= ApplicationPool algorithm == Introduction For efficiency reasons, Passenger keeps a pool spawned Rails/Ruby applications. Please read the C++ API documentation for the ApplicationPool class for a full introduction. This document describes an algorithm for managing the pool, in a high-level way. The algorithm should strive to keep spawning to a minimum. == Definitions === Vocabulary - "Application root": The toplevel directory in which an application is contained. For Rails application, this is the same as RAILS_ROOT, i.e. the directory that contains "app/", "public/", etc. For a Rack application, this is the directory that contains "config.ru". - "Active application process": An application process that has more than 0 sessions. === Types Most of the types that we use in this document are pretty standard. But we explicitly define some special types: - list A doubly linked list which contains elements of type SomeType. It supports all the usual list operations that one can expect from a linked list, like add_to_back(), etc. We assume that operations that insert an element into the list return an iterator object. An iterator object is an opaque object which represents a specific position in the list; it probably contains the links to the previous and the next iterator, as well as a reference to the actual list element, depending on the list implementation. The following operations deserve special mention: * remove(iterator) Removes the specified element from the list, as represented by the given iterator. This operation can be done in O(1) time. * move_to_front(iterator) Moves the specified element - as represented by the given iterator - to the front of the list. This operation can be done in O(1) time. - Group A compound type (class) which contains information about an application root, such as the application processes that have been spawned for this application root. A Group has the following members: * name (string): This group's key in the _groups_ map of the application pool. * app_root (string): This group's application root. Note that it is *not* guaranteed that all ProcessInfo objects in _processes_ have the same application root. * processes (list): A list of ProcessInfo objects. Invariant: processes is non-empty. for all 0 <= i < processes.size() - 1: processes[i].group_name == name if processes[i].process is active: processes[i + 1].process is active * size (unsigned integer): The number of items in _processes_. Invariant: if !detached: size == processes.size() * max_requests (unsigned integer): The maximum number of requests that each application process in this group may process. After having processed this many requests, the application process will be shut down. A value of 0 indicates that there is no maximum. * min_processes (unsigned integer): The minimum number of processes that the cleaner thread should keep in this group. Defaults to 0. * spawning (boolean): Whether a background thread is currently spawning a new process for this group. * spawner_thread: A handle to the background thread that is currently spawning a new process. Only valid if _spawning_ is true. * detached (boolean): If true, then it indicates that this Group is no longer accessible via _groups_. Set to false by the constructor. Invariant: (detached) == (This Group is accessible via _groups_.) if detached: for all process_info objects p that have once been in this.processes: p.detached * environment (string): Does nothing. Data is stored in memory for analytics purposes. - ProcessInfo A compound type (class) which contains a reference to an application process object, as well as various metadata, such as iterators for various linked lists. These iterators make it possible to perform actions on the linked lists in O(1) time. A ProcessInfo has the following members: * process - A process object, representing an application process. * group_name (string) - The name of the group that this ProcessInfo belongs to. * identifier (string) - A key that uniquely identifies this ProcessInfo in this application pool. This key allows external processes to refer to a specific ProcessInfo object without knowing its memory pointer. It's set to a random string by ProcessInfo's constructor. * start_time (timestamp with milisecond resolution) - The time at which this application process was started. It's set to the current time by the constructor. * processed_requests (integer) - The number of requests processed by this application instance so far. Set to 0 by the constructor. * last_used (time) - The last time a session for this application process was opened or closed. * sessions (integer) - The number of open sessions for this application process. It's set to 0 by the constructor. Invariant: (sessions == 0 && !detached) == (This ProcessInfo is in inactive_apps.) * iterator - The iterator for this ProcessInfo in the linked list groups[process_info.group_name].processes * ia_iterator - The iterator for this ProcessInfo in the