# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Name: Open4 # Version: 4-0.9.6 # Author: Ara T. Howard # License: Ruby License # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # vim: ts=2:sw=2:sts=2:et:fdm=marker require 'fcntl' require 'timeout' require 'thread' module Open4 #--{{{ VERSION = '0.9.6' def self.version() VERSION end class Error < ::StandardError; end def popen4(*cmd, &b) #--{{{ pw, pr, pe, ps = IO.pipe, IO.pipe, IO.pipe, IO.pipe verbose = $VERBOSE begin $VERBOSE = nil ps.last.fcntl(Fcntl::F_SETFD, Fcntl::FD_CLOEXEC) cid = fork { pw.last.close STDIN.reopen pw.first pw.first.close pr.first.close STDOUT.reopen pr.last pr.last.close pe.first.close STDERR.reopen pe.last pe.last.close STDOUT.sync = STDERR.sync = true begin exec(*cmd) raise 'forty-two' rescue Exception => e Marshal.dump(e, ps.last) ps.last.flush end ps.last.close unless (ps.last.closed?) exit! } ensure $VERBOSE = verbose end [pw.first, pr.last, pe.last, ps.last].each{|fd| fd.close} begin e = Marshal.load ps.first raise(Exception === e ? e : "unknown failure!") rescue EOFError # If we get an EOF error, then the exec was successful 42 ensure ps.first.close end pw.last.sync = true pi = [pw.last, pr.first, pe.first] if b begin b[cid, *pi] Process.waitpid2(cid).last ensure pi.each{|fd| fd.close unless fd.closed?} end else [cid, pw.last, pr.first, pe.first] end #--}}} end alias open4 popen4 module_function :popen4 module_function :open4 class SpawnError < Error #--{{{ attr 'cmd' attr 'status' attr 'signals' def exitstatus @status.exitstatus end def initialize cmd, status @cmd, @status = cmd, status @signals = {} if status.signaled? @signals['termsig'] = status.termsig @signals['stopsig'] = status.stopsig end sigs = @signals.map{|k,v| "#{ k }:#{ v.inspect }"}.join(' ') super "cmd <#{ cmd }> failed with status <#{ exitstatus.inspect }> signals <#{ sigs }>" end #--}}} end class ThreadEnsemble #--{{{ attr 'threads' def initialize cid @cid, @threads, @argv, @done, @running = cid, [], [], Queue.new, false @killed = false end def add_thread *a, &b @running ? raise : (@argv << [a, b]) end # # take down process more nicely # def killall c = Thread.critical return nil if @killed Thread.critical = true (@threads - [Thread.current]).each{|t| t.kill rescue nil} @killed = true ensure Thread.critical = c end def run @running = true begin @argv.each do |a, b| @threads << Thread.new(*a) do |*a| begin b[*a] ensure killall rescue nil if $! @done.push Thread.current end end end rescue killall raise ensure all_done end @threads.map{|t| t.value} end def all_done @threads.size.times{ @done.pop } end #--}}} end def to timeout = nil #--{{{ Timeout.timeout(timeout){ yield } #--}}} end module_function :to def new_thread *a, &b #--{{{ cur = Thread.current Thread.new(*a) do |*a| begin b[*a] rescue Exception => e cur.raise e end end #--}}} end module_function :new_thread def getopts opts = {} #--{{{ lambda do |*args| keys, default, ignored = args catch('opt') do [keys].flatten.each do |key| [key, key.to_s, key.to_s.intern].each do |key| throw 'opt', opts[key] if opts.has_key?