// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2009 Sprout Systems, Inc. and contributors. // Portions ©2008-2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licened under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== sc_require('mixins/collection_group'); sc_require('views/disclosure'); /** @class Displays a group view in a source list. Handles displaying a disclosure triangle which can be used to show/hide children. @extends SC.View @extends SC.Control @author Charles Jolley @author Erich Ocean @version 1.0 @since 0.9 */ SC.SourceListGroupView = SC.View.extend(SC.Control, SC.CollectionGroup, /** @scope SC.SourceListGroupView.prototoype */ { classNames: ['sc-source-list-group'], // .......................................................... // KEY PROPERTIES // /** The content object the source list group will display. @type SC.Object */ content: null, /** The current group visibility. Used by the source list to determine the layout size of the group. @type Boolean */ isGroupVisible: YES, /** YES if group is showing its titlebar. Group views will typically hide their header if the content is set to null. You can also override this method to always hide the header if you want and the SourceListView will not leave room for it. @type Boolean */ hasGroupTitle: YES, /** The content property key to use as the group view's title. @type String */ groupTitleKey: null, /** The content property key to use to determine if the group's children are visible or not. @type String */ groupVisibleKey: null, render: function(context, firstTime) { context.push('') ; context.push(''.fmt(sc_static('blank'))) ; context.push('') ; }, /** @private */ createChildViews: function() { }, /** @private */ contentPropertyDidChange: function(target, key) { var content = this.get('content') ; var labelView = this.outlet('labelView') ; // hide labelView if content is null. if (content == null) { labelView.setIfChanged('isVisible', NO) ; this.setIfChanged('hasGroupTitle', NO) ; return ; } else { labelView.setIfChanged('isVisible', YES) ; this.setIfChanged('hasGroupTitle', YES) ; } // set the title if that changed. var groupTitleKey = this.getDelegateProperty('groupTitleKey', this.displayDelegate) ; if ((key == '*') || (groupTitleKey && (key == groupTitleKey))) { var title = (content && content.get && groupTitleKey) ? content.get(groupTitleKey) : content; if (title != this._title) { this._title = title ; if (title) title = title.capitalize() ; labelView.set('title', title) ; } } // set the group visibility if changed var groupVisibleKey = this.getDelegateProperty('groupVisibleKey', this.displayDelegate) ; if ((key == '*') || (groupVisibleKey && (key == groupVisibleKey))) { if (groupVisibleKey) { labelView.removeClassName('no-disclosure') ; var isVisible = (content && content.get) ? !!content.get(groupVisibleKey) : YES ; if (isVisible != this.get('isGroupVisible')) { this.set('isGroupVisible', isVisible) ; labelView.set('value', isVisible) ; } } else labelView.addClassName('no-disclosure') ; } }, /** @private Called when the user clicks on the disclosure triangle */ disclosureValueDidChange: function(newValue) { if (newValue == this.get('isGroupVisible')) return; // nothing to do // update group if necessary var group = this.get('content') ; var groupVisibleKey = this.getDelegateProperty('groupVisibleKey', this.displayDelegate) ; if (group && group.set && groupVisibleKey) { group.set(groupVisibleKey, newValue) ; } // update my own value and then update my collection view. this.set('isGroupVisible', newValue) ; if (this.owner && this.owner.updateChildren) this.owner.updateChildren(true) ; }, /** @private */ labelView: SC.DisclosureView.extend({ /** Always default to open disclosures. @type Boolean */ value: YES, /** @private If the disclosure value changes, call the owner's method. Note normally you would do this with a binding, but since this is a semi- private class anyway, there is no reason to go to all that trouble. */ _valueObserver: function() { if (this.owner) this.owner.disclosureValueDidChange(this.get('value')) ; }.observes('value') }) });