax) && record.model_name.human == "Collection" %> <%= link_to record.model_name.human, hyrax.polymorphic_path(record) %> <% else %> <%= link_to record.model_name.human, main_app.polymorphic_path(record) %> <% end %> <% else %> <strong>Item Link:</strong> No item associated with this entry or class unknown <% end %> <% end %> </p> </div> </div>