require 'fileutils' gem 'buzzcore'; require 'buzzcore'; gem 'aws-s3'; require 'aws/s3' # although this is implemented as an instantiable object, not a singleton, # the AWS gem seems to operate as a singleton, so don't create more than one of these. class AWSS3Client attr_accessor :credentials def initialize(aCredentials=nil) @credentials = aCredentials || connect end def connect(aId=nil,aKey=nil) aId ||= @credentials[:s3_access_key_id] aKey ||= @credentials[:s3_secret_access_key] AWS::S3::Base.establish_connection!( :access_key_id => aId, :secret_access_key => aKey ) end def bucket(aName) return AWS::S3::Bucket.find(aName) end def bucket_exists?(aName) AWS::S3::Bucket.find(aName) true rescue false end def ensure_clean_bucket(aName) AWS::S3::Bucket.delete(aName, :force => true) if bucket_exists?(aName) AWS::S3::Bucket.create(aName) AWS::S3::Bucket.find(aName) end # ensures the destination bucket exists with the right permissions for upload_backup # eg. @s3client.ensure_backup_bucket('a_bucket',{'email_address' => ''}) def ensure_backup_bucket(aBucketName,aOtherUserAttrs=nil) AWS::S3::Bucket.create(aBucketName) unless bucket_exists?(aBucketName) grant_bucket_permissions(aBucketName,%w(WRITE READ_ACP),aOtherUserAttrs,true) if aOtherUserAttrs end def new_backup_bucket(aBucketName,aOtherUserAttrs) AWS::S3::Bucket.create(aBucketName) grant_bucket_permissions(aBucketName,%w(WRITE READ_ACP),aOtherUserAttrs,true) end # eg. policy = policy_add(policy,{'id' => 'dssdfsdf'},%w(READ WRITE)) def policy_add(aPolicy,aGranteeAttrs,aPermissions) aPolicy ||= grantee = grantee.display_name ||= 'display_name' aPermissions.each do |p| grant = grant.permission = p grant.grantee = grantee aPolicy.grants << grant end aPolicy end def grant_bucket_permissions(aBucketName,aPermissions,aGranteeAttrs,aMerge = false) policy = (aMerge ? AWS::S3::Bucket.acl(aBucketName) : nil) policy = policy_add(policy,aGranteeAttrs,aPermissions) policy.owner ||= Owner.current AWS::S3::Bucket.acl(aBucketName,policy) policy end def grant_object_permissions(aBucketName,aObjectName,aPermissions,aGranteeAttrs,aMerge = false) policy = (aMerge ? AWS::S3::S3Object.acl(aObjectName,aBucketName) : nil) policy = policy_add(policy,aGranteeAttrs,aPermissions) policy.owner ||= Owner.current AWS::S3::S3Object.acl(aObjectName,aBucketName,policy) #S3Object.acl('kiss.jpg', 'marcel') policy end def put_content(aFilename, aContent, aBucketName), aContent, aBucketName) end def upload(aFilename,aBucketName,aObjectName=nil) aObjectName ||= File.basename(aFileName), MiscUtils.string_from_file(aFileName), aBucketName) content = MiscUtils.string_from_file(aFileName) put_content(aObjectName, content, aBucketName) end def get_content(aFilename, aBucketName) return AWS::S3::S3Object.value(aFilename, aBucketName) end def download(aFilename,aBucketName,aObjectName=nil) aObjectName ||= File.basename(aFilename), MiscUtils.string_from_file(aFilename), aBucketName) MiscUtils.string_to_file(get_content(aObjectName,aBucketName),aFilename) end # Summary: Uploads the given file to the bucket, then gives up permissions to the bucket owner # Details : # * intended to allow files to be uploaded to S3, but not allowing the files to be interfered with should # the web server get hacked. # In truth, S3 permissions aren't adequate and the best we can do is that the file can't be read, # but can be written over. The user also can't get a listing of the bucket # * S3 won't allow objects (or buckets) to change owner, but we do everything else ie give FULL_CONTROL, # and remove it from self, to hand control to the bucket owner # * This requires the bucket to give WRITE & READ_ACP permissions to this user def upload_backup(aFileName,aBucketName,aObjectName = nil) aObjectName ||= File.basename(aFileName), MiscUtils.string_from_file(aFileName), aBucketName) bucket_owner = AWS::S3::Bucket.acl(aBucketName).owner policy = AWS::S3::S3Object.acl(aObjectName,aBucketName) policy.grants.clear policy = policy_add(policy,{'id' =>, 'display_name' => bucket_owner.display_name},'FULL_CONTROL') # replace policy with full control to bucket owner, none to test_user AWS::S3::S3Object.acl(aObjectName,aBucketName,policy) end end