module DmIsReflective::SqliteAdapter include DataMapper def storages sql = <<-SQL SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND NOT name = 'sqlite_sequence' SQL select(Ext::String.compress_lines(sql)) end def indices storage sql = <<-SQL SELECT name, sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'index' AND tbl_name = ? SQL select(Ext::String.compress_lines(sql), storage).inject({}){ |r, idx| columns = idx.sql[/\(.+\)/].scan(/\w+/) uniqueness = !!idx.sql[/CREATE UNIQUE INDEX/] columns.each{ |c| type = if uniqueness then :unique_index else :index end r[c] ||= {:unique_index => [], :index => []} r[c][type] << } r }.inject({}){ |r, (column, idxs)| idx_uni, idx_com = [:unique_index, :index].map{ |type| i = idxs[type] if i.empty? nil elsif i.size == 1 i.first.to_sym else end } r[column.to_sym] = reflective_indices_hash(false, idx_uni, idx_com) r } end private def reflective_query_storage storage idxs = indices(storage) select('PRAGMA table_info(?)', storage).map{ |f| f.define_singleton_method(:storage){ storage } f.define_singleton_method(:indices){ idxs[] } f } end def reflective_field_name field end def reflective_primitive field field.type.gsub(/\(\d+\)/, '') end def reflective_attributes field, attrs={} attrs.merge!(field.indices) if field.indices if != 0 attrs[:key] = true attrs[:serial] = true attrs[:unique_index] = :"#{}_pkey" end attrs[:allow_nil] = field.notnull == 0 attrs[:default] = field.dflt_value[1..-2] if field.dflt_value if field.type.upcase == 'TEXT' attrs[:length] = Property::Text.length else ergo = field.type.match(/\((\d+)\)/) size = ergo && ergo[1].to_i attrs[:length] = size if size end attrs end def reflective_lookup_primitive primitive case primitive.upcase when 'INTEGER' ; Integer when 'REAL', 'NUMERIC'; Float when 'VARCHAR' ; String when 'TIMESTAMP' ; DateTime when 'BOOLEAN' ; Property::Boolean when 'TEXT' ; Property::Text end || super(primitive) end end