/* ** symbol.c - Symbol class ** ** See Copyright Notice in mruby.h */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ typedef struct symbol_name { mrb_bool lit : 1; uint8_t prev; uint16_t len; const char *name; } symbol_name; #define SYMBOL_INLINE_BIT_POS 1 #define SYMBOL_INLINE_LOWER_BIT_POS 2 #define SYMBOL_INLINE (1 << (SYMBOL_INLINE_BIT_POS - 1)) #define SYMBOL_INLINE_LOWER (1 << (SYMBOL_INLINE_LOWER_BIT_POS - 1)) #define SYMBOL_NORMAL_SHIFT SYMBOL_INLINE_BIT_POS #define SYMBOL_INLINE_SHIFT SYMBOL_INLINE_LOWER_BIT_POS #ifdef MRB_ENABLE_ALL_SYMBOLS # define SYMBOL_INLINE_P(sym) FALSE # define SYMBOL_INLINE_LOWER_P(sym) FALSE # define sym_inline_pack(name, len) 0 # define sym_inline_unpack(sym, buf, lenp) NULL #else # define SYMBOL_INLINE_P(sym) ((sym) & SYMBOL_INLINE) # define SYMBOL_INLINE_LOWER_P(sym) ((sym) & SYMBOL_INLINE_LOWER) #endif static void sym_validate_len(mrb_state *mrb, size_t len) { if (len >= RITE_LV_NULL_MARK) { mrb_raise(mrb, E_ARGUMENT_ERROR, "symbol length too long"); } } #ifndef MRB_ENABLE_ALL_SYMBOLS static const char pack_table[] = "_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"; static mrb_sym sym_inline_pack(const char *name, uint16_t len) { const int lower_length_max = (MRB_SYMBOL_BIT - 2) / 5; const int mix_length_max = (MRB_SYMBOL_BIT - 2) / 6; char c; const char *p; int i; mrb_sym sym = 0; mrb_bool lower = TRUE; if (len > lower_length_max) return 0; /* too long */ for (i=0; i 27) lower = FALSE; if (i >= mix_length_max) break; sym |= bits<<(i*6+SYMBOL_INLINE_SHIFT); } if (lower) { sym = 0; for (i=0; i mix_length_max) return 0; return sym | SYMBOL_INLINE; } static const char* sym_inline_unpack(mrb_sym sym, char *buf, mrb_int *lenp) { int bit_per_char = SYMBOL_INLINE_LOWER_P(sym) ? 5 : 6; int i; mrb_assert(SYMBOL_INLINE_P(sym)); for (i=0; i<30/bit_per_char; i++) { uint32_t bits = sym>>(i*bit_per_char+SYMBOL_INLINE_SHIFT) & ((1<> 6); } hash += (hash << 3); hash ^= (hash >> 11); hash += (hash << 15); return hash & 0xff; } static mrb_sym find_symbol(mrb_state *mrb, const char *name, uint16_t len, uint8_t *hashp) { mrb_sym i; symbol_name *sname; uint8_t hash; /* inline symbol */ i = sym_inline_pack(name, len); if (i > 0) return i; hash = symhash(name, len); if (hashp) *hashp = hash; i = mrb->symhash[hash]; if (i == 0) return 0; do { sname = &mrb->symtbl[i]; if (sname->len == len && memcmp(sname->name, name, len) == 0) { return i<prev == 0xff) { i -= 0xff; sname = &mrb->symtbl[i]; while (mrb->symtbl < sname) { if (sname->len == len && memcmp(sname->name, name, len) == 0) { return (mrb_sym)(sname - mrb->symtbl)<prev; } while (sname->prev > 0); return 0; } static mrb_sym sym_intern(mrb_state *mrb, const char *name, size_t len, mrb_bool lit) { mrb_sym sym; symbol_name *sname; uint8_t hash; sym_validate_len(mrb, len); sym = find_symbol(mrb, name, len, &hash); if (sym > 0) return sym; /* registering a new symbol */ sym = ++mrb->symidx; if (mrb->symcapa < sym) { if (mrb->symcapa == 0) mrb->symcapa = 100; else mrb->symcapa = (size_t)(mrb->symcapa * 6 / 5); mrb->symtbl = (symbol_name*)mrb_realloc(mrb, mrb->symtbl, sizeof(symbol_name)*(mrb->symcapa+1)); } sname = &mrb->symtbl[sym]; sname->len = (uint16_t)len; if (lit || mrb_ro_data_p(name)) { sname->name = name; sname->lit = TRUE; } else { char *p = (char *)mrb_malloc(mrb, len+1); memcpy(p, name, len); p[len] = 0; sname->name = (const char*)p; sname->lit = FALSE; } if (mrb->symhash[hash]) { mrb_sym i = sym - mrb->symhash[hash]; if (i > 0xff) sname->prev = 0xff; else sname->prev = i; } else { sname->prev = 0; } mrb->symhash[hash] = sym; return sym< 0) return mrb_symbol_value(sym); return mrb_nil_value(); } MRB_API mrb_value mrb_check_intern_cstr(mrb_state *mrb, const char *name) { return mrb_check_intern(mrb, name, strlen(name)); } MRB_API