# Contact Us A Rails 3 Engine providing a basic contact form. I used Formtastic to keep things simple, and to hook into your apps custom Formtastic stylesheets. ## REQUIREMENTS Contact Us requires the Formtastic Gem. Read more about Formtastic @ https://github.com/justinfrench/formtastic ## INSTALLATION In your `Gemfile`, add the following dependencies: gem 'contact_us', '~> 0.0.6' From `Rails.root` run: $ bundle install $ rake contact_us:install In `config/initializers/contact_us.rb` modify: config.mailer_to = "contact@please-change-me.com" Change to the email address you would like to receive the form submissions at for example: config.mailer_to = "contact@yourdomain.com" ## CONFIGURATION The generator copies the view files to `app/views/contact_us`, and you can customize them to suit your needs. You may also update your locales under `config/locales/contact_us.en.yml` or create your own. Please feel free to submit your own locales so that other users will hopefully find this gem more useful. ## TODO * 100% test coverage Copyright (c) 2011 Jeff Dutil, released under the MIT license.