linked list inactive_apps. This iterator is only valid if this ProcessInfo really is in that list. * detached (boolean) - If true, then it indicates that this ProcessInfo is no longer accessible via _groups_; this implies that it's no longer contained in its associated Group's _processes_ member, a), and that _iterator_ and _ia_iterator_ are no longer valid. Set to false by the constructor. Invariant: (detached) == (This ProcessInfo is accessible via _groups_.) - PoolOptions A structure containing additional information used by the spawn manager's spawning process, as well as by the get() function. A PoolOptions has at least the following members: * app_group_name (string) - A name which is used to group application processes together. * max_requests (unsigned integer) - The maximum number of requests that the application process may process. After having processed this many requests, the application process will be shut down. A value of 0 indicates that there is no maximum. * min_processes (unsigned integer) - The minimum number of processes for the current group that the cleaner thread should keep around. * use_global_queue (boolean) - Whether to use a global queue for all application processes, or a queue that's private to the application process. The users guide explains this feature in more detail. * restart_dir (string) - The directory in which the algorithm should look for restart.txt and always_restart.txt. The existance and modification times of these files tell the algorithm whether an application should be restarted. * environment (string) - The environment (RAILS_ENV/RACK_ENV) in which the app should run. === Special functions - spawn(app_root, options) Spawns a new application process at the given application root with the given spawn options. Throws an exception if something went wrong. This function is thread-safe. Note that application process initialization can take an arbitrary amount of time. === Instance variables The algorithm requires the following instance variables for storing state information: - lock: mutex This lock is used for implementing thread-safetiness. We assume that it is non-recursive, i.e. if a thread locks a mutex that it has already locked, then it will result in a deadlock. - groups: map[string => Group] Maps an application root to its Group object. This map contains all application processes in the pool. Invariant: for all values g in groups: !g.detached g.size <= count for all i in g.processes: !i.detached (sum of all g.size in groups) == count - max: integer The maximum number of ProcessInfo objects that may exist in the pool. - max_per_app: integer The maximum number of ProcessInfo objects that may be simultaneously alive for a single Group. - count: integer The current number of ProcessInfo objects in the pool. Since 'max' can be set dynamically during the life time of an application pool, 'count > max' is possible. - active: integer The number of application processes in the pool that are active. Invariant: active <= count - inactive_apps: list A linked list of ProcessInfo objects. All application processes in this list are inactive. Invariant: inactive_apps.size() == count - active for all x in inactive_apps: x can be accessed from _groups_. x.sessions == 0 - waiting_on_global_queue: integer If global queuing mode is enabled, then when get() is waiting for a backend process to become idle, this variable will be incremented. When get() is done waiting, this variable will be decremented. == Class relations Here's an UML diagram in ASCII art: [ProcessInfo] 1..* --------+ | | 1 [ApplicationPool] [Group] 1 0..* | | +-------------------+ == Algorithm in pseudo code # Thread-safetiness notes: # - All wait commands are to unlock the lock during waiting. # Connect to an existing application process, or spawn a new application process # and connect to that if necessary. # 'app_root' refers to an application root. # 'options' is an object of type 'PoolOptions', which contains additional # information which may be relevant for spawning. # # Returns a Session object, representing a single HTTP request/response pair. function get(app_root, options): MAX_ATTEMPTS = 10 attempt = 0 while (true): attempt++ lock.synchronize: process_info, group = checkout_without_lock(app_root, options) try: return process_info.process.connect() on exception: # The app process seems to have crashed. # So we remove this process from our data # structures. lock.synchronize: detach_without_lock(process_info.identifier) process_info.sessions-- if (attempt == MAX_ATTEMPTS): propagate exception # Detach the process with the given identifier from the pool's data structures. function detach(identifier): lock.synchronize: return detach_without_lock(identifier) # Checkout a process from the application pool and mark it as being used. # If there's no appropriate process in the pool, or if there are not # enough processes, then one will be spawned. # # Returns a pair of [ProcessInfo, Group]. # All