(key) end end default end end #--}}} end module_function :getopts def relay src, dst = nil, t = nil #--{{{ unless src.nil? if src.respond_to? :gets while buf = to(t){ src.gets } dst << buf if dst end elsif src.respond_to? :each q = Queue.new th = nil timer_set = lambda do |t| th = new_thread{ to(t){ q.pop } } end timer_cancel = lambda do |t| th.kill if th rescue nil end timer_set[t] begin src.each do |buf| timer_cancel[t] dst << buf if dst timer_set[t] end ensure timer_cancel[t] end elsif src.respond_to? :read buf = to(t){ src.read } dst << buf if dst else buf = to(t){ src.to_s } dst << buf if dst end end #--}}} end module_function :relay def spawn arg, *argv #--{{{ argv.unshift(arg) opts = ((argv.size > 1 and Hash === argv.last) ? argv.pop : {}) argv.flatten! cmd = argv.join(' ') getopt = getopts opts ignore_exit_failure = getopt[ 'ignore_exit_failure', getopt['quiet', false] ] ignore_exec_failure = getopt[ 'ignore_exec_failure', !getopt['raise', true] ] exitstatus = getopt[ %w( exitstatus exit_status status ) ] stdin = getopt[ %w( stdin in i 0 ) << 0 ] stdout = getopt[ %w( stdout out o 1 ) << 1 ] stderr = getopt[ %w( stderr err e 2 ) << 2 ] pid = getopt[ 'pid' ] timeout = getopt[ %w( timeout spawn_timeout ) ] stdin_timeout = getopt[ %w( stdin_timeout ) ] stdout_timeout = getopt[ %w( stdout_timeout io_timeout ) ] stderr_timeout = getopt[ %w( stderr_timeout ) ] status = getopt[ %w( status ) ] cwd = getopt[ %w( cwd dir ) ] exitstatus = case exitstatus when TrueClass, FalseClass ignore_exit_failure = true if exitstatus [0] else [*(exitstatus || 0)].map{|i| Integer i} end stdin ||= '' if stdin_timeout stdout ||= '' if stdout_timeout stderr ||= '' if stderr_timeout started = false status = begin chdir(cwd) do Timeout::timeout(timeout) do popen4(*argv) do |c, i, o, e| started = true %w( replace pid= << push update ).each do |msg| break(pid.send(msg, c)) if pid.respond_to? msg end te = ThreadEnsemble.new c te.add_thread(i, stdin) do |i, stdin| relay stdin, i, stdin_timeout i.close rescue nil end te.add_thread(o, stdout) do |o, stdout| relay o, stdout, stdout_timeout end te.add_thread(e, stderr) do |o, stderr| relay e, stderr, stderr_timeout end te.run end end end rescue raise unless(not started and ignore_exec_failure) end raise SpawnError.new(cmd, status) unless (ignore_exit_failure or (status.nil? and ignore_exec_failure) or exitstatus.include?(status.exitstatus)) status #--}}} end module_function :spawn def chdir cwd, &block return(block.call Dir.pwd) unless cwd Dir.chdir cwd, &block end module_function :chdir def background arg, *argv #--{{{ require 'thread' q = Queue.new opts = { 'pid' => q, :pid => q } case argv.last when Hash argv.last.update opts else argv.push opts end thread = Thread.new(arg, argv){|arg, argv| spawn arg, *argv} sc = class << thread; self; end sc.module_eval { define_method(:pid){ @pid ||= q.pop } define_method(:spawn_status){ @spawn_status ||= value } define_method(:exitstatus){ @exitstatus ||= spawn_status.exitstatus } } thread #--}}} end alias bg background module_function :background module_function :bg def maim pid, opts = {} #--{{{ getopt = getopts opts sigs = getopt[ 'signals', %w(SIGTERM SIGQUIT SIGKILL) ] suspend = getopt[ 'suspend', 4 ] pid = Integer pid existed = false sigs.each do |sig| begin Process.kill sig, pid existed = true rescue Errno::ESRCH return(existed ? nil : true) end return true unless alive? pid sleep suspend return true unless alive? pid end return(not alive?(pid)) #--}}} end module_function :maim def alive pid #--{{{ pid = Integer pid begin Process.kill 0, pid true rescue Errno::ESRCH false end #--}}} end alias alive? alive module_function :alive module_function :'alive?' #--}}} end def open4(*cmd, &b) cmd.size == 0 ? Open4 : Open4::popen4(*cmd, &b) end