- id = "rand" << (rand * 1000).to_i.to_s unless defined? id and not (id.nil? or id.empty?) - id = Misc.snake_case(id) - static = false unless defined? static and not static.nil? - knowledge_base = nil unless defined? knowledge_base and not knowledge_base.nil? - kb_name = 'user' unless defined? kb_name and not kb_name.nil? = link_css '/stylesheets/cytoscape' - syndications = {} - databases = [] - cytoscape.knowledge_base.all_databases.each do |database| - database = database.to_s - name, synd = database.split("@") - if synd - syndications[synd] ||= [] - syndications[synd] << database - else - databases << database :sass .tab.content position: relative .cytoscape_tool .window height: 700px .cytoscape_tool.fixable.preload(id=id) .controls.ui.top.attached.tabular.menu .ui.item(data-tab='Close') %i.icon.close .ui.item(data-tab='Edges') Edges .ui.item(data-tab='Entities') Entities .ui.item(data-tab='Aesthetics') Aesthetics .ui.item(data-tab='Help') Help .ui.tab.bottom.attached.very.basic.segment.content(data-tab='Close') .ui.tab.bottom.attached.segment.content(data-tab='Edges') .database_edges %h5 Add edges between entities .action_parameters %form.action_parameter_form - if databases.any? .input.multiple.database - databases.each do |database| - name, *rest = database.split "@" %span.cchoice %label(for="database[#{database}]")=name %input(id="database[#{database}]" type="checkbox" value="true" name="database[#{database}]") - if syndications.any? %dl.rbbt_tabs.subtle(style="margin:1em") - syndications.each do |synd, databases| %dt.next=synd %dd .input.database.multiple - databases.each do |database| - name, *rest = database.split "@" %span.choice %label(for="database[#{database}]")=name %input(id="database[#{database}]" type="checkbox" value="true" name="database[#{database}]") .input.submit %input(type="submit") .ui.tab.bottom.attached.segment.content(data-tab='Entities') .add_gene_list %h5 Add entities from a list = action_parameters nil, {:klass => ''}, :action => '#' do - input :entities, :select, "Entities to add", nil, :html_options => {:class => 'favourite_lists', :type => 'All'} .database_neighbours %h5 Add neighbours of entities .action_parameters.ui.raised.segment %form.ui.form .field.input.select.database %label knowledgebase %select(type="All" name="database") - databases.each do |database| - name, *rest = database.split "@" %option(value=database)=name - syndications.each do |synd, databases| %option(disabled=true)=synd - databases.each do |database| - name, *rest = database.split "@" %option(value=database)=name .field.submit %input.ui.submit.button(type="submit") .ui.tab.bottom.attached.segment.content(data-tab='Aesthetics') .maps %h5 Map entity aesthetic = action_parameters nil, {:klass => ''}, :action => '#' do - input :elem, :select, "Type of element", :nodes, :select_options => [:nodes, :edges] - input :aesthetic, :select, "Aesthetic to map to", :opacity, :select_options => [:shape, :size, :color, :opacity, :borderWidth] - input :field, :string, "Attribute to map", 'id', :select_options => {:textarea => "Use textarea"}, :html_options => {:class => 'favourite_maps', :type => 'All'} - input :map, :select, "Select map to use", nil, :select_options => {:textarea => "Use textarea"}, :html_options => {:class => 'favourite_maps', :type => 'All'} - input :map_tsv, :text, "Map", nil, :no_file => true .select_gene_list %h5 Highlight entities from a list = action_parameters nil, {:klass => ''}, :action => '#' do - input :entities, :select, "Genes to add", nil, :html_options => {:class => 'favourite_lists', :type => 'All'} .ui.tab.bottom.attached.segment.content(data-tab='Help') :documentation ### Edges You can connect your nodes using any of the databases in the `knowledgebase`. This is configured in the `Edges` menu: check the databases you want to use, if none is selected (by default) all of them are used. ### Entities The network comes preloaded with a list of entities (nodes), but you can remove them or add new ones. To remove them use the context menu (right-click over cytoscape window); you can remove one node, or the selected list of nodes. Adding nodes can be done using the `Entity` menu. You can add entities from your `favourite` lists or add the neighbours of your entities using any of the databases in the `knowledgebase`. ### Aesthetics Use the `Aesthetics` menu to change how your network looks. This can help represent different sources of information. For now it works only on nodes. You can change the value of different aesthetics, like color, border width, size, shape, and opacity. You can `map` these aesthetics to favourite `Entity Maps`, or use a custom mapping in-place, as a space-separated TSV file (see example below). The mappings can consider the identity of the node (type `id` in `field`; default) or the type of node (type `entity_type` in `field`). For instance: aesthetic: color