exceptions that occur are propagated. private function checkout_without_lock(app_root, options): group = groups[options.app_group_name] if needs_restart(app_root, options): Tell spawn server to reload code for options.app_group_name. if (group != null): detach_group_without_lock(group) group = null if (group != null): # There are existing processes for this app group. processes = group.processes if (processes.front.sessions == 0): # There is an inactive process, so we use it. process_info = processes.front processes.move_to_back(process_info.iterator) inactive_apps.remove(process_info.ia_iterator) mutate_max(active + 1) else: # All existing processes are active. We either use # one of them now or we wait until one of them becomes # available. And, if we're allowed to, we spawn an # extra process in the background. if spawning_allowed(group, options) and !group.spawning: spawn_in_background(group, options) process_info = select_process(processes, options) if (process_info == null): goto beginning of function else: # There are no processes for this app group. if (active >= max): # Looks like the pool is full and all processes are busy. # Wait until the pool appears to have changed in such a # way that we can spawn a new app group, and restart # this function. new_app_group_creatable.wait goto beginning of function elsif count == max: # The pool is full, and not all processes are busy, but # we're in a though situation nevertheless: there are # several processes which are inactive, and none of them # belong to our current app group, so we must kill one # of them in order to free a spot in the pool. But which # one do we kill? We want to minimize spawning. # # It's probably a good idea to keep some kind of # statistics in order to decide this. We want the # application root that gets the least traffic to be # killed. But for now, we kill a random application # process. process_info = inactive_apps.pop_front process_info.detached = true group = groups[process_info.group_name] processes = group.processes processes.remove(process_info.iterator) if processes.empty(): detach_group_without_lock(group) else: group.size-- mutate_count(count - 1) process_info = new ProcessInfo process_info.process = spawn(app_root, options) process_info.group_name = options.app_group_name group = new Group group.name = options.app_group_name group.app_root = app_root group.size = 1 groups[options.app_group_name] = group iterator = group.processes.add_to_back(process_info) process_info.iterator = iterator mutate_count(count + 1) mutate_active(active + 1) if (options.min_processes > 1) and spawning_allowed(group, options): spawn_in_background(group, options) group.max_requests = options.max_requests group.min_processes = options.min_processes group.environment = options.environment process_info.last_used = current_time() process_info.sessions++ return [process_info, group] private function mutate_active(value): if (value < active): new_app_group_creatable.notify_all global_queue_position_became_available.notify_all active = value private function mutate_count(value): # No point in notifying new_app_group_creatable here; # if _count_ is being increased then that means the pool # isn't full, and nobody is waiting on # new_app_group_creatable. global_queue_position_became_available.notify_all count = value private function mutate_max(value): if (value > max): new_app_group_creatable.notify_all # We will want any code waiting on the global queue # to go ahead and spawn another process. global_queue_position_became_available.notify_all max = value private function needs_restart(app_root, options): if (options.restart_dir is not set): restart_dir = app_root + "/tmp" else if (options.restart_dir is an absolute path): restart_dir = options.restart_dir else: restart_dir = app_root + "/" + options.restart_dir return (file_exists("$restart_dir/always_restart.txt")) or (we haven't seen "$restart_dir/restart.txt" before) or ("$restart_dir/restart.txt" changed since the last time we checked) private function spawning_allowed(group, options): return ( count < max ) and ( (max_per_app == 0) or (group.size < max_per_app) ) # Precondition: !group.detached private function detach_group_without_lock(group): for all process_info in group.processes: if (process_info.sessions == 0): inactive_apps.remove(process_info.ia_iterator) else: mutate_active(active - 1) group.processes.remove(process_info.iterator) process_info.detached = true mutate_count(count - 1) if (group.spawning): group.spawner_thread.interrupt_and_join group.spawner_thread = null group.spawning = false group.detached = true groups.remove(options.app_group_name) private function select_process(processes, options): if options.use_global_queue: # So we wait until _active_ has changed, then # we restart this function and try again. waiting_on_global_queue++ global_queue_position_became_available.wait waiting_on_global_queue-- return null else: # So we connect to an already active