#include #if !defined(GOSU_IS_IPHONE) #include #include "GraphicsImpl.hpp" #include #include #include #include using namespace std; namespace Gosu { namespace FPS { void register_frame(); } static void throw_sdl_error(const string& operation) { const char* error = SDL_GetError(); throw runtime_error(operation + ": " + (error ? error : "(unknown error)")); } static void cleanup(); SDL_Window* shared_window() { static SDL_Window* window = nullptr; if (window == nullptr) { if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0) { throw_sdl_error("Could not initialize SDL Video"); } atexit(cleanup); Uint32 flags = SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL | SDL_WINDOW_HIDDEN; #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2, 0, 1) flags |= SDL_WINDOW_ALLOW_HIGHDPI; #endif window = SDL_CreateWindow("", SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, 64, 64, flags); if (window == nullptr) { throw_sdl_error("Could not create window"); } SDL_EventState(SDL_DROPFILE, SDL_ENABLE); } return window; } static SDL_GLContext shared_gl_context() { static SDL_GLContext context = nullptr; if (context == nullptr) { #ifdef GOSU_IS_OPENGLES SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION, 1); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION, 1); #endif context = SDL_GL_CreateContext(shared_window()); if (context == nullptr) { throw_sdl_error("Could not create OpenGL context"); } } return context; } void ensure_current_context() { SDL_GL_MakeCurrent(shared_window(), shared_gl_context()); } static void cleanup() { SDL_GL_DeleteContext(shared_gl_context()); SDL_DestroyWindow(shared_window()); SDL_QuitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_VIDEO); } } struct Gosu::Window::Impl { bool fullscreen; double update_interval; bool resizable; bool resizing = false; // A single `bool open` is not good enough to support the tick() method: When close() is called // from outside the window's call graph, the next call to tick() must return false (transition // from CLOSING to CLOSED), but the call after that must return show the window again // (transition from CLOSED to OPEN). enum { CLOSED, OPEN, CLOSING } state = CLOSED; unique_ptr graphics; unique_ptr input; }; Gosu::Window::Window(unsigned width, unsigned height, bool fullscreen, double update_interval, bool resizable) : pimpl(new Impl) { #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2, 0, 5) SDL_SetWindowResizable(shared_window(), (SDL_bool)resizable); #endif // Even in fullscreen mode, temporarily show the window in windowed mode to centre it. // This ensures that the window will be centered correctly when exiting fullscreen mode. // Fixes https://github.com/gosu/gosu/issues/369 // (This will implicitly create graphics() and input(), and make the OpenGL context current.) resize(width, height, false); SDL_SetWindowPosition(shared_window(), SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED); // Really enable fullscreen if desired. resize(width, height, fullscreen); SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval(1); pimpl->update_interval = update_interval; pimpl->resizable = resizable; input().on_button_down = [this](Button button) { button_down(button); }; input().on_button_up = [this](Button button) { button_up(button); }; } Gosu::Window::~Window() { SDL_HideWindow(shared_window()); } unsigned Gosu::Window::width() const { return graphics().width(); } unsigned Gosu::Window::height() const { return graphics().height(); } bool Gosu::Window::fullscreen() const { return pimpl->fullscreen; } bool Gosu::Window::resizable() const { return pimpl->resizable; } void Gosu::Window::resize(unsigned width, unsigned height, bool fullscreen) { pimpl->fullscreen = fullscreen; int actual_width = width; int actual_height = height; double scale_factor = 1.0; double black_bar_width = 0; double black_bar_height = 0; if (fullscreen) { actual_width = Gosu::screen_width(this); actual_height = Gosu::screen_height(this); if (resizable()) { // Resizable fullscreen windows stubbornly follow the desktop resolution. width = actual_width; height = actual_height; } else { // Scale the window to fill the desktop resolution. double scale_x = 1.0 * actual_width / width; double scale_y = 1.0 * actual_height / height; scale_factor = min(scale_x, scale_y); // Add black bars to preserve the aspect ratio, if necessary. if (scale_x < scale_y) { black_bar_height = (actual_height / scale_x - height) / 2; } else if (scale_y < scale_x) { black_bar_width = (actual_width / scale_y - width) / 2; } } } else { unsigned max_width = Gosu::available_width(this); unsigned max_height = Gosu::available_height(this); if (resizable()) { // If the window is resizable, limit its size, without preserving the aspect ratio. width = actual_width = min(width, max_width); height = actual_height = min(height, max_height); } else if (width > max_width || height > max_height) { // If the window cannot fit on the screen, shrink its contents. scale_factor = min(1.0 * max_width / width, 1.0 * max_height / height); actual_width = width * scale_factor; actual_height = height * scale_factor; } } SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(shared_window(), fullscreen ? SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP : 0); if (!pimpl->resizing) { SDL_SetWindowSize(shared_window(), actual_width, actual_height); } #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2, 0, 1) SDL_GL_GetDrawableSize(shared_window(), &actual_width, &actual_height); #endif ensure_current_context(); if (!pimpl->graphics) { pimpl->graphics.reset(new Graphics(actual_width, actual_height)); } else { pimpl->graphics->set_physical_resolution(actual_width, actual_height); } pimpl->graphics->set_resolution(width, height, black_bar_width, black_bar_height); if (!pimpl->input) { pimpl->input.reset(new Input(shared_window())); } pimpl->input->set_mouse_factors(1 / scale_factor, 1 / scale_factor, black_bar_width, black_bar_height); } double Gosu::Window::update_interval() const { return pimpl->update_interval; } void Gosu::Window::set_update_interval(double update_interval) { pimpl->update_interval = update_interval; } string Gosu::Window::caption() const { const char* title = SDL_GetWindowTitle(shared_window()); return title ? title : ""; } void Gosu::Window::set_caption(const string& caption) { SDL_SetWindowTitle(shared_window(), caption.c_str()); } void Gosu::Window::show() { unsigned long time_before_tick = milliseconds(); while (tick()) { // Sleep to keep this loop from eating 100% CPU. unsigned long tick_time = milliseconds() - time_before_tick; if (tick_time < update_interval()) { sleep(update_interval() - tick_time); } time_before_tick = milliseconds(); } pimpl->state = Impl::CLOSED; } bool Gosu::Window::tick() { if (pimpl->state == Impl::CLOSING) { pimpl->state = Impl::CLOSED; return false; } if (pimpl->state == Impl::CLOSED) { SDL_ShowWindow(shared_window()); pimpl->state = Impl::OPEN; // SDL_GL_GetDrawableSize returns different values before and after showing the window. // -> When first showing the window, update the physical size of Graphics (=glViewport). // Fixes https://github.com/gosu/gosu/issues/318 int width, height; SDL_GL_GetDrawableSize(shared_window(), &width, &height); graphics().set_physical_resolution(width, height); } SDL_Event e; while (SDL_PollEvent(&e)) { switch (e.type) { case SDL_WINDOWEVENT: { switch (e.window.event) { case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SIZE_CHANGED: { if (pimpl->resizable && (width() != e.window.data1 || height() != e.window.data2)) { pimpl->resizing = true; resize(e.window.data1, e.window.data2, fullscreen()); pimpl->resizing = false; } break; } default: { break; } } break; } case SDL_QUIT: { close(); break; } case SDL_DROPFILE: { char* dropped_filedir = e.drop.file; if (dropped_filedir == nullptr) break; drop(string(dropped_filedir)); SDL_free(dropped_filedir); break; } default: { input().feed_sdl_event(&e); break; } } } Song::update(); input().update(); update(); SDL_ShowCursor(needs_cursor()); if (needs_redraw()) { ensure_current_context(); graphics().frame([&] { draw(); FPS::register_frame(); }); SDL_GL_SwapWindow(shared_window()); } if (pimpl->state == Impl::CLOSING) { pimpl->state = Impl::CLOSED; } return pimpl->state == Impl::OPEN; } void Gosu::Window::close() { pimpl->state = Impl::CLOSING; SDL_HideWindow(shared_window()); } void Gosu::Window::button_down(Button button) { bool toggle_fullscreen; // Default shortcuts for toggling fullscreen mode, see: https://github.com/gosu/gosu/issues/361 #ifdef GOSU_IS_MAC // cmd+F and cmd+ctrl+F are both common shortcuts for toggling fullscreen mode on macOS. toggle_fullscreen = button == KB_F && (Input::down(KB_LEFT_META) || Input::down(KB_RIGHT_META)) && !Input::down(KB_LEFT_SHIFT) && !Input::down(KB_RIGHT_SHIFT) && !Input::down(KB_LEFT_ALT) && !Input::down(KB_RIGHT_ALT); #else // Alt+Enter and Alt+Return toggle fullscreen mode on all other platforms. toggle_fullscreen = (button == KB_RETURN || button == KB_ENTER) && (Input::down(KB_LEFT_ALT) || Input::down(KB_RIGHT_ALT)) && !Input::down(KB_LEFT_CONTROL) && !Input::down(KB_RIGHT_CONTROL) && !Input::down(KB_LEFT_META) && !Input::down(KB_RIGHT_META) && !Input::down(KB_LEFT_SHIFT) && !Input::down(KB_RIGHT_SHIFT); #endif // F11 is supported as a shortcut for fullscreen mode on all platforms. if (!toggle_fullscreen && button == KB_F11 && !Input::down(KB_LEFT_ALT) && !Input::down(KB_RIGHT_ALT) && !Input::down(KB_LEFT_CONTROL) && !Input::down(KB_RIGHT_CONTROL) && !Input::down(KB_LEFT_META) && !Input::down(KB_RIGHT_META) && !Input::down(KB_LEFT_SHIFT) && !Input::down(KB_RIGHT_SHIFT)) { toggle_fullscreen = true; } if (toggle_fullscreen) { resize(width(), height(), !fullscreen()); } } const Gosu::Graphics& Gosu::Window::graphics() const { return *pimpl->graphics; } Gosu::Graphics& Gosu::Window::graphics() { return *pimpl->graphics; } const Gosu::Input& Gosu::Window::input() const { return *pimpl->input; } Gosu::Input& Gosu::Window::input() { return *pimpl->input; } #endif