mrb_value mrb_check_intern_str(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str) { return mrb_check_intern(mrb, RSTRING_PTR(str), RSTRING_LEN(str)); } static const char* sym2name_len(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_sym sym, char *buf, mrb_int *lenp) { if (SYMBOL_INLINE_P(sym)) return sym_inline_unpack(sym, buf, lenp); sym >>= SYMBOL_NORMAL_SHIFT; if (sym == 0 || mrb->symidx < sym) { if (lenp) *lenp = 0; return NULL; } if (lenp) *lenp = mrb->symtbl[sym].len; return mrb->symtbl[sym].name; } MRB_API const char* mrb_sym_name_len(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_sym sym, mrb_int *lenp) { return sym2name_len(mrb, sym, mrb->symbuf, lenp); } void mrb_free_symtbl(mrb_state *mrb) { mrb_sym i, lim; for (i=1, lim=mrb->symidx+1; isymtbl[i].lit) { mrb_free(mrb, (char*)mrb->symtbl[i].name); } } mrb_free(mrb, mrb->symtbl); } void mrb_init_symtbl(mrb_state *mrb) { } /********************************************************************** * Document-class: Symbol * * Symbol objects represent names and some strings * inside the Ruby * interpreter. They are generated using the :name and * :"string" literals * syntax, and by the various to_sym methods. The same * Symbol object will be created for a given name or string * for the duration of a program's execution, regardless of the context * or meaning of that name. Thus if Fred is a constant in * one context, a method in another, and a class in a third, the * Symbol :Fred will be the same object in * all three contexts. * * module One * class Fred * end * $f1 = :Fred * end * module Two * Fred = 1 * $f2 = :Fred * end * def Fred() * end * $f3 = :Fred * $f1.object_id #=> 2514190 * $f2.object_id #=> 2514190 * $f3.object_id #=> 2514190 * */ /* */ /* */ /* * call-seq: * sym.id2name -> string * sym.to_s -> string * * Returns the name or string corresponding to sym. * * :fred.id2name #=> "fred" */ static mrb_value sym_to_s(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value sym) { return mrb_sym_str(mrb, mrb_symbol(sym)); } /* */ /* * call-seq: * sym.to_sym -> sym * sym.intern -> sym * * In general, to_sym returns the Symbol corresponding * to an object. As sym is already a symbol, self is returned * in this case. */ static mrb_value sym_to_sym(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value sym) { return sym; } /* */ /* * call-seq: * sym.inspect -> string * * Returns the representation of sym as a symbol literal. * * :fred.inspect #=> ":fred" */ #if __STDC__ # define SIGN_EXTEND_CHAR(c) ((signed char)(c)) #else /* not __STDC__ */ /* As in Harbison and Steele. */ # define SIGN_EXTEND_CHAR(c) ((((unsigned char)(c)) ^ 128) - 128) #endif #define is_identchar(c) (SIGN_EXTEND_CHAR(c)!=-1&&(ISALNUM(c) || (c) == '_')) static mrb_bool is_special_global_name(const char* m) { switch (*m) { case '~': case '*': case '$': case '?': case '!': case '@': case '/': case '\\': case ';': case ',': case '.': case '=': case ':': case '<': case '>': case '\"': case '&': case '`': case '\'': case '+': case '0': ++m; break; case '-': ++m; if (is_identchar(*m)) m += 1; break; default: if (!ISDIGIT(*m)) return FALSE; do ++m; while (ISDIGIT(*m)); break; } return !*m; } static mrb_bool symname_p(const char *name) { const char *m = name; mrb_bool localid = FALSE; if (!m) return FALSE; switch (*m) { case '\0': return FALSE; case '$': if (is_special_global_name(++m)) return TRUE; goto id; case '@': if (*++m == '@') ++m; goto id; case '<': switch (*++m) { case '<': ++m; break; case '=': if (*++m == '>') ++m; break; default: break; } break; case '>': switch (*++m) { case '>': case '=': ++m; break; default: break; } break; case '=': switch (*++m) { case '~': ++m; break; case '=': if (*++m == '=') ++m; break; default: return FALSE; } break; case '*': if (*++m == '*') ++m; break; case '!': switch (*++m) { case '=': case '~': ++m; } break; case '+': case '-': if (*++m == '@') ++m; break; case '|': if (*++m == '|') ++m; break; case '&': if (*++m == '&') ++m; break; case '^': case '/': case '%': case '~': case '`': ++m; break; case '[': if (*++m != ']') return FALSE; if (*++m == '=') ++m; break; default: localid = !ISUPPER(*m); id: if (*m != '_' && !ISALPHA(*m)) return FALSE; while (is_identchar(*m)) m += 1; if (localid) { switch (*m) { case '!': case '?': case '=': ++m; default: break; } } break; } return *m ? FALSE : TRUE; } static mrb_value sym_inspect(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value sym) { mrb_value str; const char *name; mrb_int len; mrb_sym id = mrb_symbol(sym); char *sp; name = mrb_sym_name_len(mrb, id, &len); str = mrb_str_new(mrb, 0, len+1); sp = RSTRING_PTR(str); sp[0] = ':'; memcpy(sp+1, name, len); mrb_assert_int_fit(mrb_int, len, size_t, SIZE_MAX); if (!symname_p(name) || strlen(name) != (size_t)len) { str = mrb_str_inspect(mrb, str); sp = RSTRING_PTR(str); sp[0] = ':'; sp[1] = '"'; } #ifdef MRB_UTF8_STRING if (SYMBOL_INLINE_P(id)) RSTR_SET_ASCII_FLAG(mrb_str_ptr(str)); #endif return str; } MRB_API mrb_value mrb_sym_str(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_sym sym) { mrb_int len; const char *name = mrb_sym_name_len(mrb, sym, &len); if (!name) return mrb_undef_value(); /* can't happen */ if (SYMBOL_INLINE_P(sym)) { mrb_value str = mrb_str_new(mrb, name, len); RSTR_SET_ASCII_FLAG(mrb_str_ptr(str)); return str; } return mrb_str_new_static(mrb, name, len); } static const char* sym_name(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_sym sym, mrb_bool dump) { mrb_int len; const char *name = mrb_sym_name_len(mrb, sym, &len); if (!name) return NULL; if (strlen(name) == (size_t)len && (!dump || symname_p(name))) { return name; } else { mrb_value str = SYMBOL_INLINE_P(sym) ? mrb_str_new(mrb, name, len) : mrb_str_new_static(mrb, name, len); str = mrb_str_dump(mrb, str); return RSTRING_PTR(str); } } MRB_API const char* mrb_sym_name(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_sym sym) { return sym_name(mrb, sym, FALSE); } MRB_API const char* mrb_sym_dump(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_sym sym) { return sym_name(mrb, sym, TRUE); } #define lesser(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(b):(a)) static mrb_value sym_cmp(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value s1) { mrb_value s2; mrb_sym sym1, sym2; mrb_get_args(mrb, "o", &s2); if (!mrb_symbol_p(s2)) return mrb_nil_value(); sym1 = mrb_symbol(s1); sym2 = mrb_symbol(s2); if (sym1 == sym2) return mrb_fixnum_value(0); else { const char *p1, *p2; int retval; mrb_int len, len1, len2; char buf1[8], buf2[8]; p1 = sym2name_len(mrb, sym1, buf1, &len1); p2 = sym2name_len(mrb, sym2, buf2, &len2); len = lesser(len1, len2); retval = memcmp(p1, p2, len); if (retval == 0) { if (len1 == len2) return mrb_fixnum_value(0); if (len1 > len2) return mrb_fixnum_value(1); return mrb_fixnum_value(-1); } if (retval > 0) return mrb_fixnum_value(1); return mrb_fixnum_value(-1); } } void mrb_init_symbol(mrb_state *mrb) { struct RClass *sym; mrb->symbol_class = sym = mrb_define_class(mrb, "Symbol", mrb->object_class); /* 15.2.11 */ MRB_SET_INSTANCE_TT(sym, MRB_TT_SYMBOL); mrb_undef_class_method(mrb, sym, "new"); mrb_define_method(mrb, sym, "id2name", sym_to_s, MRB_ARGS_NONE()); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, sym, "to_s", sym_to_s, MRB_ARGS_NONE()); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, sym, "to_sym", sym_to_sym, MRB_ARGS_NONE()); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, sym, "inspect", sym_inspect, MRB_ARGS_NONE()); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, sym, "<=>", sym_cmp, MRB_ARGS_REQ(1)); }