process. # This connection will be put into that # process's private queue. process_info = an element in _processes_ with the smallest _session_ value processes.move_to_back(process_info.iterator) return process_info # Preconditions: # !group.detached # !group.spawning private function spawn_in_background(group, options): group.spawning = true group.spawner_thread = new thread(spawner_thread_callback, with these arguments to the thread function: group, options) private function spawner_thread_callback(group, options): Ignore thread interruptions in this function while true: try: Allow thread interruptions in this block process = spawn(app_root, options) on thread interruption: lock.synchronize: group.spawning = false group.spawner_thread = null return on exception: lock.synchronize: if (!group.detached): group.spawning = false group.spawner_thread = null # We want to report the error to the browser # but there's no way to do this in this thread, so # we just remove the entire group and have the next # get() call spawn the process and display the # error. remove_group_without_lock(group) return lock.synchronize: if (group.detached): return else: process_info = new ProcessInfo process_info.process = process process_info.group_name = options.app_group_name process_info.iterator = group.processes.add_to_front(process_info) process_info.ia_iterator = inactive_apps.add_to_back(process_info) group.size++ mutate_count(count + 1) if (group.size >= options.min_processes) or (!spawning_allowed(group, options)): group.spawning = false group.spawner_thread = null return private function detach_without_lock(identifier): for group in groups: processes = group.processes for process_info in processes: if process_info.identifier == identifier: # Found a matching process. process_info.detached = true processes.remove(process_info.iterator) group.size-- if processes.empty(): detach_group_without_lock(group) if process_info.sessions == 0: inactive_apps.remove(process_info.ia_iterator) else: mutate_active(active - 1) mutate_count(count - 1) return true return false # The following function is to be called when a session has been closed. # _process_info_ is a weak reference to the ProcessInfo that belongs to # the process whose session has been closed; it evaluates to NULL if the # ProcessInfo object that it belongs to has been destroyed. callback session_has_been_closed(session, process_info): Convert process_info into a normal reference. # We check process_info.detached without locking. This should be safe: # even if a boolean update isn't atomic on the current CPU, a non-zero # value evaluates to true. Once true, _detached_ will never become false, # so instruction reorderings by the compiler or CPU won't cause any # damage. if (process_info == null) or (process_info.detached): return lock.synchronize: if process_info.detached: return group = groups[process_info.group_name] processes = group.processes process_info.processed++ if (group.max_requests > 0) and (process_info.processed >= group.max_requests): # The application process has processed its maximum allowed # number of requests, so we shut it down. process_info.detached = true processes.remove(process_info.iterator) group.size-- if processes.empty(): detach_group_without_lock(group) mutate_count(count - 1) if (process_info.sessions == 0): inactive_apps.remove(process_info.ia_iterator) else: mutate_active(active - 1) else: process_info.last_used = current_time() process_info.sessions-- if (process_info.sessions == 0): processes.move_to_front(process_info.iterator) process_info.ia_iterator = inactive_apps.add_to_back(process_info) mutate_active(active - 1) # The following thread will be responsible for cleaning up idle application # process, i.e. processes that haven't been used for a while. # This can be disabled per app when setting it's maxIdleTime to 0. thread cleaner: lock.synchronize: while true: # If MAX_IDLE_TIME is 0 we don't clean up any processes, # giving us the option to persist the processes # forever unless it's killed in order to free up space # for another process. if (MAX_IDLE_TIME == 0): Wait until the thread has been signalled to quit or until MAX_IDLE_TIME changed. if thread has been signalled to quit: return else: restart loop else: Wait until MAX_IDLE_TIME seconds have passed, or until the thread has been signalled to quit, or until MAX_IDLE_TIME changed. if thread has been signalled to quit: return else if MAX_IDLE_TIME changed: restart loop # Invariant: # From this point on, MAX_IDLE_TIME > 0 now = current_time() for all process_info in inactive_apps: if (now - process_info.last_used > MAX_IDLE_TIME): process = process_info.process group = groups[process_info.group_name] if (group.size > group.min_processes): processes = group.processes processes.remove(process_info.iterator) process_info.detached = true inactive_apps.remove(process_info.ia_iterator) group.size-- mutate_count(count - 1) if processes.empty(): detach_group_without_lock(group)