field: entity_type map: use_textarea map_tsv: GOTerm red KeggPathway blue Gene yellow Another example use is to gather the `mutation/protein size` column on the `COSMIC Overview` analysis bellow, and map it to the `opacity` aesthetic of the genes (using the `id` as `field`). .window.fixed_size(id="#{id}_window") :deferjs var cytoscape_id = '##{id}'; require_js(['/js/cytoscape/js/src/AC_OETags.js', '/js/cytoscape/js/src/cytoscapeweb.js', '/js/cytoscape'], function(){ $('.preload').removeClass('preload') var tool = $(cytoscape_id).cytoscape_tool({ knowledge_base: '#{kb_name}', namespace: '#{cytoscape.namespace}', entities: #{cytoscape.entities.to_json}, network: #{cytoscape.network.to_json}, aesthetics: #{cytoscape.aesthetics.to_json}, node_click: function(event){ var target = event.target; for (var i in target.data){ var variable_name = i; var variable_value = target.data[i]; } for (var i in target.data) { var variable_name = i; var variable_value = target.data[i]; } var url = target.data.url; $('#modal').modal('show_url', url, undefined, function(){ $('#modal').find(' > .header > .title').attr('entity', target.data.id).attr('type', target.data.entity_type) }) return(false) }, edge_click: function(event){ var target = event.target; for (var i in target.data){ var variable_name = i; var variable_value = target.data[i]; } var pair = [target.data.source, target.data.target].join("~") tool.cytoscape_tool('show_info', "user", target.data.database, pair); return(false) } }); require_js('/js/controls/context_menu', function(){ cytoscape_context_menu(tool) }) require_js('/js/controls/placement', function(){ cytoscape_placement(tool) }) require_js('/js/controls/save', function(){ cytoscape_save(tool) }) /////////////////////////////////// //{{{ NETWORK INIT tool.cytoscape_tool('draw'); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //{{{ Controls $('.cytoscape_tool .database_edges input[type=submit]').click(function(){ var form =$(this).parents('form').first() var inputs = form.find('.input.database.multiple') var databases = $.map(inputs.find('input[type=checkbox]:checked'), function(e){ return $(e).attr('name').match(/\[(.*)\]/)[1]; }) tool.cytoscape_tool('set_edges', databases) tool.cytoscape_tool('draw'); return false; }) $('.cytoscape_tool .database_neighbours input[type=submit]').click(function(){ var databases = $.map($(this).parents('form').first().find('.input.database').find('input[type=checkbox]:checked'), function(e){ return $(e).attr('name').match(/\[(.*)\]/)[1]; }) var option = $(this).closest('form').find('select').find('option:selected'); var database = option.attr('value') tool.cytoscape_tool('add_neighbours', database) tool.cytoscape_tool('draw'); return false; }) $('.cytoscape_tool .add_gene_list input[type=submit]').click(function(){ var option = $(this).closest('form').find('select.favourite_lists').find('option:selected'); var type = option.attr('attr-entity_type') var list_id = $(this).parents('form').first().find('select').val(); var list = list_entities(type, list_id); var info = list_info(type, list_id); tool.cytoscape_tool('add_entities', type, list) tool.cytoscape_tool('draw'); return false; }) $('.cytoscape_tool .select_gene_list input[type=submit]').click(function(){ var option = $(this).closest('form').find('select.favourite_lists').find('option:selected'); var type = option.attr('attr-entity_type') var list_id = $(this).parents('form').first().find('select').val(); var list = list_entities(type, list_id); tool.cytoscape_tool('select_entities', list) return false; }) $('.cytoscape_tool .maps input[type=submit]').click(function(){ var form = $(this).closest('form') var elem = form.first().find('div.input.elem select').val(); var map_id = form.first().find('div.input.map select').val(); var field = form.first().find('div.input.field input').val(); var map_content = form.first().find('div.input.map_tsv textarea').val(); var option = form.first().find('div.input.map option:selected'); var type = option.attr('attr-entity_type') var column = form.first().find('div.input.map select').find('option:selected').attr('attr-column'); var aesthetic = form.first().find('div.input.aesthetic select').val(); var map; if (map_id == 'textarea'){ map_content = "#: :type=:single#:sep=/\\s/#:identifiers=Hsa/jan2013\n" + map_content rbbt_job('TSVWorkflow', 'to_json', {tsv: map_content}, function(data){ var map = JSON.parse(data) tool.cytoscape_tool('aesthetic', elem, aesthetic, map, field) tool.cytoscape_tool('draw') }) }else{ entity_map(type, column, map_id, function(map){ tool.cytoscape_tool('aesthetic', elem, aesthetic, map, field) tool.cytoscape_tool('draw') }); } return false; }) }) :javascript $('.item[data-tab]').tab() $('.item[data-tab=Close]').click(function(item){ var tool = $(this).parents('.cytoscape_tool').first() tool.find('.tab.active, .item.active').removeClass('active') return false })