Gets the names of all Lightweight tunnel profiles. Creates a set of Lightweight tunnel profiles. Deletes a set of Lightweight tunnel profiles. Deletes all non-system Lightweight tunnel profiles. Determines whether the specified Lightweight tunnel profiles are base profiles. A base profile sits at the base of the profile's inheritance tree, supplying the defaults for every profile derived from it. (See also is_system_profile). Determines whether the specified Lightweight tunnel profiles are system profiles. A system profile is a profile pre-configured on the system, ready for use. Non-system profiles are profiles created or modified by a user. Note that if a system profile is modified, it is no longer considered a system profile. (See also is_base_profile). Sets the existing Lightweight tunnel profile from which this set of Lightweight tunnel profiles inherits their unspecified attribute values. Gets the existing Lightweight tunnel profile from which this set of Lightweight profiles inherits its unspecified attribute values. Sets the description for a set of Lightweight tunnel profiles. This is an arbitrary field which can be used for any purpose. Gets the descriptions for a set of Lightweight tunnel profiles. Sets the lightweight tunnel file for a set of Lightweight tunnel profiles. The lightweight tunnel file consists of the following information: IPv4 address, IPv6 address prefix and the port set identifier length. This information is used to map the incoming and outgoing traffic into a specific lightweight tunnel. Please refer to the RFC 7596 for more information. The lightweight tunnel file objects are managed as part of System::LightweightTunnelTableFile interface. Gets the lightweight tunnel file for a set of Lightweight tunnel profiles. Sets the port set identifier length for a set of Lightweight tunnel profiles. Lightweight4Over6 tunnel uses an algorithm to permit the sharing of the same IPv4 address between client boxes. The port set identifier (PSID) is the key parameter to deliver traffic over the tunnel. The port set identifier length determines the maximum value of PSID for lightweight 4Over6 tunnel setup. Gets the port set identifier length for a set of Lightweight tunnel profiles. Gets the version information for this interface. Gets the names of all Lightweight tunnel profiles. Creates a set of Lightweight tunnel profiles. Deletes a set of Lightweight tunnel profiles. Deletes all non-system Lightweight tunnel profiles. Determines whether the specified Lightweight tunnel profiles are base profiles. A base profile sits at the base of the profile's inheritance tree, supplying the defaults for every profile derived from it. (See also is_system_profile). Determines whether the specified Lightweight tunnel profiles are system profiles. A system profile is a profile pre-configured on the system, ready for use. Non-system profiles are profiles created or modified by a user. Note that if a system profile is modified, it is no longer considered a system profile. (See also is_base_profile). Sets the existing Lightweight tunnel profile from which this set of Lightweight tunnel profiles inherits their unspecified attribute values. Gets the existing Lightweight tunnel profile from which this set of Lightweight profiles inherits its unspecified attribute values. Sets the description for a set of Lightweight tunnel profiles. This is an arbitrary field which can be used for any purpose. Gets the descriptions for a set of Lightweight tunnel profiles. Sets the lightweight tunnel file for a set of Lightweight tunnel profiles. The lightweight tunnel file consists of the following information: IPv4 address, IPv6 address prefix and the port set identifier length. This information is used to map the incoming and outgoing traffic into a specific lightweight tunnel. Please refer to the RFC 7596 for more information. The lightweight tunnel file objects are managed as part of System::LightweightTunnelTableFile interface. Gets the lightweight tunnel file for a set of Lightweight tunnel profiles. Sets the port set identifier length for a set of Lightweight tunnel profiles. Lightweight4Over6 tunnel uses an algorithm to permit the sharing of the same IPv4 address between client boxes. The port set identifier (PSID) is the key parameter to deliver traffic over the tunnel. The port set identifier length determines the maximum value of PSID for lightweight 4Over6 tunnel setup. Gets the port set identifier length for a set of Lightweight tunnel profiles. Gets the version information for this interface. The ProfileLightweight4Over6Tunnel interface provides Lightweight tunnel function over the network interface. The ProfileLightweight4Over6Tunnel is an IPv4-over-IPv6 tunneling protocol to deliver IPv4 unicast service across an IPv6 infrastructure. This process controlled by a Lightweight tunnel file table and port set id length are embedded in lightweight tunnel profile. As the address mapping information is embedded in the packet itself, Lightweight tunnel profile is stateless.