en: invitations: &invitations label: &label Invitations breadcrumbs: label: *label buttons: &buttons new: Invite a New Team Member create: Create Invitation update: Update Invitation destroy: Cancel join_team: 'Join %{team_name}' logout: 'Logout' confirmations: destroy: Are you sure you want cancel the invitation to %{invitation_name}? The invitation they've received will no longer work. This can't be undone. fields: &fields id: _: &id Invitation ID label: *id heading: *id api_title: *id api_description: *id email: _: &email Email Address label: *email heading: *email api_title: *email api_description: *email uuid: name: &uuid Invitation UUID label: *uuid heading: *uuid api_title: *uuid api_description: *uuid from_membership_id: name: &from_membership_id Who sent ID label: *from_membership_id heading: *from_membership_id api_title: *from_membership_id api_description: *from_membership_id team_id: name: &team_id Team ID label: *team_id heading: *team_id api_title: *team_id api_description: *team_id roles: &role_ids name: &roles Special Privileges label: *roles heading: *roles api_title: *roles api_description: *roles role_ids: *role_ids # 🚅 super scaffolding will insert new fields above this line. created_at: name: &created_at Sent heading: *created_at api_title: *created_at api_description: *created_at updated_at: name: &updated_at Updated heading: *updated_at api_title: *updated_at api_description: *updated_at index: section: "Invitations for %{team_name}" header: Team Member Invitations description: We've sent the following invitations. fields: *fields buttons: *buttons show: join_team: 'Join %{team_name}' header: Team Invitation has_invited: "%{user_name} has invited you to join %{team_name}." alert: "This invitation was emailed to %{invitation_email}, but you're currently signed in as %{user_email}." you_can: "You can either:" accept_the_invitation: "Accept the invitation below and you'll join the team as %{user_email}." sign_out: "Sign out below, re-click the link in your email, and either sign into another account or create a new account." fields: *fields buttons: *buttons form: &form invite_as: 'Invite as %{role_key}' buttons: *buttons new: section: New Invitation for %{team_name} header: New Invitation Details description: We'll email them a link where they can sign up to join your team. form: *form notifications: edit_message: We don't support editing invitations because it introduces security problems. Please remove and recreate them. welcome: 'Welcome to %{team_name}!' created: 'Invitation was successfully created.' updated: 'Invitation was successfully updated.' destroyed: 'Invitation was successfully destroyed.' resent: 'Invitation was successfully resent.' resent_error: Sorry, we couldn't find an invitation to resend. doesnt_exist: Sorry, but we couldn't find your invitation. Please contact an administrator on the team to have them send you another one. values: name: 'Invitation to Join %{team_name}' account: invitations: *invitations activerecord: attributes: invitation: email: *email role_ids: *roles # 🚅 super scaffolding will insert new activerecord attributes above this line. created_at: *created_at