#!/usr/bin/env ruby require "xamplr" include Xampl require "tmp/XamplExample" include XamplExample require "benchmark" include Benchmark # # results from 16 October 2005 # #Rebuilding From String (YAML & XML) count: 1000 (est. ~ 11s) # user system total real #yaml 2.590000 0.050000 2.640000 ( 3.180061) #xml 5.970000 0.080000 6.050000 ( 6.573804) #ruby 1.660000 0.030000 1.690000 ( 2.017015) #Serialize to String (YAML & XML) count: 1000 (est. ~ 25s) # user system total real #yaml 14.360000 0.250000 14.610000 ( 16.128599) #xml 1.460000 0.020000 1.480000 ( 1.576753) #ruby 0.890000 0.010000 0.900000 ( 1.102071) #Round Tripping (YAML & XML) count: 1000 (est. ~ 40s) # user system total real #yaml 17.420000 0.270000 17.690000 ( 19.390348) #xml 7.890000 0.110000 8.000000 ( 8.860720) #ruby 2.780000 0.040000 2.820000 ( 3.131707) module Bench def Bench.go count = 1000 emph_content_1 = "there" emph1 = Emph.new emph1 << emph_content_1 emph_content_2 = "are" emph2 = Emph.new emph2.content = emph_content_2 desc1 = Description.new desc1.kind = "desc1" desc1.is_changed = nil desc1 << "hello " << emph1 << "! How " << emph2 << " you?" thing = Thing.new thing.pid = "thing" thing.new_stuff.kind = "stuff1" thing << desc1 big_thing = Thing.new big_thing << thing #require "to-ruby" #ruby_printer = RubyPrinter.new #ruby_s = ruby_printer.to_ruby(thing) ruby_s = thing.to_ruby yaml_s = thing.as_yaml xml_s = thing.persist #puts yaml_s puts xml_s puts ruby_s puts "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" puts "big_thing #{big_thing.object_id}, thing #{thing.object_id}" puts big_thing.to_ruby puts "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" puts "Rebuilding From String (YAML & XML) count: #{count} (est. ~ 11s)" bm(10) do | x | x.report("yaml") { count.times { something = XamplObject.from_yaml(yaml_s) } } x.report("xml") { count.times { another_big_thing = XamplObject.from_xml_string(xml_s) } } x.report("ruby") { count.times { XamplObject.from_ruby(ruby_s) } } end puts "Serialize to String (YAML & XML) count: #{count} (est. ~ 25s)" bm(10) do | x | x.report("yaml") { count.times { yaml_s = thing.as_yaml } } x.report("xml") { count.times { xml_s = thing.persist } } x.report("ruby") { count.times { ruby_s = thing.to_ruby } } end puts "Round Tripping (YAML & XML) count: #{count} (est. ~ 40s)" bm(10) do | x | x.report("yaml") { count.times { something = XamplObject.from_yaml(thing.as_yaml) } } x.report("xml") { count.times { another_thing = XamplObject.from_xml_string(thing.persist) } } x.report("ruby") { count.times { XamplObject.from_ruby(thing.to_ruby) } } end end end Bench.go