require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../spec_helper" # Helper method to confirm we have the right values def fetch_expiration_date(host, port=443) cmd = "echo | openssl s_client -connect #{host}:#{port} 2>&1 | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' | openssl x509 -noout -subject -dates | grep notAfter" date = `#{cmd}`.sub(/^.*=/, '') Date.parse(date) end describe Braintree::SSLExpirationCheck do SANDBOX = "" PRODUCTION = "" describe "check_dates" do it "is done when the client library is loaded" do Braintree::SSLExpirationCheck.ssl_expiration_dates_checked.should == true end describe "Sandbox Cert" do it "logs when the cert is expired" do Braintree::SSLExpirationCheck.stub(:sandbox_expiration_date).and_return( - 1) output = Braintree::Configuration.logger = Braintree::Configuration.logger.level = Logger::WARN Braintree::SSLExpirationCheck.check_dates output.string.should match(/\[Braintree\] The SSL Certificate for the Sandbox environment will expire on \d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\. Please check for an updated client library\./) end it "logs when the cert is close to expiring" do Braintree::SSLExpirationCheck.stub(:sandbox_expiration_date).and_return( output = Braintree::Configuration.logger = Braintree::Configuration.logger.level = Logger::WARN Braintree::SSLExpirationCheck.check_dates output.string.should match(/\[Braintree\] The SSL Certificate for the Sandbox environment will expire on \d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\. Please check for an updated client library\./) end it "doesn't log when the cert is not expired" do Braintree::SSLExpirationCheck.stub(:sandbox_expiration_date).and_return( + 365) output = Braintree::Configuration.logger = Braintree::Configuration.logger.level = Logger::WARN Braintree::SSLExpirationCheck.check_dates output.string.should == "" end end # We assume that testing logging for one is good enough for all, so we won't duplicate those tests from above it "checks the sandbox cert" do Braintree::SSLExpirationCheck.stub(:sandbox_expiration_date).and_return( output = Braintree::Configuration.logger = Braintree::Configuration.logger.level = Logger::WARN Braintree::SSLExpirationCheck.check_dates output.string.should match(/\[Braintree\] The SSL Certificate for the Sandbox environment will expire on \d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\. Please check for an updated client library\./) end it "checks the production server cert" do Braintree::SSLExpirationCheck.stub(:production_expiration_date).and_return( output = Braintree::Configuration.logger = Braintree::Configuration.logger.level = Logger::WARN Braintree::SSLExpirationCheck.check_dates output.string.should match(/\[Braintree\] The SSL Certificate for the Production environment will expire on \d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\. Please check for an updated client library\./) end end describe "production_expiration_date" do it "is the date the production cert expires" do Braintree::SSLExpirationCheck.production_expiration_date.should be_a(Date) Braintree::SSLExpirationCheck.production_expiration_date.should == fetch_expiration_date(PRODUCTION) end end describe "sandbox_expiration_date" do it "is the date the Sandbox cert expires" do Braintree::SSLExpirationCheck.sandbox_expiration_date.should be_a(Date) Braintree::SSLExpirationCheck.sandbox_expiration_date.should == fetch_expiration_date(SANDBOX) end end end